Do you think that cannabis should be legalized in a federalized level?
Thoughts on cannabis-laws
Legalize it
Yes, war on drugs is a scam
>We wuz persacuted by da white man fo weed an sheeit
Difference is those white women didn’t also have a stolen hand gun and a quarter ounce of crack on them with the addition to the weed.
Cannabis should be legalized, but the decision should be left up to the individual states
>smoking the herbal jew
Yes, but only if an inferior and more expensive brand be exclusively marketed to black people.
Good point. I wonder, if they cancelled the sentences of every criminal convicted of marijuana based offending, but only the ones with no other drug/violence offenses, how many would go free?
That's already happening. Next year MI is going to have the legalization of marijuana bill on the ballot. It's one thing the right, left, alt etc all agree on.
yes it should be legal
the new question is what kind of legal should it be?
>in Colorado people can grow their own and posses it as a right
>in Washington the state tightly controls growth distribution and sale through a limited license system
t. retard
Jews hate weed.
post the rest of it
He isn't wrong, there are plenty of young, white americans, men and women, who have also been thrown in jail for draconian weed laws (particularly in the south)
Just fucking legalize it desu, its inevitable at this point
No, the Jews love weed when it is other people using it. Because those people waste their money and don't achieve anything, and become docile and more prone to listening to nigger-tier music or other Jewish psyops.
it's not always lower quality but the method of ingestion is much more wastful
It's going to become inevitable. Partial legalization is just going to become an increasing nightmare as the dollar value on that market increases, and it's already in hundreds of millions.
They have problem getting bank accounts and loans for businesses and feds can still raid anyone they want.. it's unsustainable. As real business interests move into this lucrative market the lobbying power also increases. The dominoes will topple because the greed is too great.
I would if I had it, but all I saved was this close up image of a man who is clearly disappointed from beyond the grave.
Yes. Conservatives that stand by their silly ass drug enforcemet are a bunch of blue pilled cucks(99% of republicans. The pauls are the only red pilled republicans.) They always talk about less government and allowing people to be responsible for their own actions and reaping what they sow but they want to put you in jail for what you choose to put in your body. Fucking controlling cucks. We need true conservstives in america not republicucks.
meddl loide
That's your country's motto faggot
>nonviolent crimes
Maybe the blacks shouldn't have committed crimes?
Fuck off, dot head. The war on drugs is necessary, and hopefully Trump ramps it up. No country but America actually knows what it's like. We have hundreds of thousands of Americans overdosing every day. Millions of lives lost a years, and hundreds of millions of tax dollars wasted on hospital bills. Drugs like Heroine are truly evil, and whoever it is that introduced the world to it is surely burning in hell right now. It's time to really get the drug war going and do whatever we can to get rid of them.
I work for a Dutch seed company in California and we are seeing huge changes here in Salinas valley and the central valley all preparing for legalization. They are big players involved and these are massive scale greenhouse operations. I have heard they are taxing it sky high but the price will be driven down as people grow large scale in the warm valleys instead of hidden northern mountains
GOPe cucks don't agree with neither do their prison company, beer company or Police dept donors
All drugs. The war on drugs is multitudes worse than drug use itself. If you put the money from fighting the drugs into rehabilitation programs you would fix the problem almost overnight.
I'd see it at least down to Schedule 3, and let states vote on legalization. It's an economic boon for Colorado, but it may not work everywhere. Sick of the Fed being the ultimate arbiter of these things.
kagghaider ey
kek what are you talking about, i dont speak nazi XD
>jews love their direct competers in the pharmaceutical industry
>non violent crimes involving weed
The weed industry is run entirely by Jews. If you think you're "sticking it to the pharmaceutical Jews" by being an all around degenerate than you're playing right into their hands.
Everybody on this website knows the only reason """""the war on drugs""""" still exists is because it makes "the swamp" money. Anybody who thinks the war on drugs is actually real and an honest attempt at anything is a top goy.
meddler sind viel stärker als billiche kleine kaggnazis
[Citation needed]
You're just pulling things out of your ass. Not just weed but many hemp products are viable alternatives to what Jewish corporations sell. You're a fucking kile shill and it's so transparent.
why is every german posting this dude
>hello, I'd like to file and register a new fitness program involving controlled amounts of medical marijuana. Thank you, here are the documents confirming I have paid all fees and complied with state regulation.
states should regulate. But anyone really intelligent realizes that habitual cannabis use is not healthy for body or mind. Here and there is okay, but if you're doing anything more than working a mindless job, or you are a budding artist, there is minimal need for heavy cannabis use.
Keep it to weekends or once a month and you'll be golden
Yes, absolutely. If individual states want to prohibit it, that's their business, but it should be federally legal to remove financial barriers hurting the industry.
