It's Christmas Day. Why are you here?


because im Muslim i don't celebrate that

just to suffer.

the board calls for posts and I answer, no greater good, no just cause.

christmas was yesterday.

On my laptop at my Mom's house
I had a message I wanted to make sure got across to a certain someone who doesn't celebrate Christmas, mostly
Also to make sure that I have an understanding with certain other people in regard to this
>no greater good, no just cause

No gf.

why is it even a holiday there


Family went home and I wanna see if anyone blew up Time Square.

I got nowhere else to go.. and nobody else to be with

I am seriously Jewish and not in a meme way.

Because we're here for life. Christmas is no exception

It’s a couple’s holiday there, like Valentines Day.

NEET keeping dogs quiet upstairs while smoking tons of weed, family downstairs doing family things. Can't wait for this thread on New Years Eve.

Dude what the fuck? Just mobile post and hang with senpai. Why can’t you multi task?

got nowhere to go and no one to be with, so I'm shitposting with you faggots. what a pathetic existence....

felt ran over all day, just now feeling better. I did get some stuff done though. It was the ultimate battle of will.

Get out of my country moro

Meh. It's true, but the holidays just amplify it. It's still there all the time

The gym is closed today. At least I think it is.

Done with the family stuff for the day. Did my part. Paid for Christmas brunch. Spoiled the shit out of my son. Now I'm vaping grape-flavored hash oil and watching stoner material on YT.

I live here.

Literally just another day for me.


Taking a shit

Christmas day is January 7.

christmas celebrates the birth of a jew, so no thank you

The party doesn't start until 9.

for KFC

Senpai gone to bed and I've drank a bottle of whiskey and still awake somehow

Praise KEK

Because I'm in bed sick with a heinous flu and a fever of 102.9. I have gone to the living room to say hello and all that but I don't want to give this to anyone else.

Because my family is an abusive mess and I'm too depressed to go out and ruin someone else Christmas with my mood.

>implying the family wants him there
I hate normalfags

Because they've all gone to bed so i'm sitting here still eating like a disgusting slob and getting shitfaced.

Just got back from the gym, and I have to work at 8 AM tomorrow. Not a whole lot else to do.

Because based waifu bought me a new laptop/tablet and I am testing it out by shitposting.

my wife told me george soros died and I had to run out the room as we were all watching the sound of music to the computer to see if it was real

How's Indiana?

>It's still there all the time

I dislike you people less than I dislike the people in my life.

Christmas is two weeks from now, Leaf.