Lorde cancels Tel Aviv Concert

Young lass shows them how its done.
More of this please.

>New Zealand singer-songwriter Lorde has cancelled a planned performance in Israel after appeals by pro-Palestinian activists.

The music star said in a statement that "the right decision at this time" was to cancel her June 2018 concert in Tel Aviv, which was announced earlier this month


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Fucking hippy

fuck israel


death to the terrorist state of israel desu




Leverage no pity for the perpetrators of 9/11


Yep. This sort of thing is long overdue.
This girl's got a good head on her shoulders.

>politician plays semantic games
>muslims chimp out
>everyone sees how ridiculous and radical Islam is AGAIN and again and again...
>but the Palestinians are the victims
ye ok what ever

your countrymen weep at their (((murderers))) having never been brought to account.

you bring shame to them and your founding fathers in complacency with state crimes against democracy, as well as participating in the obfuscation of the true events of the day.

The Lourde returning to the holy land is what the world needs more than anything now... but alas I guess it won’t happen

The Israel situation is so weird. We know it is central to the Jewish plan for world control. But Jews both support and deny the country.


Is Israel the enemy or an ally? What are they planning?

Sounds like you really don't understand a thing

Callate marrano

jews jewing jews, there is no pillar of continuity for their kind and significant strife does indeed exist within judaism itself as to whether or not israel is at all a valid entity.

they are their own worst enemy more often than not.

They are an enemy.

Start the video at 5:44
>An ally can turn, you're gonna find that out.

s1.webmshare.com/oP1DQ.webm So called allies



Often wondered myself if there is no master plan and Jews are just sick in the head.

The kikes at the very least knew of the Saudi plot on 9/11 and let it happen because they knew it would lead to American wars against Israel's enemies. As a result of all wars, there is now a ton a tensions between Muslims and the West, and international terrorism is now way more of a real thing than it ever was before 9/11.

Short answer is they are definitely the enemy.

Dude. Jews did 9/11

bad news for the few thousands of teenage Israeli girls who would have gone to see that ugly creature lip syncing to "I am lorde, lorde lorde lorde"
this will literally destroy Israel and fulfill the islamic fantasy of domination over the land of Israel

Are you seriously in 2017 trying to push your bullshit saudis did 9/11 meme. This is why the jews are losing your narratives are crumbling

Weird they were complaining on the radio here and said she was doing the concert.



The fuck? I thought Lorde was a young girl not a 45 year old man.

Who owns your radio station?

Culture turns to civilization and eventually you have decline and death. I like to think that the kikes without a country of their own are stuck in that death/decline phase. So when you insert them into another culture/civilization they just speed the collapse, Then they go somewhere else and repeat the process

Fuck both ethnic groups.

She's still playing in Russia though so I guess gay concentration camps are alright.

Bro did u even read what I wrote? I wrote "at the very least" which leaves everything beyond that as a possibility, this is just the fairest way to put it to avoid the typical Zionist screeches in response. Please read these posts carefully before calling someone a Jewish shill. The real ones are pretty obvious to spot, and I'm not one of them.

>bowing to pressure, any pressure
what a pussy

Why hate israel?

they brought diversity to middle east
When will middle east open border for millions of peacful buddists?

what's wrong with gay concentration camps.

no one likes fags

How does that Muslim cock taste?



fuck off

Oh fuck off back to kiddo
These do not exists and you know it



Shocking anti-Semitic display at Turkish football game, "oy vey" heard around the world.



The Turks need to leave NATO and start sharpening their swords

Literally who

The rest of the world needs to abandon the United States and it's master and do the same!

Who gives a flying fuck

the masses of muslims and liberals who flooded twitter with "lorde boycott Israel" hashtags are totally in it because of their progressive human rights values and not because of anti-semitism, so it's just a matter of time until they launch campaigns to pressure her to boycott Russia and other countries that execute dissident journalists

Russia is a civilized nation compared to Israel

> pro pali groups
You mean muslims. She canceled a concert because she’s a sandniggerlover. Oh yeah she’s a hero.


Are you the same dude who comes here all the time about this? I am just curious do you have some sort of inside knowledge are just a meme addict? Will we see habbenings?

