What with the high crime rate in Alaska?

> Alaska has one of the highest violent crime rates in the U.S., at 603.2 violent crimes per 100,000 compared to a national average of 386.9, according to the FBI's 2012 crime report.
> That includes nearly 80 rapes per 100,000 residents in 2012 compared to a national average of 26.9, more than any other state.

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its dark most of the year. more crime in the dark


Both of these are true. Humans were not meant to experience such wonky day/night cycles

The fauna.

Lack of sun has an extremely detrimental effect.

Native Americans are violent drunken rapists. They're worse than niggers, but many people don't know because they're more rare, and most people don't get to interact with them.

Whoops accidentally posted Christmas doggy


The populated portions of Alaska have little less sunlight than Scandinavia.

Natives, they're like your Gypsies/Yugos.

Alaska is mostly druggies and/or white trash.

Yeah, it's true, lots of Injuns, they are really violent drunks. It's the same around here. If you got rid of the Injun stats, the crime rate plummets.

Natives are drunks, whites are drunks. Seriously, everyone is drunk there. Alcoholism is way above average. No sunlight, depression and booze seem to go hand in hand. Also, not everyone has a great job in oil, so many are pretty poor.

>lack of sun
>long cold winters spent indoors
>lack of pussy

The southern coast of Alaska actually is similar latitude and climate to Norway, Sweden, or Finland

I read an article that I can no longer find that said Natives lack a certain gene. The absence of this gene means their bodies can't properly metabolize alcohol. Supposedly this is why they get violent/blackout/addicted. They didn't evolve with alcohol like Europeans did.

Good doggon

Snow-chinks like to drink the fire water.

It's the natives. I would love to see stats with the "natives" removed.

There is a pattern. Every "native" be that eskimo, aboo, maori, native american etc. that whites are led to believe are magical and peaceful people in reality are retarded criminals and often drunk.

It's like East Asians, when they drink alcohol they often get a red and patchy face, it can happen with whites but is much rarer as their bodies are slow to metabolize the alcohol.

Don't they have strip clubs?

Bush company

I've heard that too. Injuns man, pour alcohol in there - watch out! Fucking bonkers man.


It's a frozen hell hole full of savages, what do you expect?

> Had wonderful time, the women there were all very beautiful. They often have women dancers from Vegas in the summer., lots cold beer.
They must be making a ton of money off horny fishermen and roughnecks with too much cash

Too many hey-aa-hey-aa sitting bulls and too much firewater.

As of a few years ago (I don't know the current stats), Alaskan Natives were 17% of Alaska's population, but were responsible for 47% of Alaska's child abuse cases.

Yup. Anchorage is also full of Niggers now and they commit all sorts of crimes

Eskimos are notorious for committing crime
Especially while drunk

Think French No-Go zones
But replace the muslims with Eskimos living on state benefits

Same thing

"Asian flush"

Lots of non-whites can't handle Western or 1st world diets because they spent the last 50,000 years eating each other and fucking their own kids.

This. Incest and molestation are a part of their culture and the federal government refuses to interfere. Years of inbreeding and multi-generational FAS

The cold and dark are also hard on the Whites living there. There are few attractive females. There is nothing to do except drink beer and stay inside.

I just got stationed up here and have wondered often why there's such a high sexual assault rate when everyone I've met has been so normal and friendly. I figured they were counting incest figures of Eskimos since I know that injuns have a big problem with that.

Eskimos + fire water.

Are you fucking dumb? Daylight isnt that big an issue. People go outside all the time too. Fairbanks and points north have an issue with the cold and darkness, but like 10% of the state lives that far north anyway

Please tell us more

Are there niggers?

> Native Alaskans make up 61% of rape victims in the state, and Native Americans make up 40% of sex assault victims in South Dakota, The New York Times has reported. One in three Native American women has said she's been raped in her lifetime, according to a frequently cited Justice Department report from 2000. Native women are 2.5 times more likely to be raped than women of other races, that report found.

> Nobody knows for sure why Native American women are so vulnerable to rape

Alaska has tons of natives that rape and beat each other. They're all drunkards.

its natives.

most reserves here have murder and rape rates that would make cities like chicago and baltimore look relatively safe.

chugs you soft skulled fuck

Injuns love to kill whites.

