What the fuck did i just watch ?

what the fuck did i just watch ?

Other urls found in this thread:


penguins being cute


great ost tho


Where the heck did it go wrong?

The best. Anyone got a download link for the whole thing?

When Momoka refused to be Sanetoshi's friend.

A Linux commercial.

A non-stop series of metaphors of metaphors.

Went too over the top with all the metaphors instead of having an actual interesting plot. Child broiler this, apples that.


Something about apples and penguins.

they didnt go full incest

Definitely not rewatch material, but i enjoyed the ride until the very end.

Best anime of all time.

pink floyd's the wall

the archive to the live watch threads are gone


not enough kids in the grinder

isn't there a downloadable archive that would include those threads or does the dump I'm thinking of not go that far back?

A masterpiece.

i think those threads were on the old archive that got shut down before desuarchive

the whole pinggroup site is down also