Why The Jew Hate? It's Actually your Fault

Why do you hate Jews? Don't you know they have enough shit to deal with in Israel with
the whole world against them too. They hate Muslims, and it's Islam that's one of the biggest factor
in white genocide and the destruction of the West, not Jews.

What proof do you have that they're behind white genocide? It seems like an excuse for your incompetence to please
today's white women and to man up and face the problem yourself other than posting anti-semite shit on the internet.
It's our leaders letting in more immigrants, which the majority of white people voting for them(in Europe), it's weak white people
that are behind white genocide, why can't you accept that fact? You can have as many white babies as you want, no Jew
is stopping you; but you can't, because pretty much the whole alt-right is full of beta faggots; in fact, losers always blame
other people for their failures, and the white lefties are stuck in white-guilt that they brought upon themselves which leads
them to bend over and vote for policies and weak leaders that destroys us.

So you're actually to blame. Israel and the Jews have their own problems. Why would they weaken their own allies? It
makes no sense. Jews have been a big contribution to the West, a lot of them are extremely intelligent. Even our conservative
media representations like Ben Shapiro are a much better face to the movement than that fag Milo, and those meme youtubers
like Blair White, seriously a fucking tranny? Some of you people prefer that thing over Shapiro, holyshit. This is why I can't take
Jew hate seriously. I respect the Jews and the shit they go through with the whole world hating on them, they're literally the most
persecuted and racially discriminated group, ever, so stop blaming them on your inability to keep your families and lines in check.

Other urls found in this thread:


The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

I think there’s a resurgence of racism because at this point in time Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural, and I think we’re gonna be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural. Israel is not going to be the monolithic society that they once were in the last century. Europeans are going to be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Israel to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and freedom loving citizens of the world will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Israel will not survive.

>le jews will bakstab u

Seriously? So all Jews are programmed to backstab anyone? I've spoke to some Jews, some come off as arrogant,
but I can completely understand since they receive hate from every side, plus the internet is full of Jew hatred, it's not
a nice thing knowing everyone hates you, you can understand their backlashes.

Yeah and white people are allowing this to happen by voting for leaders that ALLOW this. If we're all controlled,
then how did Hitler raise to power? Thought so. Also it's clear parliament in my country hates Israel too. Trump
is the only one standing up for them.

>Why do you hate Jews
Not all, personally , but he leading squad.
>Don't you know they have enough shit to deal with in Israel with
the whole world against them too.
China, India, Africa.
>It seems like an excuse for your incompetence to please
today's white women and to man up...
Maybe for some people but still not the majority
>It's our leaders letting in more immigrants
Which work under jewish pressure. Do you really think that all your leaders are chosen by meritocracy rules? I have bad news for you
>You can have as many white babies as you want, no Jew is stopping you ..
Do not underestimate the propoganda
>Why would they weaken their own allies
Would not call you Israel and Europe and allience since one is always helping another.

In general , they sell sins. If you look ar other cutures they have some sort of taboo on this kind of things, where jews are completely ok with that. Do not forget : It is a big bussiness .

I'm asking for proof, not babble.

Yeah, this thread is near the bottom of the page, yet more irrational jew hating threads receive
a lot of attention. You guys just want to attack people that are already down, not focus on yourself
and fix your own problems.

I'm a degenerate dyke and even i know you're full of shit op.


every day you come here pretending to ignore the blows we've dealt you. you are truly scum.

Hitler was right.

post yfw israel will cease to exist in your lifetime

>this is proof
Hahahhaha, holyshit. I am scum for bringing a sound argument to the table of Jew hate?
You do know I can dig up posts from muslims saying they're british but want the death
for actual british people.

what do you want? we post legions of proof of jewish meddling in the media every day here, of jewish control of banks and universities, of their representation of wealth and the highest ammount of money and status. today we have people attacking the white male as the universal top elite moral degenerate using their money to screw the population, but the truth is its the jews who are doing that for the most part.

You ignore this proof every day, you dismiss evidence out of hand and offer nothing in return in your own posts as rhetoric about how these are somehow exceptions. you can be linked to proof after proof and you'll dodge and flee, to some other notion, just as we've been over hereSo your next move onto the special claim of notallmuslims.
#hashtag watch this video.
Soon enough it will be clear why your daydream of exceptions is bullshit

jews are some 2% or so of the population, there is no excuse to say that the positions of media and government and banking being filled to the brim with jews has nothing to do with them being jews.

Haaah, listening to a complete failure and madman and denying the holocaust? Holyshit, the alt-right is
just as bad as the alt-left.

