Be Marvel

>Be Marvel
>Attacked by SJWs and (((Media))) for lack of (((diversity))).
>What do?
>Purposefully hire the worst writers possible to write cheap knockoffs with women and transniggermuslims to fulfill (((diversity))) demand.
>Cancel most of these comics due to piss poor sales.
>Subtly redpill the world on how (((diversity))) =/= good.

Are Marvel Comics /ourcomics/?

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No it's Disney killing off unprofitable media like they did with traditional animation by sabotaging their own work in order to save shekels.

>illegal "alien" from space culturally appropriates latin culture and is randomly named America
Pick one.

>what the holy menstruation

Please let this be real.

I think you're giving Marvel too much credit.
Just another industry that got rotten to the core by the SJW parasite.

It is and so is this. They hired female Redditors and they thought upvotes would translate to sales.

>Holy Menstruation

Do you really still read comics?

>that (((nose)))
>the mutt is called "America"
>"holy menstruations"

This. Every publisher has been converged by social justice. Even the shitty ones that do licensed crap are full of transnigger pansexual genderfluids.

Fucking called it

Like i aways said

>religious fanatics said no no to comic book
>comic industry said yes master please fuck us in the ass
>sales went to shit
>comic industry said fuck religious people and the sales went back to normal

>same thing in the early 2000/ late 90s
>soccer moms said no no to violence
>comic industry said yes master please fuck us in the ASS
>sales went to shit
>comic industry said fuck soccer moms and the sales went back to normal

>same shit NOW
>SJWS said no no to good stories and fun characters
>comic industry said yes master please fuck us in the ARSE
>sales ARE SHIT

Guess whats going to happen in a year or too?

Nazi Supergirl?

Who'd be her arch-nemesis?

We can only hope she doesnt die this time around

>be DC
>make non-white version of established characters
>they're actually fun and not insultingly bad propaganda
when did everything go so right?

>(((((((((((((STAN LEBOWITZ))))))))))))))))
Nope. Not /ourcomics/ try Spawn.

are there any scenes that show her being lesbian? or is it just advertising?

Oh come on, now you're just pulling my leg.

>same thing in the early 2000/ late 90s
>soccer moms said no no to violence
>comic industry said yes master please fuck us in the ASS
>sales went to shit
>comic industry said fuck soccer moms and the sales went back to normal
Not sure what event you're referring to here. I don't recall anything like this.

Those evil fucking MRA's why won't they accept the gynocracy!?

This is an excellent example of Marxist subversion in culture.

They KNOW they can’t sell an original character. So what do they do? They repackage an existing property and sell the repackaging as the true value of the product.

The soccer mom outrage in the late 90's was more about video games and South Park, I don't remember comics coming up at all during that.


Even lefty comic fags thought it was ridiculous.

Good point. The same is happening with Star Wars, Ghostbusters, etc.

It's deception. Hopefully at some point they'll run out of something to mimic.

it think she perfectly embodys "america"

Odin's father is an Asgardian god yet has time to formulate an opinion on Israel?

fucking holy lelerino

The worst part is this is essentially corporatism. And Marxists are EMBRACING it.

Lads, this is a completely new iteration of Marxism in the 21st century. We need to kill it.

What the fuck is with DC and those squared off necklines? Why can't they make a normal costume?


I can't even get myself to read this shit.
God damn son

At least DC Rebirth isn't doing this cringey Marvel shit. I mean sure you got a chink Superman in China and a black kid flash. But you still have the real Superman and Wally West Flash so I'm not even mad.