If you have an obsession with the japanese empire and japan before ww2 does that still make you a weeaboo?

if you have an obsession with the japanese empire and japan before ww2 does that still make you a weeaboo?


what if you dont know what a weeabo is.......?

fucking preweeaboo

makes u a japanophile

Google unit 731


Yes obession with any culture other than your own is weeaboo including non-whites obessed with western culture

as long as you still identify with your own culture and are not larping as a samurai, you are fine

wtf I love Japan now

That's called a euroboo, emufucker.

it's funny how Holocaust is considered to be the ultimate evil. It's as if killing Chinese isn't really the same as killing humans

>japan before ww2
>a bunch of savages with European weapons killing other savages with or without European weapons
What is there to be obsessed about?

Kind of. But pre ww2 japan was actually tough and badass unlike the soyboy infested nation we have today.

the catholic samurai ninjas and kirishitans
are interesting

the rest is exactly what u said is shit

Feudal Japan is kino, Don't know or care about the rest. I do like to watch them animes every once in a while though.

the good animes like jojo, dbs ,one piss lol naruto for the keks
and other random animes

feudal japan is lit af


>japan after ww2
how little you know


Nah, it's the fact that research from 731 was essentially sold to jews (the 'US') for absolution or something. As far as I know, burgers were sympathetic to China before and during the war.

Only if you read a lot of anime

I doubt he was referring to their erotica, as much as their men becoming feminine wussies