You do know if Hitler would of won, that dyke that just posted bs would be sent to the chamber and a huge percentage
of you autists too for being sub-human.

Here's a classic tale. A tale old as time.

Train driver and a conductor are chatting in the cab.
Driver says: "Hey, I gotta check the engine in the back, I'll be back real soon. Stay here for a minute and don't touch anything, everything will be alright."
Driver goes to the back, the train goes crashing through the woods, the passengers are screaming, the children are crying. The train is turning left and right and left and right, plowing through the fields and suddenly goes back on the tracks as if nothing happened.
The driver rushes to the cab and asks the conductor: "What the hell happened?"
Conductor says: "There was a Jew on the tracks!"
Driver says: "Well you should have run him over, the dirty rat!"
Conductor says: "I tried, he ran off the tracks!"

The alt right is a kike psy op. Whatcha doin rabbi?

>they're literally the most persecuted and racially discriminated group, ever

I wonder if there's a reason for that, Chaim



many here want to linch me, but in germany i would just be forced to marry a husband and do what I'm told. you've offered nothing but cliche laughing, you pretend to want proof, but offer no proof of your own and only laugh at proof provided, dismissing it in your own rhetoric. Even your view of nazi germany is tainted, since you do not understand how they actually treated lesbians. It's no pleasure cruise and I wouldnt put my trust in the right, but that doesn't mean I'm going to trust my rights in the hands of idiots and jews importing muslims who want to play rooftop shotput with me and refuse to shake my hand because muh menstration. Only the foolish would in their desperation for food take cheese from your mouse trap, your gay and womens rights advocation is nothing more than a pleasant ruise before the guillotine drops/

>Why do you hate Jews?
i don't, I'm just in it for the memes

>What proof do you have that they're behind white genocide?
some proof i guess, although all of it points to socialists doing this shit

>Why would they weaken their own allies?
They won't, mudslimes would like this though, they want to play the global victim card, they have gipsy morals and love acting pathetic in order to manipulate peoples opinion.

alt right may be a kike psi op now for all I know but it definately used to just be the right wing usenet group alt.right.



Ishmael - Isaac. Judaism- Islam have more in common with one another than Christianity. christcucks will get it bad

>its another "pretend you are in favor of jews to provoke nazis into raging about jews".

>Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural
multicultural is a fucking meme, it's never been done / does not work

Balfour Declaration, Lavon Affair, USS Liberty

Nuke Israel, Free America


>Judaism- Islam
sure but mudslimes hate jews, and ashkenazi jews lived for 1000 years in the west, they are kind of european.

Mudslimes however breed with somalis

Anything on white genocide? Thought so. Also I can bring historical proof on
persecution of blacks, are they behind any mastermind plan?

Still no proof. Ah, it's obvious now why you're a dyke and raging on here, I guess Chad who rejected you was Jewish
too? Thought so. I guess one thing the alt-right is right about is that a woman shouldn't step up to a man in an argument.

Yep, Islam is the real threat. I've seen scholars recite their scriptures and saying how they want to destroy the West.

>ignoring the fact israel shouldn't exist

fucking kys


We spend billions on Israel for no reason while they backstab us. Also USS Liberty.

Palishits have the decency to stay in their own shithole

Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukah from a Lebanese Christian. I couldn't care less if Israelis glass Leb Muslims, they're primates who committed atrocities in the 80s.

OP, you're right about most of that. The only Redpill is that whites are predisposed to being cucks, and no amount of conspiracy will fix that. They were cucks in pagan Europe when they acted like fags and worshipped mother goddess trash. It was us Christians of the orient that forced them to act conservative. Europe only ever United, and the west was only ever decent, when it followed Christ.
Muslims may say they're the solution to degeneracy, but they're just another form of perversion with their savagery, rape, and retardedness. My grandparents told me stories of the orient back when more Christians and Jews lived there, and compared to today's Middle East, it was truly a Holy Land. Muslims are taking advantage of whites' disgusting weakness.

> but muh Jew!!

The only Jews in media are atheistic and disgusting, and they're always European trash liberal Jews. Israelis hate them more than you do.
Based OP. Israeli-Christian Orient alliance when.

>hurrff still no proof
>ignored all the proof so far
>ignores the video proof
>provides no counter evidence once again
classic jewery. To argue in this court, you must present evidence.

And they backstab us? How? By the Israeli intelligence agency complying with us and thwarting many
terrorist attacks in Europe? How dare they!

Still no proof, really. Truly, if Hitler was reigning most of you would be scared shitless begging Nazism not to
be implemented, as it would completely destroy your ways of life. There's tons of autists, fags, trannies, and
the whole spectrum of degenerates on here that larp the whole nazi thing just as the alt-left larps communism
and would not even survive in such a state.

