Who is Blast?


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A jobber

a guy so powerful and bored that he rather just continue on with a normie life and work a salary job.

He's Saitama that applied ages ago, was recognized, and not he or anybody remembers.

Saitama's father.

Was Saitama that strong when he had hair?

Tatsumaki knows who Blast is.

I'm guessing someone who achieved their power the same way Saitama did, but didn't go far enough to lose his hair.

we've already seen him
read the webcomic

the killer cyborg that Genos is searching for

It's obviously saitama. Tats was just remembering him with hair, it's probably rubble or smoke on bald saitama and it's gonna be a gag that he was rank one the whole time.

Saitama didn't even broke his limiter at that point in time.
Unless there is some kind of time travel involved it can't be him.

Putting Saitama in a perfect vacuum without anything to propel himself off of would effectively immobilize him right?

Until he throws a punch

why do you think this needs to subscribe to the laws of physics at all? saitama doesnt get blown 20 miles backwards when he throws a punch like he should, which should happen regardless how strong he is unless he throws a punch straight to the sky, in which case the ground would explode, but that doesnt happen either

>who is Geryuganshoop

>has a job
>has a family
>is a hero for a hobby
>is not around much because he has other shit to worry about in his life besides his hobby, not like he can just lounge around with a gay robot all day.

Blast is literally the anti-Saitama.

>implying his punch won't just interact with the quantum vacuum to propel him
>implying the laws of conservation of momentum still holds true in 2017

the old guy behind iaian

>is a hero for a hobby
kinda also saitama but he also gains with his hobby win-win situation

18 yrs ago she met blast. saitama is 25. 25 -18 = 7. Saitama = blast confirmed

mob is blast