Right now, because of the federal status of marijuana, legal marijuana businesses cannot access financial services from companies operating in multiple states (ie major banks, investment firms, etc) because those companies are afraid of federal punishments. This forces legal marijuana businesses to operate on a cash only basis which is conducive to fraud, theft, and other bullshit. It also prevents growth of the industry within states where it is legalized. Federal schedule 1 status is also hurting attempts to properly study marijuana and marijuana derived substances for medical purposes.
So yeah, I think at this point federal laws on marijuana are ineffective and stifling for the industry. They should be removed, and the decision on legality left to individual states.
I think jail is very outdated. It is the current year, we need a new more efficient form of punishing criminals.
Now supposedly most criminals are in prison because they are uneducated and weren't given any chances in life. There are exceptions to this, but let's ignore that for now. So my proposal is that we build a prison-university for criminals. Every prison has to go to the prison-university, repeat high school if necessary, and study a field. Regardless of the field they choose, they have to take mandatory classes in Gender Studies and Social (In)Equality. They will are allowed to leave prison once they finish their Master's degree.
The smarter you are, the earlier you can leave prison.
What do you guys think?
i glaub du hasch mi bschummelt und der faden isch gar ed von dir uezs
fuck off, stop derailing my thread
So tell me weedfags, what are the effects on unborn children when their mothers consume during pregnancy? How many studies are there even?
Legalize it and tax it.
>Yes, don't listen to this goy he doesn't know what he's talking about
>By more drugs and other products goys, you won't regret it.
(you), you massive kike.
Yeah just blaze it when you're pregnant lol Great idea!
Fuck off, retard
>because they are uneducated and weren't given any chances in life.
Prove that that's the reason, and not the simple explanation of inferior genetics
No, legal weed = most of the contained within prison nignog population running wild.
I hope someone can get that stat and make a neat graph because this DINDUS in jail thing is leaking into other shit too.
My girlfriend tried to do this shit once:
>be me
>be high
>talking to girl about what college to go to
>she brings up blacks in jail
>her argument is too retarded for me to understand
>mention how unrelated that is and ignore it completely
>she never brings it up again
Still have to break up with her though.
It's going to be funny once all states have it legal at State level but the Federal Government and the (((international drug agency))) insist it's against the law.
> Friendly reminder that the leafs are going to have it legal at national level next summer.
> Uruguay has it 100% legal and the banks tried to fuck them up. IMO they were trying to slow them down, this whole thing is unstoppable and whoever gets in first is going to make trillions.
Reminder that smoking weed turns you into an aesthetic modern man of culture.
Yes. But it has to be attached to a bill legalizing rape.
what are you a nazi? there are no inferior genes. i dont have to prove this. you are a nazi if you think that
fickt euch
Eeebbbill Nazzzi, we are all the same goyy
u wot. I am not any less redpilled, nor do I enjoy nogmusic as a result of taking cannabis (every night might I add). It's a nice way to wind down after writing software all day
>the jews are evil masterminds
>but they're advocating to relax the laws on one of the cheapest and easiest to produce medicines that they would be directly competing against the pharmaceutical industry they control
you're actually so fucking stupid
>wind down
>not using your free time to better yourself or find a wife to safeguard the future of the white race
Keep smoking then desu, you're a lost cause.
t. using his free time to advocate in direct favor of the jews and against the freedoms of individuals
No legalization! Monsanto will weaponize it against us. We don't need government permit. It's a fucking plant. Just decriminalize it. No regulations nothing. No advertising no products sell as seeds and plants but at farm market like a vegetable. Get the greedy gov and corporate hands off it. They caused enough trouble. Put the jackboot back on their face for a change.
Grow hemp everywhere it will soon have no commercial value anyway. .
Exactly. Any government regulation is bad regulation. Don't legalize weed and repeal net neutrality
>relax the laws
You think (((they'll))) just relax the laws? Maybe at first but then when somebody conveniently dies from a "bad dose" they'll start bringing in regulations, and the only companies that will able to get these regulations will be Jewish run.
You retards are so dense it's almost sad.
Right you people are so dumb if you think legalization is going to good. Just stop arresting people period. Keep gov out of it. Dopers are all commies.
at this point I want to legalize every type of drug and leave junkies to die of overdose, that'd clean up the degenerates nicely
>crimes involving weed
In this faggot's mind, committing an armed robbery while high is the same as smoking a joint and going to a yoga class.
>dies from "a bad dose"
top fucking kek, you have no idea what you're even saying. you're the perfect shill, too stupid to actually understand what you're arguing but loud enough to do it blindly and like a chimp
>oh, we can't patent this plant, how will we make money off of this?
