I>>>>>> COME

Why do I feel like you're an immigrant?

Because it's a leaf

Can greeks immigrate?

OP gurenteed frog or chinaman

Only if I can live in a rural part of Canada that I can hunt and fish in

Why would you bother to move to Canada to do that when you already can in the US?

Because Canada has less population than the US and eventually this land is going to be filled to the brim with spics
Canada has a natural deterrent for non-whites and that's the cold

>Canada has a natural deterrent for non-whites and that's the cold

yeah...I wouldn't count on that so much. Hongcouver and Toronto are plenty cold

They also offer free housing and welfare to refugees

Small towns in Alberta, Sask, Manitoba and even northern BC sound up your alley

>3. Naturalization takes 15 years
That’s an outright lie
>9. We have free healthcare for you
Murican detected

Fuck off

I'd glady come live in your country! I don't speak french though. Will there be gibs pour moi?

lmao no one wants russians no matter how good they are.


Thats top notch leaf shitposting right there

1. only if you're a refugee
2. only if you're a refugee
3. sped up for refugees and non-white migrants
4. Tim Hortons, Wal-mart, McDonalds etc.
5. education is not-recognized since they want you to work shit jobs (see 4.)
6. rent and pay someone else mortgage, you can be tossed onto the street any time.
7. property unaffordable thanks to shit housing market and the chinese
8. only if you vote Liberal
9. have fun waiting 18+ hours at the ER in pain
10. True, sock boy will come to visit
11. say anything that sounds bigot = you get arrested for phobia of some sort

how many chinese i have to kill to gain nationality my fellow canadians



Uhhh what reality are you living in?

The immigration problem is canada is probably worse than germany's.

The chinese are the worst kind of immigrants there are because they are horribly insidious and devious.. They are slowly and surely taking over every part of the country.

even if you killed 100 000, it wouldn't even be a drop in the ocean my friend.

You are better off elsewhere, Canada is DEAD.

nice shitpost but lacks believability..

Work on your angles.

I kan b nadian 2? ??? ?

None. The chinks arent that bad, its mainly the mudshits, niggers and poos. That being said, kill a dozen nogs or mudshits and you're more than welcome to stay.


Commiefornian shitskin detected.

I always fancied spending a year in Canada but my friend just got back for Christmas after spending 3 months there for uni. Don’t want to go anymore it actually sounds worse than here. Why the fuck is everything so expensive?

He said the weed is good though.

The chinks are fucking awful you ignorant swine.

Far far worse than any of the others. They are taking over the ECONOMY, you dont understand why thats bad becuase yo uare probably a teenager.

Niggers and shitskins are bad, but they arent industrious little robotic soulless fucks like the gooks.

Why does this sound like a "Welcome Home ISIS" Parade Banner?

I live in a state that regularly gets far colder than most of settled canada

the point is that cold weather doesn't stop shitskins from invading

Also I always thought the whole “Canadian university’s are indoctrination centres for the left” was an exaggerated meme as I never felt I had any political opinions pushed on me during uni here. But holy fuck I can’t believe how much my friend has changed in that regard considering he’s only been gone for 3 months. He’s been fed a fuck load of guilt lectures about the Canadian natives and how prevalent racism is in Canada today. He even did a module on the crusades and from what I could gather the whole thing was “look how evil and racist the crusaders were” he even had to write a paper on the crusades from a Muslim girls perspective and a female camp follower.

People told me Australia was expensive but then I lived there and it's bullshit. You can make loads of money doing menial labour and things only cost slightly more so your standard of living is way better. I imagine Canada is the same, your friend probably just thought it was expensive because he was relying on his UK savings

Did he have to write a paper from the perspective of the millions of slaves the Muslims took?

>come to Canada its great (le everything is awesome meme)

No thanks. Even your mtn towns suck now

Na he said certain things are cheaper and other things cost a fuck load more. For example he quite enjoys a night out but he has hardly been out at all in Canada due to the price of drinks and club entrance fees. He also said food is a fuck load more expensive over there and rent. Honestly I believe him, his mum is rich as fuck so don’t get me wrong he’s used to living with a lot of luxuries but he said he’s really struggling money wise compared to how he normally is in the UK.

Of course not, I studied the crusades during my time at uni so I was really excited to speak to him about them with a few beers when he got back. Can’t believe how warped his lectures have been. He honestly believed the Muslims were just living peacefully until the evil racist crusaders turned up and ruined everything. They seem to have left out all the bad things the Muslims did and then hyped up all the bad shit the crusaders did.

Hello friend, I'm in the process of immigrating to canada!
Even though it's full of cucks and degenerates it's still better than my the shithole south american country I was born

Can I still get welfare if I am """"white"""", have a college degree and a skilled job?
I want to enrich the country. Where are the white grills at? On the neighborhood I live at Toronto there are only poos and gooks everywhere

fuck off chink

Check out this chinaman in a canadian flag shirt who says he doesn't eat dogs
fucking BASED

you have to go back
if a bunch of you fucks come here it's gonna be just like that shithole south american country you came from, except colder
if you think this is a good place to live, the only moral thing for you to do is leave, because by being here you will be destroying that exact thing which you thought was good
but who am I fooling, spics don't have morals

If you come to canada just remember if you don't call them by xir xer xe xhe or whatever they want, you'll go to jail. if you also don't allow your child to become progressive and transgender, the government will take your child away from you.

ooga booga where da maple women at

Nah it’s full of muslims. Not going.