
Will China come to dominate the world politically over the course of this century?

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They don't even dominate a little faggot spergin all day how are they going to dominate the world?

idk but can dominate me anytime

she can dominate me anytime desu senpai

no even in most pesimistic scenario the technology will leverage the playground ,they have enter too late in the battlefield.

>dominating anything

give me one moment in history where they dominated anything except their own peasants.

For cryin' out loud, when even Chinese people themselves try to funnel their own money and children out of the country, that's got to say something about the confidence of their own country.

My current gf, soon to be wife is chinese. Yes

What is this group called.

They are obviously koreans.

Her name is Cheng Xiao. She is chinese.

Politics is management of the imagination. They're sorely lacking on that front.

China is a very generalized form . Consider dynasties and you can tell that they weren't that bad at conqesting.
Get fucked by Tibet citizens

white chads will be payed by rich chinks to dominate them.

No, but I intend to invade their women's uterus, like good intended Americans to do.

>give me one moment in history where they dominated anything except their own peasants.
About entire period between years 2000 BC to 1800 AD.

Not the entire globe, obviously (nobody had global empire before british in1850s), but constituted 1/3 of global GDP and population, had multiple tributary states, best bureaucracy and best tech.

daily reminder that china will break up along linguistic lines by 2030.

Canada is literally becoming a muslim/chinese colony by the minute

Canadian revolution when?

No in global world all powers have a say. Everyone hates the chinks also.

No, for two reasons.

1 - We will destablize NK and create a 20 million person refugee crisis that they'll have to deal with.

2 - We invented bitcoin and china is investing trillions into it. Once a sizeable chunk of their economy is tied up in it we'll sink that ship.

isnt China still like 95% han?

>chinese provinces fighting each other like in ancient times.

Eventually, yes.

America is too fucked up to play the leading role any more... and even if it was heathy, it will become smaller and smaller demographicly and economicaly in the coming years.

They get certain advantages in having the dollar as the world reserve currency, tied to the price of oil... but it’s going to fade soon enough.

China has problems of its own, but there is a momentum now that isn’t going to stop.

At the very least they’ll dominate Asia and the manufacturing there. The US will need to remove itself soon, and Japan will have to develop its own nukesto look after itself

I wouldn't underestimate the lengths we'll go to and the schemes / world crisis we'll create to stop that from happening.

seeing as they have a population of 1.5 billion people i dont think an extra 20 million would make much of a change, also china banned bitcoin a few months ago.

>lewd "traditional" Chinese underwear

>be me I China 2008
>strawberry blonde, blue eyed, 6'2" Viking
>Chinese women take pictures with me randomly
>fucked 4 women in the 3 weeks I was there

They fucking bow to supreme white seed. This isn't a larp, easiest pussy I've ever gotten. It was like I was a prize to win for them. Tight pussy, nice figures.

Beautiful woman.

>also china banned bitcoin a few months ago
and it had no effect, the only thing now is that the chink cops can crack down on the population when they use bitcoin.

>Will China come to dominate the world politically over the course of this century?
Well, it has long been planned that way...





There is no way (((they))) would ever let a potential consumer cash cow as populous as the chinks, slide. The only red herring is the chinks' culture -- a juxtaposition of frugal thrift and an innate predilection gambling -- something (((they))) seemingly did not incorporate into their PNAC (Project for the New Avrahamic Century)...

i went over to Biejing when i was like 10, so around 1998, felt like a fucking celebrity, people taking pictures, old people straight up coming up to me standing 10 feet away just staring for minutes, heard its changed alot since then though, was pretty ghetto when i went.
yeah i know, they mostly use the korean exchanges now but the big institutions pulled out.

20 million all at once will make an impact. For example the syrian thing is only at 6mill. For a country that already has a hard time transiting resources from the country to the cities, a large group of norks would really fuck with them. I'm not saying it'll destroy china, I'm just trying to say that all this stuff we do will add up and cause issues.

Yes, but dialects are so fucked up. Read about chinese test conducted few tears ago. Cities can't understand each other

China fucked themselves with the one child policy. An entire generation of boys. Girls were aborted. They'll have to invade countries for women but its too late its now or never for men of prime fighting age.

China is too diverse culturally and now it is having the problem of people getting money and demanding more freedoms. Either China will become East-America and it wont matter who dominates since we would be (actual) allies, or China will go through more turbulant times as differing ideals collide. Same is happening in India where the caste system is being challenged by the lower castes either finding more money or being more vocal with their demands.
Modernization is a bitch

10 million Nork women ripe for the picking, they only need to look the other way when the US&Nippon&south korea joint army kills all the Nork men.

They still take pictures of whitey on the street, especially with lighter hair and blue eyes. At first it was weird. If you're above 5'10" they think you're tall, although oddly enough, there are some 6'6" Chinese running about.

remember that china is building an actual big brother

dissent could be quirurgically dealt with by 2020

nevermind their overwelming success in adminstering their net, money, and even consumering patterns already

>Cities can't understand each other
Sounds like Britain.

If they did that's not a good thing, what makes you think they'll keep you around?
Chinese think of all non Chinese as non human, and even some Chinese who 'aren't loyal enough' get killed.
The chinese are moral-less killers.