Jews do not care for christcucks
>muh we're the saviors of white peepo
>follows a religion that explicitly tells you to be ready to kill your family on gods command

>Happy Hannukah


The only reason why Islam is a big factor in white genocide is because the Jews are using them as their golem. They are the people of clay that are being used to weaken the people of iron.

nice dodge, change the topic to something you think you can win at. but was we've already discussed, the changes the jew wants to bring are just another guillotine, the choice is between crazed nazies and communistic jews.

Yep, finally a good reply. Yeah the modern day Jew is just like the modern day Christian, all watered-down.
I can tell you're a real Christian too, I've spoken to other real Christians and they've said similar things.

Also isn't it said in the Bible Jews will be the main target? Funny that being true nowadays. Islam also
depicts the religion the anti-Christ too. Even though I'm not religious, very interesting.

First off all; sage goes in all fields.
>why do you hate the people that relentlessly focus on destroying your people and is the 0.1% elite of the world, promoting all things evil, degenerate and destruction
You tell me, filthy schlomo. you decided to ally with your circumcised filthy muslim brothers to destroy us while you claim "omg we are victims, just look how evil the people we invaded and stole land from act against us"
>literally no losses, just a fake shill org that control your concentration camp that sometimes fire some pieces of clay that never hurts anyone
silly kike, you have worked with saudi dogs since long before you tricked the low-iq burgers to destroy Saddam Hussein.
Saddam knew who his enemy was; he literally fired SCUD´s on "israel" and saudi arabia.

Too bad he didnt manage to kill you, the virus that infect this world

White people should blame themselves for falling for jewish tricks so easily

you have it the wrong way round.
Europeans becoming multicultural will cease to exist.
Israel wont fall for that stupid liberal shit.
They have feminists too. And they are unruly cunts.

I myself dont understand how Israel is fueling the illegal immigration to The european continent. They too have problems with illegal immigrants coming in from Ethiopia and Eritrea.

>Why do you hate Jews? Don't you know they have enough shit to deal with in Israel with the whole world against them too.

So, we should only hate people that have enough room on their plate for it? Are you listening to yourself?

sage your literal self

The aswers are in this documetary

>>you decided to ally with your circumcised filthy muslim brothers
you fucking kidding me?

Muslims have a psyhotic hatred of jews.
If this is true, why do islam following shitheads refer to jews as apes and pigs?

why the fuck would muslims collude with jews when they know a jewess poisoned their piece of shit prophet mohammed?

some of the huge ammount of altruistic donations gets funneled into the black market people running border hopping opperations, others get fueled into the media to get a surge of media outlets showing and fighting for acceptance of people coming in by ship. they control the ships, and the public perception that begs for them to be let inside the country without restriction. there was a thread showing a ton of boats filtering people in off the north african coast. with the christkikes relentlessly shilling no birth control and the nigger failures of societal stability and medicine, there will always be fresh influx of these people. american and jewish gibs ensures that these people remain fueled by food so the next generation doesn't starve even as they try to get the fuck out of the shithole that they know there is an escape to thanks to the missionary work.

Even now, catholicism channels in christmas encourage people to take immigrants into their homes as a form of christly generosity and humbleness, regardless of the consiquences. and thanks to the absolute state of christianity they will reach a wide audiance of christfags willing to do just that because they've learned to accept that their sky wizard is an abscent father who gives them no proof or anything and that's okay. so it is that they have no reason to question outsiders.

Yeah keep going you batshit insane whore, you're still not providing any real evidence,
just as a woman usually would.

First off, I am white as fuck, my grandparents worked with the Nazis, I've seen my
grandfather's medals he worked on their engines and witnessed undisclosed nazi aircraft which
would blow peoples minds if they knew. Jews working with muslims? HAHAHAH.

Yeah holyshit this Jew strawman thing is hilarious. You guys are no different from those retards
on facebook posting Illuminati conspiracies, same shit just repackaged. See? You're accusing me
of random shit I didn't do, just as the Jews. This is the alt-right's logic and way of arguing. This is
why you guys can't pull shit off out there. Only make memes on the internet while Jews like Shapiro
who spreads messages of traditionalism is actually doing America a real favor than you retards yet
you guys bash him for just being a Jew.

muslims aren't allied back, theyre just a tool. get them in to destroy and dismantle the zeitgeist of liberalism in the west. One way or another, its finished, either the right will take over, or the conservative religions will rise again. the jews themselves have nothing to fear from muslims, they control so much of the worlds wealth, resources and media, that its impossible for them to get into a situation they can't handle from underequiped dunecoons.

