>I'm more than 'Madame Brexit' - Theresa May
>Boris Johnson says UK wants better relations with Russia
>British passports will return to 'iconic' blue cover after Brexit, it is confirmed
>I'm more than 'Madame Brexit' - Theresa May
>Boris Johnson says UK wants better relations with Russia
>British passports will return to 'iconic' blue cover after Brexit, it is confirmed
Other urls found in this thread:
>mrs browns boys
>French and Saunders
The MILF didn't show up this year. I was safe.
The absolute state of british women
I thought our 56% huemonkeys were bad, but that is on par.
Treated myself to a bit of Super Mario World today, nostalgic as fuark desu
Shlags are a national treasure.
>The MILF didn't show up this year. I was safe.
Shame, you could of made it a white Christmas, if you know what I mean.
digits confirm
>Muh culture
>Muh common law
Above is the cry of a statist bootlicker.
You won't tread on me, though, you "nationalist" freaks.
She’s so much more than a hot piece of ass.
Libertarians can be classified according to their wrong answers to this question. If you are a democratic libertarian, you believe that government should be limited by popular sovereignty. You also probably haven’t looked out the window in the last 200 years. If you are a judicial libertarian, you believe that government should be limited by judicial sovereignty – ie, by a judiciary committed to Constitutional principles and the Anglo-American common law. And you haven’t looked out the window in the last 75.
Red wine is fucking shit.
We no longer live in a world where elites can innovate on their own. We need entire populations highly trained and able to self sustain their living environment. People want that self independence and not to be an undereducated, peasant class.
The Etionian lot are also fucking idiots. We need scientists and engineers, not classics majors.
Culture is fleeting, I'm just racist really
brit women aren't even that ugly it's just our drinking culture is complety fucked compared to italy or france, who moderate there drinking
British have extra Skanky slags... they just take it to the next level.
They’re like black American women in disguise
>We no longer live in a world where elites can innovate on their own
Because communists destroyed real class structures on behalf of the capitalists, and now they're replaced with wage categories
And this is why you're going to die a virgin
Who has the Joe Owens bingo picture? He must've hit almost every single one of his phrases in his new video.
our slags are nothing like black american women
>and not to be an undereducated, peasant class.
Which they absolutely are not any more. We introduced nationalised education for all children in the 1870s, decades before the current decline began in earnest.
>The Etionian lot are also fucking idiots. We need scientists and engineers, not classics majors.
Eton specifically is meant to breed national leaders, not professional innovators. That's for the Russell Group universities to do.
It was the communists who did it in Britain? Sounds like bollocks to me.
This one?
Did someone say D E A N O?
Me in the green jacket
A vagina sounds like bollocks to you, you stupid liberal swine
Merry Christmas and goodwill to all men, even pakis.
>They’re like black American women in disguise
a lot of our women are very negroish but look white, even the music they listen to tends to be nigger sludge
every time i look at this thread it's "slags edition" it's giving me a slag fetish tbvh
Which one are you?
I'm not willy nibbler.
Can't wait until the BBC news article about the raid on your PC
Actually, they were displaced by the nascent Capitalist class at the fall of feudalism. Class, among other relics of the old state of things, are swept away by Capital.
Looks like our Issy is feeling better
What if it's been Damian Green the whole time?
Begone Joyce!
I like the Harry Potter films because I can acknowledge and disregard the underlying message.
The "try the wine" guy was in a horror film I watched yesterday, Tales From The Crypt.
It went down and down but it was never quite wiped out. We still have families, a few of them, who really are upper class.
Our education system is a shambles. Obiesity, personal debt, poor health are all consequences of a government that do not believe in education.
The Conservatives don't believe in it. Their solution for these issues clearly doesn't go beyond "getting people in work".
As a party for the rich they actively do not want the majority of the county to be well educated. They would no longer see power otherwise.
Lads, it took me 4 months to get a job. Am I retarded?
middle one is a q t btw
>the Conservatives
Well I legitimately have a 140IQ (psych tested - also inb4 muh IQ) and I was unemployed for 12 months at one point.
any recommendations for the christmas wank?
That gingers are human?
Sir, I would do them all
There's not enough slag porn tbqh.
Scary thing is these are probably ‘upper class’ skanks
>Our education system is a shambles.
Again, this is a recent development, not an inherent part of a stratified society
The krauts poke fun at our slags in their most popular newspaper every Christmas.
>tfw just the other night had a dream about that Magaluf girl who sucked 20 dicks in a nightclub except it was me and I was licking slag pussies
>in my fantasy world there are no STDs and no pregnancy
>I even turned some of the nicer ones around and tongued the b-hole
Near half a fucking million full time school teachers alone never mind uni wankers, getting paid top dollar for doing fuck all
Story please
>you will never throw the DPM job away to slagpost on Brit/pol/
> getting paid top dollar for doing fuck all
Lad, don't chat bollocks, teacher wages are a joke for the hours you put in
Is sex tourism to the UK possible? These Brit slags look fun as fuck.
Schlacke !!
>be clever
>be unemployed
Just hang around outside 'Spoons with a bottle of JD and you'll pick them up easy enough
American is the least sexy accent after jafacian
Fuck the UK
I want sex tourism to the US
Say Doonal Druf 3 times and you get a lay
Good thing I have effectively no accent whatsoever. Or is that what you mean?
Who's this? Pennywise the Clown?
I'm WN
Unless you don't speak at all you have a accent
G-good night Anglo-senpais, I hope you all had a Merry Christmas today desu. . .
Teaching a class of 5 - 11yo must be on a par with North Sea oil rig divers in terms of difficulty eh?
Salary starts at 19k and goes to 29k after 10years no matter how fucking useless they are
Judging by the half wits who become teachers and yet can't even get all of the pupils to read and write English by p7, the stress of their job must make it impossible to teach
Thanks fella. You take care now.
WN was probably a spy from day one. That wife and children crap. Willy Nibbler isn't worth thinking about.
Get a hotel room within short distance to the town centre and you're sure to bring back something but you're far better off spending your money on an escort. I worked as a night porter in a hotel once and this black dude brought back a right monster and she started having a meltdown outside over something, throwing her shoes, knocking over our sign. He ran inside, flashed his room key and buggered off to bed on his own. I made a cup of tea and listened to her cry for a bit, wondering how long it would take for her to freeze to death in November. I was already working my notice period, fucking cheap hotels man.
Willy Nibbler was paid.
You have no idea lol
Random Japanese mumbling
Unsleaths katana
I sorta miss WN desu.
T-thanks senpais, you too. . .
please stop goalposting
Dayumm! Your slags look about as good as our common meth whores.