why does it seem more and more people are getting done and withdrawing from it. The hikkis in Japan, people all over the world trying to get into nature
some going out in a blaze of bullets
why does it seem more and more people are getting done and withdrawing from it. The hikkis in Japan, people all over the world trying to get into nature
some going out in a blaze of bullets
Other urls found in this thread:
Because if you're socially different or awkward it's as if your life is over in this environment. Everything is based on people's subjective fee fees.
Looking at this kids eyes? Its probably mind control Oh, and learn how to spell better, shill
>...or lash out against it
Are you talking about the swamp creatures that staged sandy hoax and badly photoshopped this pic of 'Adam Lanza' to disarm the American people?
Well, it's about controlling the sheep and gain power over them.
getting btfo by the entire female gender seems to do it for a lot of guys
This. Women are the root cause of 100% of mass shootings, suicides, serial killers, etc.
Absolutely 100% guaranteed.
The real reason is there are simply too many of us now. But that is so nuanced, nobody would believe it.
We need to cull the herd. By a lot.
48% of all children are born into broken homes in this country. The second leading cause of death for young people is suicide. Over 40 million people take some sort of psych meds. People are fucking miserable. I'm fucking miserable. Everyone posting in this thread is fucking miserable.
>Apply for college
>Women and minorities get preference
>Go into stem
>Women and minorites get priority in major entrance
>Apply for scholarships
>Literally all school sponsored and most in general are for women and minorities
>Do well in school, finish junior year with a moderate 3.5 GPA(good for most difficult stem majors)
>Apply for internships
>Women and minorites get huge preferences thanks to affirmative action
>Can't get job after you graduate since you didn't get an internship
>Didn't get internship because of diversity
>Women want successful men that are loaded with money
>"Why don't you have a job user? Maybe you should just be smarter like me teehee :)"
>MSM continually demonized you and say you are the cause of literally every problem and are racist and misogynistic
>Watch as everything you fought so hard for is directly handed to some idiot because of their genitals and skin color
Huh I wonder why white men are dropping out
>Whaty cuases people to drop out of society, or lash out agsinst it?
hit the nail on the head
This. Open your eyes to the point where you can see the whites on the top of the iris. Feel how crazy that feels and then think what you would have to be feeling to naturally keep your eyes like this.
You have been lied to.
Once you realize the following 3 truths you only have 3 options. The truths are
>It doesn't matter what you know, it only matters who you know.
>It doesn't matter what you say, it only matters how you say it.
>It doesn't matter what you mean, it only matters how people react.
For example you might try to make a friendly joke, but you don't use the right normie tone and you aren't a chad, and someone takes great offense and goes and tells her buddy administrator, who you don't know at all.
You didn't mean to insult anyone, you didn't even say anything you know is insulting, but you don't know the administrator so she just believes whoever she knows and complains to her first.
So, you're fucked.
You'll be punished like you willfully committed some heresy and openly rebelled against ecclesiastic authority.
And once you realize how this works you must either
>Just let it happen over and over again to you.
>Withdraw from society/go jihad.
>Fundamentally change yourself to "fit in"
>We're always the victims
What a pathetic attitude.
>life sucks
>get mad at authority in general
>authorities responsible are all guarded by ex-special forces people and thousands of dollars of bullshit
>shoot up something symbolic of authority like a school or church cause fuck it
just once i wish one of these retards would do a city council meeting or a police station or something.
What did you choose to do?
people have bias opinions towards other without getting to know others. at least this is how i view people around my life. they all seem to view me as weird, odd, gay and angry. yet, personally i am quite, considerate and want nothing more for people to be happy and come together in peace. but oh, a quite boy, how odd, how bizarre. he doesn't like drinking, partying, getting big expensive toys or isn't very obscene and treats others politely, like how he wants to be treated. what a weirdo. yup that is me.
just one reference, i recently asked my supervisor at work to not swear so much around me, since he swears a lot and often at times in a weird way to be cool. since then he has become more hostile and swears constantly, stringing swears together back to back whenever i am in ear shot. very weird behavior.
>And once you realize how this works you must either
>>Just let it happen over and over again to you.
>>Withdraw from society/go jihad.
>>Fundamentally change yourself to "fit in"
> i recently asked my supervisor at work to not swear so much around me - those are words, not illegal and if it's not directed at you inconsiderate unless you're a pansy
This is where you're going wrong
Won’t happen. It will always be people and children of no significance. Why does every shooting have accounts of swat team looking second shooters. Why did they find a guy in swat looking gear in the forest next to sandy hook?
