soros is going to die tomorrow.

Other urls found in this thread:

Hopeful if doubtful

Digits confirm

peace be upon you soldier against a common enemy

I wish, it'd be a nice christmas gift, even if someone else is simply going to take his place anyway.

I wish
>tfw it's unlikely

You better deliver!

Plz habibi don't lie to me.

Nah. They'll get fresh Baby Blood for him to suck up.

If you are being serious, then I wish you luck m8. Happy hunting.

He can't die.

thats what they said about rockefeller


those digits.


If he dies tomorrow I will eat my maga hat


Kill the dirty fucker.

Well there is a National Emergency.

> link related

This fucker literally funds terrorist organizations

Israel is a terrorist organization.

why hasn't he been executed yet?

Big if true

put me in the screencap if true
these diggies say so

Won't mean anything unless his offspring die too. Don't do a halfassed job.

>If he dies tomorrow I will eat my maga hat
No you wont, stop being stupid.

>If he dies tomorrow I will eat my maga hat

Yes, and all those famous people will go to canada if trump win.

the digits in this thread. forever 44


Because he isn't going to die

Fuck off back to /sg/ al urduni, you autist

You're done motherfucker. Never fuck with Soros

and a million tortured souls can finally rest in peace

Digits and he'll take Merkel with him.

If numerals Hillary goes too

Why would someone in Jordan want Soros gone?

He should stay alive. His SONS should be disposed of first, so Soros can see his future die before he actually does. THEN we slip some polonium in his prune juice.


>op post ends in 759
>soros is going to die at 7:59 tomorrow


No he won't die but something will happen user and it's worse than you can imagine.

i will tell you this, someone already died and the biggest shitstorm will come soon resulting in the collapse of UK

Does anyone have the Soros shekels meme?

mods should ban larping on sight

is it just me or Soros face doesn't even look human?

Ding ding ding
He’s not.

I-is there any "evidanz" of that?

What kind of world do we live in where the only way for our enemy to be defeated is us having to wait for them to die of old age?

No one implied that he is. Clearly just a rotting skinsuit.


I don't give a rip about Soros one way or another, but I'll always treasure his ability to trigger the Reichtards. Comedy gold, every time.

Can I hear more about this?


A world where nobody has any balls. If you have nothing to lose, then go for it. Become a hero.

Will it be death by ass-raping?

check 'em

Not tomorrow, but in February

Seriously, who died? I can probably connect the dots easily....

soros dies in pain checkem

By my numbers he ends tomorrow

>believing a vampire can die of old age
/nu-pol/ is fucking stupid.

What did he mean by this?

suicide by 2 undiagnosed heart conditions to the back of the head

K-keep me posted

My dearest Hodaya,

By now the news of our defeat has reached Israel... the creatures we were sent here to tame are untamable, and the countries we were sent to subvert have proven to be stronger than we had anticipated.. Whatever you may hear of what has happened here, know this... George did not die gloriously in battle.. I killed him, my pride killed him, and now my pride has consumed me as well.. You will never see me again Hodaya tell our children that i love them and that their father died in defense of their future...


Did Benjamin Fulford tell you?

I already spent my luck getting 666 in another thread, but I wish to Holiday Kek that this happens.

Soros have frequent blood transfusion little babies to keep him alive so it's not gonna happen. And death is not enough punishment for him anyway.


go to bed its 3am

Hello kike. Everyone know you retards have to censor yourselves.

Benjamin Fulford, a Canadian-japanese covert Journalist had said in fluent japanese that "George soros wa korosa"

You better not be bullshitting about this.

hey I actually have starcraft on my computer.

This I actually capped

وقف الكذب واسأل الله المغفرة

Fake and...

You wouldn't keep your promise anyways

Wishful thinking is all this larping thread is.

It's free now on though the remastered version costs money

what did kek mean by this?

haha last year (xmas time) BF posted "word is out GS is dead..."
> inb4 old news

Fake and strapped and gagged unicorn?


Redditfags out

I downloaded the free one but not the remastered.

doesn't matter because he already gave his son full power and money and instructions

I hope so,
Also Jews love Black cock

He's old as shit, I wouldn't be surprised.

Same jordanian retard who's been spamming mutts all day. Is your desert shit hole that boring?

Big if factual

Great, you don't know the trouble I went through trying to properly boot it or fix the glitched colors + sounds before Blizzard fixed it and gave it away.
I was worried I may never play it again because of my hardware.

screen cap this, Soros is going to cry tomorrow

fuck you larping faggot

I just saw him and he's just fine mate. Take a hike you manchild

>Soros is going to cry tomorrow
Someone order him a clown.

why can't fashfags understand capitalism?
Corporate serfdom is caused by fascist (interventionist) economics, not free market capitalism, you absolute retard

Why collapse of the UK?

*tips fedora*

Soros controls the digits here, not Kek

>Soros controls the digits here
The money digits maybe but not the real ones

You mean like the free market hands off policies and deregulatory ways the government had with American corporations during the turn of the 1900's? Yeah, it was a fucking shit show.