Now that he's been outed as a holocaust denier, is his career over?
Now that he's been outed as a holocaust denier, is his career over?
He's done worse.
Thread Theme:
I hope not, he's a living meme at this point and I hate when memes die
Post link fagget
Is this true?
Any other redpilled youtubers?
Proof faggot !
Quick rundown on this guy? Never seen him outside of the memes.
Since when? If so that's pretty fucking massive considering the amount of followers he has
Unless this is bait
he's joe rogan if you removed his weed and testosterone
vsauce was making loads of conent up till 2014 then went dark for ages and rarely uploads
Fucking source!
Sounds like b8 cause OP being the fag he is did not post a link.
Michael. Vsauce. Youtube. Scientific journalist
>song is used in almost every vsauce video
>song name: moon men
Holy shit, it was right in front of us all of this time
>moon men
proof was right there all along
he makes mildly interesting videos about science and philosophy on YouTube, he's like a less cucked Bill Nye in that he's a successful science popularizer but tends to stay away from controversial topics
You can’t belittle Jewish sufferink. Nobody suffers like the Jews. Gibs more shekels goy.
>"Scientific Journalist"
Ha, that's just the youtube strategy that finally made him a star. Look up the early youtube videos, he was doing skeevy games reporter videos and had TradeChat on there as well with her boobs all hanging out.
Ahh, the desperation of early careers.
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