>.t average person on the altright.
FUck Niggers
who are you talking about i wonder? did you call someone a land whale?
Going insane these days is a sign that you're sane and vice versa.
sandy hook was weird and probably staged to a certain extent. crisis actors are bullshit because the government would never bother paying off so many people when it could just shoot real people with real bullets that cost 20 cents a piece and achieve the same result but sandy hook still stank like shit.
as far as the second shooters phenomenon as a whole, it could be a variant of the "third man" effect, or due dilligence on the officers investigating unreliable witness reports to confirm them as false.
well in adam lanzAs case, it was his shitty parenting. He had a father who wanted nothing to do with his half-retarded autis brat, and his mother was a paranoid, tinfoil hat wearing, adam jones listening fuck tard.
>why does it seem more and more people are getting done and withdrawing from it
There isn't a role for them they have no choice in the matter
he is made at dreamworks
mad bro?
when the 2 blacks shot police ;last year you guys got pissed at the niggers killing cops
You could also not be a turbo autist sperglord and do just fine in society.
Unless you were born this way
why is every shooting to you fuckers a staged event?
Started with the IRISH
Because a lot of them are?
but why do you think almost every mass shooting is fake
because it's the god damn truth you MSM cock riding brainlet
some people did, i thought it was fucking hilarious. only good pig is a dead pig.
Sup Forums isn't one guy, i don't like BLM on the grounds that they don't care about police violence, they care about niggers not being given free reign over entire cities and stirring up racial tensions and attacking white america.
because if you used your BRAIN, and REASONING, you could find the INCONSISTENCIES and PATTERNS in the spewed NARRATIVES. Caps used to catch your attention. Because obviously, you have trouble paying attention.
Blackest of pills
This, only it's not the rejection, it's the utter lack of any good women to keep us happy. Every female has been chemically sterilized and psychologically destroyed beyond repair. If I could just find one good girl to settle down with maybe putting on a fake smile and taking mountains of shit from the corporate overlords might be worth it, to have a family to come home to, but nope, this is virtually impossible. The basic human need of companionship, second only to food water and shelter, has been completely destroyed so what's the fucking point?
every shooting isn't necessarily a staged event but we never hear the full story.
look at las vegas. an actual gun was fired into an actual crowd killing 60 actual people, my doubt is to whether or not stephen paddock was solely responsible for the event and whether or not anything else happened outside of the convert venue, like at the JANET terminal that the shooter had a perfect vantage point of, during the event.
good girls still exist, in my findings. I found one. She is about an hour away from the city and has not been exposed to very much media at all. Very simple, very grateful, full of love and life. A painter, 120 pounds...sexy...not a slut in the slightest...a gem indeed. I changed my life for this girl. Just keep looking...better luck away from populated areas...
>WAAAAAAAAAAAA my problems are all someone else's fault
Unless you are a legit autistic person (assburgers, ADHD, "Defiant disorder" are fake and a symptom of not letting parents beat their children), Fuck off.
You changed for her?
Then you're going to lose her. Never change who you are. I did this once. Same shit. Thought she was it. Once I changed, it was too late.
Sorry pal
How do you come to the conclusion they are fake? The system wants people like this to conform so it oppresses them.
I still have a shred of hope, but I wish I didn't. That shred of hope is the worst torture of all, I wish I could just give up and take a shotgun to the capitol and end it all, but I can't cause I'm too much of a little bitch.
>Sustaining the very system that is actively trying to destroy your race.
Shouldn't have expected anything less from an EU faggot
You sound like an annoying little shit. If I was working and some soy boy annon underling told me to stop swearing I'd be angry to. Maybe if your right and everyone else is wrong the problem is you
Being an unkempt fat creep, lazy, or a little hoodrat are not disorders, just lack of discipline.
>Whaty cuases people to drop out of society, or lash out agsinst it?
The society dying. What else genius?
This is but a symptom of a disease that's plaguing civilizations not some mystery phenomena.
If so why does the system forcibly medicate them, send them to warehousing schools where they no longer learn, or send them to juvenile hall or institutionalize them?
SSRI's being a complete scam was my first step down the rabbit hole
Because it's not in the school's scope to fix shitty parenting?
because the world is cold, narcissistic and nihilistic.
Also it's full of lazy bums who just want a free lunch.