Most people live too far south to experience the day/night cycles found in the arctic circle.

Rape is literally part is Native American culture. When they conquer a tribe or group they take the women. That’s a huge amount of reproduction came from conquered women.

Therefore complaining about native rape rates is racist.

Worse. Native Americans.

This. Natives are literally niggers of the west

I dont think they are worse, I would love to live in a town just like in Twin Peaks, but for now Im stuck here in fucking Romania.

Shit. Was considering moving to Alaska. Is it safe to raise a family, Ameribros?


You just know about the hollywood version of native Americans. Anyone who has had to live near them can tell you they are just as bad, if not worse, then niggers. The men are all violent drunks, the women are all insane drunks, the primary industry is marijuana and heroin.

Try Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, or the midwest instead. Much lower Injun population. 90% or higher white population.

Infalible logic my guy.

>more crime in the dark

This isn't really true. The classic example used in a lot of psychology texts and statistics classes is the correlation between heat and crime (ie more crime in the summer) to show that correlation doesn't imply causation.

More people are out during the day and in the summer which causes more crime.

hard to say if they are worse.

some native tribes actually had reasonably effective civilization in terms of agriculture, travelling, etc. certainly compared to niggers they were much more advanced.

but they have been arguably worse at adapting to modern civilization, mostly due to how susceptible they are to alcoholism (most natives are born with fetal alcohol syndrome)

Injuns. The 'noble savage' stuff is bollocks. When I was over there the natives were CONSTANTLy causing trouble, they are on a level with niggers in my eyes

meth aka white nigger crack

Just a lot of rootless transients with nothing to do but get drunk.

And lots of eskimos with nothing to do but get drunk.

Most of them with gun and ammo at hand

Non whites there are violent savages. I hope they're exterminated

you mean actual, literal niggers?

What's it like there? Taxes? Gun laws? Economic opportunity? I'm heading off to trade school to be an electrician. How badly infested are cities with libshits & dems? What's the climate like?

why are native american women so vulnerable to rape?

> Nobody knows for sure


certainly not due to their looks I know that much

They must be extra rapable

Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana are very conservative states. In the midwest, it depends on what city you end up in. For example, Detroit and St. Paul are Nigger infested liberal cities.

could it be linked to the native american men? i understand that in isolated first nation areas of canada many of the first nation women go missing and are victims of murder/rape


can confirm, drunk indian broke into my house last month, had to draw my pistol on her

They're really extremely scummy people. Good for absolutely nothing.

still significantly less violent than France average at 782/100.000 violent crimes...

Which state?

I was in South Dakota this summer (Sioux Falls) and a few Natives were piss drunk in the center of town drinking vodka.

Of course one of the best presidents would have this view.
Mark Twain also despised natives. Same with Jackson. Funny how smart, educated and experienced men found them to be a shit tier race overall.

They shoot any utility cables on Indian land because muh white oppression. Then they complain their phone and power don't fucking work.

If Alaska had a notable African American population, the faggots here would blame black people. Instead they are just blaming it on the lack of sunlight.

We're actually blaming it on Injuns. The only thing worse than niggers.

snow niggers (aka "Alaska Natives")

Don't do it, permafrost is melting so everything is a mud pit, oil is never coming back as big as it was, produce sucks and is expensive.

I lived in Anchorage for two years and strongly considered moving there permanently - it's a cool place. However, long term prospects are pretty iffy right now.

Would drunk rape/10

Native Americans and Eskimos love to beat their wives and get drunk and fight each other.

>Native Alaskans
>Add alcohol
>Live in remote settlements with little police

That's how. My relative works in a hospital up there, it's beyond fucked up. The whites and mexicans and blacks up there are pretty chill, you can go around with no problems from them. The Natives are the ones who get drunk and go apeshit. My relative says they see Native kids in their emergency room all the time, vicious beatings, rapes, burns, you name it. They steal from each other, get into arguments over literal pieces of trash they pick up off the side of the highway and start shooting each other, it's violent and brutal in the Native settlements. A lot of Native women are marrying whites because of it - Native Alaskan men have such a bad rep, nobody wants anything to do with them.
Little kids are told to stay away from Alaskan native men. You can't trust them to not rob, beat, or rape.

