So nothing happened this Christmas because refugees aren't bloodthirsty monsters as Sup Forumsacks make them out to be

So nothing happened this Christmas because refugees aren't bloodthirsty monsters as Sup Forumsacks make them out to be.
Tell me how you still justify your xenophobia, hatred and bigotry towards peaceful Muslims who just want a better life.
Protip: you can't

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I can tell you aren't a cop who deal with them
Not saying you're wrong, just... wasn't that unfortunate

>towards peaceful Muslims who just want a better life
There's billions of people in the world who would jump at the opportunity for "a better life" in developed countries. Where is the line drawn? You can't allow in ALL of the refugees, you can't allow in ALL of the illegal aliens, you can't allow in ALL of the third world orphans, otherwise everything goes to shit. What gives them the right to stay in our lands, let alone permanently, rather than staying in their countries and making them better? Fuck them and fuck you.

Oh user, put yourself in a jihadis shoes for a minute. Why would you attack when everyone expects? Your probability of success is low and there is less shock.

No, the jihadis are still there. Biding their time, waiting for soft targets. As we very lightly slip into a for at ease state, that is when we'll be put on the knife edge once more.

user doesn't know how terrorism works.

I'm a european.
I'm descended from warriors who killed people and died for this land.
I inherited this land.
You respect my right to existence or you face nationalist revolution and a gruesome death, filthy disgusting traitor.

Turns out machine guns and baracades really do work then.

Now if only we had them at our borders instead of in the middle of our city centers.

There were no trucks of peace in Germany because Merkel put up concrete barriers and painted them Christmas colors.

>peaceful Muslims who just want a better life

I just want a better life in Switzerland or Norway. When do I get in?

Absolute fearmongering, what a joke

You don't have a flag, you don't have rights, fucking larper.

LOL retard, literally says it's not a Muslim terror attack.

You have a better life in Germany than 99.9% of people, stop with that dumb shit.

44% of the french youth aged 18-25 voted for Le Pen. with a huge percentage of muslims in that age group, you can deduce most young white french people support the right
these numbers will continue to grow
weimar republic isn't forever race-traitor, and one day you will pay your dues with your blood

I like that not mass murdering the innocent in Western Europe for one day is an achievement for these animals enriching our nations when can we get some more of these paragons of civilization

Pics of the driver or GTFO

>"Look, they didn't bomb us again today! Take that bigots!"
Top fucking kek.

They can find a better life somewhere else, like another Muslim country perhaps


And they had better lives in Turkey than 70% of people, even as refugees. This didn't stop them. I want my turn on the Hope Machine too. When do I get in?

>rapefugees haven't gone on a mass rape run today so that means we should import a few million more

It's not about today alone, it's about the statistics not supporting your racism.

fuck off

Bus of peace


Yeah, cops deal with refugees all the time, retard.

Yes they do

It's dumb to wait for terror attacks to happen to become racist.

>another retard thinks this is Islamic terrorism
You people never learn

OP is such a fucking faggot
kys you fucking shill


Bet you that rapes involving white women and refugees have occurred in Sweden and Germany tho :^)
fucking ignoramus

The IDF shot Santa in Palestine.

Just because your msm refuses to report any refugee crime doesn't mean its not happening.

Do you yodel?

They passed that milestone a long way back dude. No more explanations. No more apologies. Either total repudiation of all muslim violence and total assimilation or deportation.

>ignorant sheep fucker

Too many poltards want to show themself alpha by being edgy


Austria is such a beautiful little country.

>being asshurt because he brings up a stereotype
You act like a nigger. Also sheepfuckers are from new zealand.

May I call you Franz?
Do you live in the mountains?

OP gets his wife fucked by an islamic refugee every night and thinks hes fighting white supremacy

50% increase of rape in Bavaria in one year

Yeah its not like there are truck of peace barriers around Europe and a slightly larger number of police than usual.

its not about the stereotype, it's about all his dumb posts
Sup Forumsacks are the true subhuman. No wonder it's full of conspiratards

Fear mongering
More people == more stuff happens
You need the statistics per 10000

Do you wear Dirndl and Lederhosen?

All his posts are about stereotypes though.

I’ll be back.


What language do you speak?

Times are changing ...

btw xenophobia is an evolutionary adaptive strategy just as religious zeal. Mostly depends on genes responsible for the dopaminergic system. Oh and I do strongly prefer kin selection, everything else would be simple madness from a genetic viewpoint. Assuming that we do not deal with a backward culture here I would still strongly advocate their removal from our society as they are not kin and I have no inclination in supporting them in any way. They are adversaries in a biological sense. You may of course disagree and I will accept your opinion. Empathy is also strongly controlled by the dopaminergic system ... and that is highly variable between individuals and different populations.

Oh no, my racism supports itself. Reality is just in a happy congruence with it.

Go fuck some Malmo sand niggers if you love them so much


They've won by forcing pic related to occur

>Tell me how you still justify your xenophobia, hatred and bigotry towards peaceful Muslims who just want a better life.
>Protip: you can't

Protip - they just want to parasite off us
If they had any talent or ability they would build great countries of their own, but they have neither

Oh... so a 48% increase in rape 1 year into a mass immigration of mud people is pure coincidence? Should it be higher?

you're almost as woke as this guy

Because the smart people stay in their countries but they can't build shit if trump keeps bombing them.

love this

Identitarians are weak and infiltrated to the gills but damn that is a beautiful psyop campaign. Top tier.

Asking an open ended but obviously directed question like that is straight out of the lefty playbook.

So you openly admit that the immigrants are scum welfare leeches, and they bring no tangible benefit beyond unwashed sand nigger dick for you to take in the ads and mouth?

You are so polite.

I openly admit that these aren't the most educated people, because the West doesn't care about them and often doesn't even let them work when they come here

Nice, isn't it?

How do you rationalize they are entitled to what belongs to others instead of seeking their better life by working to improve what they have in their own country?

There is no chance in hell they will in any way achieve anything better in their own countries. This is not even about culture ... this is genetics. The culture is simply a result of their population genetics ... an inclination towards communal behaviour and religious peer pressure to keep the whole mess in check. Different reproductive strategies. Lower intelligence, higher fecundity ... lower quality but more progeny. It has begun with the adaption to an agricultural lifestyle and has steadily proceeded downwards from there on. The same mechanism is now acting on us due to the alleviation of certain evolutiomary pressures in our modern society. Still, as the descendents of pastoralists we still have retained more 'positive' traits over the last few millenia ... the headstsrt we had needed to achieve our technological superiority.

They need the few resources they get so they can stand on their feet and build up a decent life. Not only refugees should get this. If you had similar problems I would advocate for you to get a fair share to support your life until you can stand on your own feet.

Straight up racism.

>Wooh, muslims didn't blow up something today, it's time to remind those dumb bigots how delusional they are!

>still using pepe
>"muh peacefull moslems"

Grandmaster jew-lad!


schwuchtel mongo

Have fun in the shithole you pretend to want to live in

>Straight up racism.

Quite. Read into population genetics (proper publications from pubmed, not some idiot Nazi bullcrap) and you will re-evaluate your position. I do not say it is nice. It is simply the ugly biological truth...

Would even say I'd rather not know about it as it gives you a really bleak view on the future of humanity. Our 'race' is degenerating too ... and I do not see any hope to stop this process before it is too late.