Israel dosent exist the Jew plague created that myth Palestine. Is what it is was and ever will be

>you dont provide real evidence
not an argument, you have not shown how my evidence is wrong, nor even acknowledged any of your own shortcomings, and have moved onto new topics and deftly try to ignore the topics you fail at, this is no surprise and no one here is fooled.

Yes I know of those charity organizations.
Chief among them is that Hungarian jew nazi shrivelled testicle George Soros.

But even the Israeli Government hate him and are sick of his shit because he funds Israeli liberals, that are very much like today's western liberals and Feminists. Those feminists are every bit the dumb they are in the western world too.

sure theyre ""upset"" but thats the average person wrankling under the power of a superior, theyre not upset enough to blow the lid on jews and their corrosive effects, they just resent the problems he gives them, instead of resenting him for his corrosive jewery.

Yes that's nice.
The straw man is so dry and fine I could set it alight.

>Be Jewish
>Know Muslims hate you
>Swindle your way into stealing Palestine, push Palestinians off their ancestral homeland
>Whine about predictable backlash, assume mantle of victimhood

Poor Jews

How can I argue with you when you posted a Holocaust denial image and claim
that's evidence? You're next level hyper-dimensional stupid.

It's just fucking hilarious seriously watch them argue.

The Jews just want to claim their holyland back. I would love to see Europe back as it
is, it's the same enemy that are entering both of our homelands, breeding like 5 kids each family,
spreading messages of hate and actually commiting terrorism - yet we're supposed to pin this on
the Jew. I don't get it. It's our own leaders that are doing it, why do all of the super multi-cultural leaders
that are allowing it in Europe hate Israel and let muslims smash Jewish businesses and etc here and they
don't get arrested.

I like to see proof, I see the real enemy, not an imaginary person I'm supposed to fight, like how? Retards.

It's truly sickening that most Americans still don't see it for what it is

Fuck off faggot SAGE kike lovers.

>it’s your fault goy
Fuck off kike

Y like a nation that helped form ISIS; attacked the USA on 9/11 and is behind most of the frauds bedeviling the world, like the HOLLOW cost fraud and the fiat debt-based currency schemes?

"Their holyland" lmao!

Tell me, how many Palestinians do you know that have German, Polish and Russian last names? I can think of plenty of "Israelis" that do

Kek, have a trad cutie

Don't forget to throw in some white phosphorus on the side!

>how can I even argue with you when you post evidence about a sacred cow topic you aren't supposed to ever question?
look at this jew, look at him and laugh.
All you have to do, is present evidence. but you wont, you'll do anything to keep the topic away from it, because you know you have nothing to say that can disprove it. I've seen this behavior time and again on polfags as well, but jews seem especially prone to avoiding any topic they know they will get roasted in. You should honestly be thanking me that we're talking about the holocaust at all and not jewish-run genocides.

Just be a good person and they won't hate you.

Be a shit person and get exiled from 100 nations.

It's a historical fact and it's going to be no different when the whites claim back Europe from
the muslims in the future, if they have the balls. Oh by the way, the palestinians retreated, so their
blame should be on the incompetent muslim countries that assured them victory.

Usually Europeans and larping Stormfags blame jews for everything.
It is a niggertier thing to do to blame other people for your problems and not accept them.

This board is being completely ruined with all the jew shit, its just getting tired. Especially all the stupid fucking buzzwords they say

Jews going to jew. Hail victory

So you're gonna blame the allies of the country that lost a war instead of the country that actually started the war on stolen land? #KikeSpotted

Fun fact, Palestine was under 5% Jewish 100 years ago under Ottoman rule. All those other "Israelis" came from somewhere else

The land was lost under military conquest you fucking moron.
And they lost even more land when they tried to gang up on Israel and lost a bunch of land in an offensive war.

I have, it's muslims that are gang raping white children here, jihadis returning home and being paid
for just being back here, millions of imports of immigrants and passports thrown at them. I don't see the Jew here.
I know who it is, it's the spineless white man and our leaders who even hate Israel. Funny enough I saw a LGBT parade(which consists
of your kind) begging to gov to boycott Israel and SAVE THE POOR MUSLIMS.

I know once we get rid of the immigrants and stronghold of Islamic people and our delusional liberal views everything will
be fine socially. Destroying Israel and some mass Jew genocide you guys beg for won't change a thing here, just more muslim
babies and bent over politicians in power. Islam is a cancer.

Do be this deluded as stil browse /pol
Are you okay in the head burger?