Never been to Alaska, huh?

I can tell, that's why I'm laughing my ass off at your stupidity.

Yes. There's been an extremely sharp influx over the past 5 years it's actually pretty scary

Tribal lands with tribal internal law. Meaning you get raped nobody gives a shit or will do shit.

The Natives can't afford strip clubs, they live subsistence lifestyles - money from the state, and they hunt and fish for the rest. The strip clubs in Anchorage make money from the Air Force base nearby, and oil money. I've been to the Bush Co, a couple times, never saw many natives in there, it was all Air Force or local whites.

You just have Hollywood idea of natives. Just like we Americans have a Hollywood idea of gypsies.

No, it's not.

It's probably one of the safest places left. If you live in Anchorage, it's pretty fucking safe. My bro lives up there, has kids - their classes are like 99% white, 1% asian. Don't forget, a LOT of people carry up there - society tends to be polite when everyone has a pistol strapped on.

>Just a lot of rootless transients with nothing to do but get drunk.
Transients? In Alaska? Pahahahahahahaha. Stop pulling made up shit like that out of your ass. You literally cannot survive as homeless up there, you'll be found as a lump of ice half the year, the other half they'll find your remains in bear scat.

Fucking leafs.

I think he meant people going up there for work not concerned with anything but making money, not literally homeless people.

Their preferred pronoun is ChugThug

No state income tax. You get an oil stipend of several thousand once you get residency.
>Gun Laws
Concealed carry with no permit required, guns are everywhere up here. It's a frontier. You have bear, wolves and coyotes everywhere. You don't hike/camp without a firearm.
>Economic opportunity?
The economy up there is unique - you have to fly/ship everything in, so costs can vary, but Anchorage has pretty much everything a large city has in the lower 50. Oil and tourism are the big industries. Tradesmen do well, but more and more Mexicans are moving up there, so be aware of that.
>How badly infested are cities with libshits & dems?
I can only speak for Anchorage, and there it's getting more and more liberal, but they have a long ways to go to be even close to as bad as CA or NY. Anchorage itself has a lot of liberals, but outside of there, it's solid Republican. Politics aren't the same up there - again, it's a frontier, and the frontier mentality doesn't go for the bullshit you'll get down in the lower states.
>What's the climate like?
It can reach the 80/90's in the summer, but it's a pleasant summer most of the time. Lots of rain, lots of sun. The sun doesn't go below the horizon in the summer. The winters can be harsh, and long. The last couple of years hasn't been too bad, without a lot of snow, but I've been there where the windchill was -27. People live in the summer, and keep going late into the day, it's common to see people on the golf course at midnight. In the winter you bunker up, hobbies are a big deal.
Go visit. Housing in Anchorage can be expensive, but the economy is doing well, and if you get a job with an oil company, you can settle down no prob. It's a different way of life. Some can hack it, some can't. If you're into hunting, fishing, any kind of outdoor stuff, you're in heaven. Suburban life in Anchorage is easy.

Yes it asshole what part of town are you from faggot?

Your mom's snatch, cockface

Alaskan here. Fuck yeah bitches were number one!!!

How about mushing?

Is that winter or summer?

Also don’t listen to anyone from anchorage. The rest of the state thinks they’re faggots

Shut up foreign person.

Huge influx of americanis negrius, rapeugeezs, drunkard nates and a bunch of white heroin/meth niggers the past 12-15 years.

t. Anchorage, Alaska fag: 28 year resident.

Several reasons

1) Nothing to do except drink and fight and fuck because daylight can be so short.1) Take this from a man living in the shit North Atlantic.
2) Natives
3) Urban-Anchorage only 66% white. They're full of Hispanics, blanks and napalm dodgers, not to mention the natives.
4) Lots of guns and not enough law. Especially considering point 3)

The sun goes down today at 3:45 PM in Anchorage today....the lack of light is a problem dude.

t. winter time degenerate drunkard Anchorage fag

>Nothing to do except drink
Shut up