I dropped out and my only goal in life is hoarding up and gaining as much money as possible (I don't do nothing with it , strangly enough)
I have no friends, haven't seen my family in years....
Got a fortune in the bank but just live with basic stuff (no cars, no ipads phones whatever..one pair of shoes ) all I got is an old laptop that is a leftover from my last job..
because white mass shooters dindu nuffin
also my plan is (I'm still relative young) when I made a million bucks ..I get rid of the television, computer every electronic and buy a small cabin in the forest here...
just with some books.. .Away from all the madness of the world.. away from the leaches, the bums, the parasites... let them eat each other.
How shit it is. How can you reason with people who unironically tell you white is black (Shaun King) or that castrated men are women (take your pick)? There's only two ways to solve an issue; words or violence. If the words don't work then you're only left with one other option.
well I mean I was a raging blackout drunk driving cocaine sniffing lunatic so it's for the better lol
do it now than
I tried living innawoods and somehow it's even more depressing than living in society. The only thing worse than being surrounded by zombies is being completely alone
I agree re-read my post......
At least minorities and women make really good movies when they are given the chance--profitable too.
How am I supposed to function in this world? Wherever I go, I see degeneracy. Pointless materialism, hedonism, sexual decay, dirty niggers who do nothing but slowly break down this society etc. it’s fucking everywhere. No way to escape it, 99% of people are part of it and whatever I do I am confronted with the death of the West. Go to the store and buy groceries in peace? Nope, here’s a group of LGBT liberal filth in line with you. And there’s a nigger family with 10 kids over there. And a Finn too, but he’s overweight as fuck and he’s buying alcohol and shit junk food. Fucking fantastic.
I used to think that this was a phase and we’d get over it, but I have now come to realize that I was born into a literal dystopia.
No because I want to achieve something in life for myself..
Wow. That remark came out of the fucking blue and off topic
is this, like, a metaphor or something?
Are you me?
your falling for a huge spoo
i wish i could have taken this young man for a hair cut and brought him to the gym with me, got him into something like running or bike riding. he could have been saved.
I'm already completely alone, so that doesn't make a difference for me..
I have no phone, no social media accounts etc. Often I don't speak to anyone at all for weeks at a time... And when I do it's only a quick 'hi'' to the neighbour who's name I don't even know..
Cities are seen as the peak of modern society, yet they're just meat grinders feeding the consumerist machine. People look to hedonism as an escape or drop out completely because there is no way to otherwise cope with the day to day grind.
Poverty and depression. A feeling that you can't find meaning in your life.
That's what's fostered this wave of sad little angry men who if they focussed on self improvement could get a girl. They could find a place in society.
Instead you all blame race and progression. It's misatrributed rage. The rich get richer but as long as most blacks have it worse these kids (most people on this board) think that somehow justifies their existence.
I hope you all find peace and happiness but I worry that all this hate and anger will lead to bad things.
>What cuases people to drop out of society, or lash out agsinst it?
Being systematically harassed by a corrupt, satanic police department because they are jealous and miserable.
picture of fat police related
Fuck off tyrone
also it might appear I run away from reality... but matter of fact is I've already seen and done enough..
For example I lived and worked in 5 different countries. just to name something.
And now it's enough. I think society never gave me fair opportunities and chances... so fuck all of it.
just look at the state of society and its sheer degeneracy and you have the answer .
found the feminist
Actually my name is Scott and I am whiter than you could ever hope to be nigger lover.
Get a real job.
I know the police department harassed people, because they harass me.
The "government" spies on these people and instructs the police department, to instruct local criminals, how to harass them.
If you argue this you are obviously an imbecile or some fucking heroin flunkie they pay to sit around fucking up these boards in between masturbating in your mother's panties.
You sound like an oddball. Normal people need some interacting, being a hermit is what causes mass shooters.
agree, 100 percent, women are completely fucking horrible, doesn't matter how long you have known them, how good you were to them, they will throw you under a bus and lie about you to everyone they know. they will cut your heart out and throw it in the gutter like it is nothing, like you never meant anything to them, they play the victim and maybe look at you like they still have feelings as well sometimes, but only when no one can see, they get away with whatever they want and don't to take responsibility for anything. they don't know how to be truthful or honest or say they are sorry and mean it. they would rather turn everyone against you out of petty spite and act completely selfish. they have no compassion and no love for anyone or anything but themselves and if they pretend otherwise it is only for sympathy and attention. narcissistic sociopaths. women have destroyed more good souls then anything else in the world today. the family unit is destroyed and can not recover at least not in a large enough sense that will benefit society as a whole even if one or two anons get lucky i look at normie friends and family and they are all in shambles. perhaps marxist, feminist, liberal, globalist, jewish, communist propaganda/indoctrination is the gun, but women are holding it and they are pointing it your heart. they are the instrument to the demise of western civilization, mass immigration is just an auxiliary weapon.
you get used to loneliness during the years.