Again, what is your point? The kikes are now innocent of imperialistic landgrabbing because they won the war? We're not arguing who won or lost past wars, we're arguing who belongs there.

Your Slotskys and Goldbergs don't - they belong in Eastern Europe where they're from.

nice meme senpai
who should we blame for meddling in our politics. the media? almost entirely jews
the banks? run by jews
our education system? run by jews
our elite interest groups? dominated once again by jews
the biggest mistake the white race ever made was denying our people usury because of christcukery. it let the jewish people get a foothold in one of the most important industries in the world and now we pay for it ever day. but to say jews have nothing to do with it would imply that it is stricktly random coincidences that these industries and income levels being perpetually inhabited by almost nothing but jews at the highest levels. Thats rediculous. their jewishness does have something to do with it.

I have a lot of free time.
My work is also very cyclical in terms of intensity.

The military conquer deserves the land.
This isnt a game show you fucking moron, there is no prize winner, this is how nations are made.

>loves jews enough to come on pol and defend them
>hates Muslims

You fell for the deus vult meme hard eh, how does it feel being such an infantile delusional faggot.

> oy vey goyim come fight to displace people’s for israeli living space

>hurf I'll dodge the topic again
Okay so when are you going to address the topic. you demanded evidence and proof, and now you wont talk about evidence and proof, you constantly run to a topic you think you can win to.

Blame our fucking politicians, our ceos, our judges, congress, the senate.

The white race is a stupid meme you need to stop immediately. White people have been genociding each other since Roman times, you are not a unified race.


then you have nothing to complain about being erased by jews because might makes right, its not okay to be white and its time for you to pull the trigger.

You'll regret your stance as you watch America crumble fighting more unnecessary wars for Israel

Yea if my country gets conquered, Ill be dead because I will be fighting, not a pussy refugee.

>people who own our banks, media, governments
>nah itz da muslims based jewz xddd
nu/pol/ ftw

Yea buddy, people have been saying America is crumbling for almost 70 years.


Oy Vey, by the Protocols, the Goyim know! Shut it down!

>blame our politicians
lobbied for by jews
and often are jews
>our ceos
often are jews
>our judges
2% jews get 33% representation or more on the SCOTUS,
>rest of government
all bends to the jews before us
voting interests does not matter,

fpbp. sage JIDF merchant threads.

Based Obergrupenfurher Spectre.

Just stop being Jewish and we won't have a problem. A buddy of mine from highschool was born into a Jewish family. He renounced his faith and vowed to not date another Jewish woman. Suddenly he's just a regular dude. Learn from my friend in highschool, it will save you a lot of grief.

America has historically been too white/productive to crumble and arguably still is, but that will soon change

Yea, there are not many jews in Congress or the Senate so you are wrong there.

There are some jewish CEOs but it is in meaningless fields like media and shit.
I care more about what our real industrial CEOs do, only fucking morons watch the news.

That is our own fault, and we need to accept our mistake.
Blaming it on others is what niggers do.

>media doesn't matter
yeah its irrelevant I mean who would ever care about the billions wasted on political campaigns on the media. that shit just means nothing and has no affect on policy.

Nah man, when I see a problem right in front of me, I like to address it than resort to conspiracies, if we
get rid of our problems that are right in front of us then our problems would be gone, isn't not? Just because a
religion claims that their members are superior, like pretty much all religions, doesn't mean there's some world

Dodging what you stupid fucking whore? I demand for evidence, you didn't provide. You're latching on like a dog. Fuck off.
By the way, I assume you're American so you don't see muslims and terrorism as the problem yet, that's because a pro-israeli,
Trump is actually doing a goddamn thing about it you fucking cunt, which I wish we had someone like that here to fix the issues than
babble complete and utter horseshit. I like to get things done, solve problems, not imagine whos behind it all.

Btw it's pretty funny to see the European leaders act so hostile against "Jewish Puppet" Trump. I thought they were owned too?

Kike shills FUCK OFF you will never change this board to your will.

All that shit is meaningless.
Oh no the big bad media tells me something so I have to believe it. Fucking grow up and learn to think for yourself, just because you dont follow the mainstream doesnt mean you arent a sheep.

Your a total sheep for following the /pol hivemind that doesnt think independently.

Here we see a simpleton thinking that a CEO has more sway than the kike shareholders than control major stakes in every major industry under the western sun.

A CEO is a hired employee. He works for the people who actually own the company and does what he can to please the owners as part of his job description.

Jews own the media.
The world still hates the Jews.

Wow they are so powerful they are going to destroy my way of life and race.

You watch too many movies to think shareholders really have that much sway.