>just make it illegal, the goyim can buy our other drugs instead
The gov wants money that's all they don't care about you or weed or health. We have a chance to stop
Them from fuxking up cannabis. The only problem is getting arrested and paying pot taxes and med permit. Get rid of that and leave weed of the books
>leave junkies to die of overdose, that'd clean up the degenerates nicely
>french flag
let me guess, you get bullied by the hash smoking niggers and arabs that have invaded your country and are fucking your women
>land of the free
except what you eat drink or otherwise consume then you're going to jail YOU CRIMINAL SCUM! WHAT WOULD JESUS THINK?! also hail faggotry and lets pay more money to israel while we're at it
only because its a better alternative to drinking. Less people will die, but then again, less people will die. On second thought, no.
>muh non-violent crimes
Did you ever figure out what college you were going to?
You can't win politically with (((people))) who own 50%+ of the world's wealth, it's futile. Varg has it right.
Amazing that you're an expert in the high ranks of a massive, decentralized and mostly illegal industry. If I didn't know any better I'd think you were making shit up.
>>dies from "a bad dose"
OK, clearly I have to spell it out for your 56% brain. Someone will die of something unrelated then the (((coroner))) will find out that, what a surprise!, it was due to "unregulated weed". Better bring in (((FDA))) oversight goy and stop you growing it at home, for you own safety of course.
>oh, we can't patent this plant, how will we make money off of this?
>just make it illegal, the goyim can buy our other drugs instead
More like "oh we can't patent this what can we do? how about we make it legal then make it much cheaper and easier for everyone to get directly from us than grow in a shed, thus we'll make all the money as if we did patent it."
Stop smoking user, that stuff has clearly rotted away the critical thinking parts of your brain. Or more likely you're just a massive shill.
>hundreds of thousands are in jail for weed
Be careful, the legalization of weed opens the door to passing gun confiscation
You're very stupid and nothing you say makes any fucking sense.
Sure thing lad.
I really really this image
>i'm going to spray the marijuana I grew to sell to the public with more expensive, illegal street drugs
Whoh, better make all the food we grow with pesticides illegal too, wouldn't want a bad dose to cause the government to get involved, better keep it illegal LOL
Better not buy any coffee, might be laced with antifreeze! I know when i'm running a business the first thing I do is sabotage my own products and incur hundreds of thousands in legal bills to defend myself in court form sabotaging myself!
You accuse me of having poor critical thinking, but your own arguments are literally cherry picked from your imagination and have zero grounds in reality. you're a useful idiot for kikes, you don't understand anything that you're arguing so passionately against.
I'll come to your house and kill you for making such a shitty thread.
Thats right legal weed brings the undisclosed creep of totalitarianism.
Name one good reason why weed should be regulated and taxed. One.
>Millions of lives lost a years, and hundreds of millions of tax dollars wasted on hospital bills.
And none of that was caused by marijuana, fly over state resident. The wart on drugs should be focused almost solely on the pharmaceutical industry, since most of the deaths are coming from ODs of prescription drugs.
because alcohol and tobacco are, despite being worse in every way for society
>we need to do more research before it's legalized!
>no research done, because it's illegal
>come back 5 years later same argument
>we just aren't ready!
Honestly, research should have been done BEFORE it was made illegal. People didn't start passing taxes and laws that made smoking harder and more costly until AFTER it was discovered to cause cancer. Why was marijuana treated differently?
Where can I get lawn ornaments like these?
It should be decriminalized. If individual states want pass prohibitions then allow them to do so.
Those niggers are behind because they broke the law. The idea that niggers should be freed because pot was decriminalized is a laugh riot. No nigger, you will stay in jail.
Jesus drank wine. It's in the Bible
All drugs should be legalized. It is not the business of the government to tell it's citizens to not eat what they want to eat, not drink what they want to drink, and not take whatever drugs they want to take.
I mean, jeez, pretty soon the government will be telling us we can't have Big Gulps, that only certain kinds of cooking oils are permitted, that we have to wear helmets on our motorcycles, that we have to pay for public education that's too shitty to send our kids to, that we have to buy their crappy health insurance ... oh, wait ...
Never tried cannabis.
at 9pm? I don't think so. a gf would be pissed with me given how much/late I work. too busy building a fortune for wifey before I can present it to her
No, it's bad enough we have legal smoking and a fucked up painkiller/opiate prescription system
You know what's more disgusting than locking people up for weed?
Locking white men up for cooking and using meth, the blue-collar man's drug.
Fuck niggers.
Fucking this!
If some idiot wants to kill itself by using some crazy drug, let the fucker do it. Natural selection and shit!
So if you had your way on opiates and painkillers, what would people who are in chronic pain have to turn to besides suicide?
100% legal and untaxable