Wtf is wrong with numale soyboys?

wtf is wrong with numale soyboys?

When will politicians finally fix that?

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When it becomes a problem for them, duh.


Why would I care for people not in my in group?

wtf is wrong with Sup Forums?

There real question here is wtf is wrong with american numales.

Some autistic yuorpeans are going insane because americans get nice things and have fun with their freetime rather than have to worry about their white women being raped by refugees.

Lol imagine sitting in your room alone and bitterly criticizing other people who are enjoying the holidays with their family

imagine sitting in your room alone and pretending to accomplish something in a fantasy world while simultaneously fucking up your brain's reward system

Imagine being so autistic you literally don't know the difference between smiling for a photograph and soyface mouth gaping

Lol. Imagine thinking being an adult child is productive.

Yeah lol imagine having fun what a joke

You're identical to a welfare coon. "When will duh big gubmint fix muh problems??????"

Janitor pls

this is only an argument if you can prove rewards in video games are worth less than rewards elsewhere, AND that there is a moral imperative (not just your autistic screeching) to earn rewards elsewhere at the exclusion of video games.

your move

there's a difference between having fun playing videogames, and being an adult child numale soyboy. Learn the difference.

Numales are just symptoms of capitalism. Under an actual communist government they would be forced to harden up through labor/hardship and not have the free time to spend watching rick n morty. Because they'd be working in the fields or factories to benefit society instead of being inside watching ricknmorty, their muscles and testoterone levels wouldn't atrophy and they would be only concerned with providing for family and fatherland.

why is it up to politicians to fix men and not their parents? fuck this thread.

I got my parents vouchers for their favourite store. I also got them gifts like fine wines.

If by age 23 you are getting more from your parents then you are sending them, you are a manchild.

>Learn the difference.
other than pejoratives used, you've demonstrated none.

> Under an actual communist government they would be forced to harden up through labor/hardship and not have the free time to spend watching rick n morty. Because they'd be working in the fields or factories to benefit society instead of being inside watching ricknmorty, their muscles and testoterone levels wouldn't atrophy and they would be only concerned with providing for family and fatherland.
sounds fun


Pure decadence. Hedonism, selfishness and individualistic greed are what destroy society.

does this include all forms of fun or just the kind you partake in (videogames)?

Yeah those sure are awful terrible things. We should be more like Africa where everyone is starving and killing each other but at least they're not playing mario.

found the reason why it's all over Sup Forums

Somewhere in white America today, a kid got his future school shooting gun.

I wish my folks still got me gifts.
This year I got presents for my parents, my sister, my kid, my wife and her parents. My sister and kid both made me cards and play-doh dinasours, my wife got me a chinese replica of a airsoft gun I've been looking at all year (literally cheap plastic). I'm not mad at her, she doesn't understand these things and thought it was the same thing (but €400 cheaper).
That night I just stood up by myself drinking the blue label I "gifted" myself and smoking a cigar. All the while realising "I spent almost €2000 on gifts and all I got was a chinese bb gun".
I used to love Christmas and now I just want to cry. Growing up sucks.

A numale soyboy obsesses over videogames. They obsess over movies. They obsess over worthless, worn-out pop culture and cling to it desperately thinking it will remain good. They refuse to condemn a 'nerdy' pop cultural series when it goes clearly bad, and will only condemn it after majority opinion condemns it. Unlike the simple nerd, an incarnation of an autist, the numale soyboy follows religiously leftist doctrines and struts around like their obsessive interaction with media makes them important. They always seem to have beards and parrot the ideologies of the weak.

eh I buy presents for myself at Christmas to feel a bit of happiness.

Bought a HB leather coat. Pretty pleased with it.

It would be unironically better because passive aggressive redditors like you would be shot dead in the gulag

ok, well how do you know OP is any of these? Other than the beard (nothing bad about that in isolation), all I see is a fella expressing glee and appreciation for a gift he received.

I would punch my parents if they bought me a game (((console))).

That's the real problem, Kiketendo is totally destroying the white race

knock yourself out

He's just being happy with his family you piece of shit.

politely no thank you because I thought we were just discussing the picture in the OP.

Bugmen fucking ruined the bearded shaved head look, they need to be rounded up. Like into camps or something. Any ideas, Gunther?

Holy shit the Wii u was out 5 years ago? I thought it was new

>politicians finally fix that
>implying that soyboism isn't in the plan

Serious question. Why do fucks on here STILL think beards are manly? Literally every bugman/numale/soyboy/manchild has one.

Clean shaven master race.

The Ps4 and Xbox one is ok, Blundertendo on the other hand is pure cancer

Shaved soldiers are more of a modern thing, so your pic is irrelevant. My guess is that soyboys like the beard because is trendy, and even many politicians now have it, which would have been unacceptable like 10 years ago in the US because it's not 'professional,

I am 30, make 90K a year, own a house 2 cars and I am engaged...I still bought a switch

Figures; so predictable.

Everything initially posted on Reddit comes straight to Sup Forums soon thereafter.

So much cringe in this post