Wikipedia, Codependents are often in “relationships where their primary role is that of rescuer, supporter, and confidante;” & can include “extreme sacrifices to satisfy their partner's needs.” A “reason for continuing to put another person's life ahead of your own … mistaken notion that self-worth comes from other people.” In “attempts to recover from codependency,” an individual can “go from being overly passive or overly giving to being overly aggressive or excessively selfish.” A “permanent stance of being a victim” is an “example of going from one extreme to another.” There are also dangers for an unlicensed therapist /priest, to just listen. From changingminds.org: “agreeing they are right … can also intensify and prolong feelings of anger” so “defending yourself may make them realize they are over-doing it.” Below, the blog claims that the Jeremiah is the source of the talker’s ‘feeling vulnerable,’ an Imaginary Crime; by rationalizing that a male being in the room is the cause, but double thinks, by claiming (above) that more men should come, to increase the imaginary pain. Aggressive Communication ‘judges, threatens, lies, breaks confidences, and violates boundaries.’ In Passive Communication, “victims may passively permit others to violate their boundaries,” but latter “attack with a sense of impunity or righteous indignation.” Assertive communication “attempts to transcend these extremes by appealing to the shared interest of all parties.” Are Jeremiah’s blog & I, essentially raising similar points about individuals in the group?
>Mental Illness
>Loss of Hope
>Perceived sense of structural injustice
Nothing else other than these 3.
Niggers, why even bother when all your tax is going towards funding a niggers house and feeding lazy niggers who don't want to work and rape everyone they see including fellow niggers, I'd rather just work on my uncles farm and have him pay me in cash with free shelter/food/internet until i save up enough to move to a non-degenerate county (if any of those even exist anymore)
That's actually exactly the purpose of public education.
>>It doesn't matter what you know, it only matters who you know.
>>It doesn't matter what you say, it only matters how you say it.
>>It doesn't matter what you mean, it only matters how people react.
Savage truths
There is a huge discrimination against people who even slightly deviate from the norm, as society and personalities literally regress to the mean and people become more uniform anyone who is an outlier is discriminated against, shunned, rejected and tossed aside creating resentment, hate and more importantly dehumanization
The same psychological processes that allow normies to torment and bully the quiet kid in school are in fact the same processes that allow that same kid to pick up a gun and start shredding bodies.
>You are not like me/us, you are different from me/us therefore I do not care what happens to you
You don't feel bad for stepping on a cockroach, normies don't feel bad for bullying and tormenting non-normies and NEETs weirdos don't feel bad for dropping normies like flies with an AR-15. The only reason the violence is more extreme from the non-normies is because they have more pain and more hate to draw from because their lives are objectively worse due to being alienated outcasts with less opportunities
Society kinda sucks and it takes more than hard work and being a decent person to get anywhere in life sometimes.
This is exactly what made me not care about society to begin with. If the people around me are going to be this way I shouldn't have to sacrifice a thing to them.
What do you think will happen to people who slightly deviate from the norm 20 years from now?
here, OP, let Adam Lanza, himself, tell you why he did it
it is actually an interesting insight into his mind
Tell that to women. That's why they get priority now because "muh oppression." Meanwhile the women fighting to get more women into STEM aren't the ones wanting to get into that field anyways. If women wanted to get into that field, there would already be more of them there. All affirmative action has done is give the majority of slots to the minority who are less than half as intelligent as the people they are no longer preffered (aka straight white men).
In my darkest moments I predict they'll either be shunned completely and left as "barbarians" living in the wilderness as illegal persons not allowed in society or they'll just be flat out killed. They'll just be lined up against the wall and shot. There's already more benefits to being an extrovert in society than an introvert and with society becoming more and more geared towards social media, communication and other people" related endeavors this gap in benefits will just increase.
I've noticed it more and more over the years how people, their sense of humour, their interests, their hobbies, their political opinions, their personal philosophies are all becoming more and more similar when I suspect in times gone past there was much greater variety and I believe social media and ease of communication and social exposure due technology is most likely the root cause of all this.