Please no mossad attacks most ppl here are over this ayy lmao bitch

Were good goys with a gov deep in debt


I love Leftists.

Try harder son.
This goes deeper than your childlike understanding permits


Russiagate = Israelgate = Mueller 10000 indictments = Mattis just visited guantanamo bay = The star will gorge itself on clay



reminder Lorde posted on Sup Forums, she's /ourgirl/

Legit question how do we know when the deep state/swamp is drained it won't just be "corruption in government" why would Israel be named? They can just leave that out.

Surely she’ll put on a concert then in Palestine?
They’re oppressed, surely they’d welcome Young Lorde with open arms.

Because Israel has infiltrated every facet of our government.

Looking at it in isolation, I want to feel bad for the Israelis, but the Israel lobby slobbing on the GOP's knob so they'll sell them weapons and send our sons to fight your wars infuriates me so much that I hope your entire country gets wiped out

I know this is deep for a shitskin. But you lost twice, it’s time to get used to it.

That’s nice but have you ever heard her “songs”? She is monotone and so ducking boring, no wonder the millennial a love her, they are as soulless as her “music”.

anyone got pictures of her tits? Looks like she would have large areolas

I hope you're right. I hope the world does get redpilled on everything. I do wish NESARA is real and not a meme but everyday I lose hope, yeh the tax cuts, rebirth of patriotism is great but our system needs a reset.

I don't have a picture of her tits, but here is a picture of a large areola

This chick still around???

She's Jewish which makes it even funnier.

post some sexy hasidic girls please based jew

She looks Jewish herself, it may be related

Jewish feminists aren't in favour of Israeli behaviour either

That was pretty good.

It's not just Israeli jewish behaviour that's a problem - tell them about what happened to your nation's wealth in the early 1990s

>pro-Palestinian activists
i.e. people who hate white people.
why should innocent israelis be penalised because of their governments decisions? that's like saying all muslims are to blame for terrorist attacks.

Hippy musicians do that all the time, it's nothing to get excited about

she's not attractive at all, is she?

>liberal doesnt want to go to work

What else is new??

I'd rather be a jew loving faggot, then a muslim loving faggot any day of the week. fuck lorde

When's the last time thousands of Americans died fighting a falsely justified war for Palestine?

trick question, no entity named "Palestine" exists

The shills have nothing to say to this, shocking

Stuff like this makes me like Israel.

One day you will leave childhood behind and enter the world of adults.
One day...

I'm more surprised that she is still doing shows, I haven't heard about her since 2 years ago

fuck the kikes and the shitkins, racewar now

Does that change the fact that thousands of Americans died fighting a falsely justified war for Israel (Iraq)? That was my point.

Enjoy riding around on your moped using stolen "Kurdish" oil, scumbag. If you think the truth will continue to elude the masses, you are mistaken.

no, fuck the kikes and the arabs

Welp, there goes her career. Not that she was very good anyway.

I literally don't care. Let me know when the bitch decides to call out race mixing.

Operations Iraqi Freedom had very little significance to Israel, Going to war with Saddam's Iraq was maybe the 7th thing in the list of things Israel would have liked if the US did in the middle east
You are more likely to find a Kawasaki Ninja than a moped in Israel, Cleetus McGee.

You must have forgotten the SCUD missiles Saddam sent to you as Hannukah presents during the first Gulf invasion.

But sure, Mubarak, Gaddafi, Hussein, Assad... they were all friends of Israel and any attempts to overthrow them were a reflection of the people's desire for democracy!



I am a Catholic Croatian.
The fact Iraq attacked Israel 12 years prior to Operation Iraqi Freedom isn't an argument against what I said. All arab countries declared and participated in war against Israel, doesn't mean they're all a threat at all times.
The attacked took place a full month after hannukah in 1991.
The arab spring in egypt and overthrow of mubarak was not favorable for Israel.
Gaddafi, Saddam - not threats to Israel at the relevant time. sure it's good for Israel that they died, but it's good for all mankind.

Wait, is that Flora from Twokinds? Why is she rubbing her hands