The Donald Hate Thread - Based Black Man Edition

>A wild Trump supporter blocks your path
Hey there based MAGApede. Arent you happy Trump moved the US embassy to Israel? They are our greatest ally! Now Guatemala is following our lead. Those Guats are so BASED am I right fellow centipede? We really need to continue to send billions of dollars in aid (your taxes) to them every year!
>Face turns into a contemptful concern
Wait what?... Dont tell me you are a anti-semite MAGA pede? You arent one of those nazis from Sup Forums are you? What do you mean we shouldnt aid other countries when our own country has problems? But Trump is doing it so its ok, hes knows best! You shouldnt question Trump, thats dangerous thinking. I think I know what you are; you are a concern troll. Yeah thats it.
Im going to tell the moderators on you. Cant have these irrational opinions spreading amongst our supporters.
>You have been banned from posting in r/the_donald.

>We support free speech unless it's against trump also praise israel

Go outside, fag

>be r_the_donald
>call out liberals for shutting down debates by labeling people "misogynist" "racist" "bigot" ect.
>proceed to do the same thing by labeling people concern troll, anti semite
>fails to see the hypocrisy

>over one year
>still butthurt about losing to a bitch who would have sucked jew cock just as hard if not harder

>been over a year
>still thinks anyone who is against trump is pro Hillary
Your levels of retarded are beyond words.

please dont tell me you supported bernie sanders

nigger I voted for Trump, why cant you people comprehend the idea of holding accountable someone you voted for. but thats not even why i made this thread.
trumps support of the jews should concern us all. if you wanna be best buddies, go fund that shit yourself. stop taking my tax dollars to pay for a jewish ethnostate while creating programs to genocide white people. enough to hang some mother fuckers over.
and you are not mad, why?
its your money too dumb ass.

Pony fags get in here


Delete Sup Forums to be honest.

Let's start a movement on /qa/ guys.

Hey guys. True Sup Forumsster here. Been shilling for the based Axis of Resistance (Iran, Syria, North Korea, Russia) since the days of /ug/ so you know I'm the real deal. Genuine article. It's all about that dark enlightenment bro. I'm not like those other conservatives. Those guys are jew lovers. Fuck Donald Trump, he's not my president. Do you want me to post the Jewish wall pic? Thought so. You know what we need, we need a real president that will stand up for our interests. Someone like Tulsi Gabbard. She wants to be friends with based Assad so you know she'll make a great leader. What about gun control and open borders? Dude, none of that shit is important, we want the US to collapse, that's the whole point. Who cares about the 2nd Amendment and free speech, those are nothing compared to being best buddies with Iran. Democracy was a mistake, I want the government to decide what's good and what's not. Just not this Jew government of course. Actually just not Americans in general. Russia should be in charge, they're the last hope of white people. Actually we should just make sure we never ever upset Russia. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just a t_d jew shill straight outta reddit. Believe me dude, I'm the real Sup Forums. I've been posting in /sg/ since I first got here from stormfront. Those kiddie civic nationalists in /ptg/ ain't got nothing on me. Crimea river.


>Sup Forums was totally a neoconservative board!


Truly the greatest minds of our time.


>unironically using role-playing shit like "face turns into cocksucking concern"






This is low energy shilling.




you know youre a shill when you respond to a argument with name calling.




> guats > guac :DDD
> braise gegg :DDD
> we are so fugging BASED, bribing guats to led Iz-real take the wheel



here comes the damage control











Has r/The_Donald ever acknowledged that Can't Stump The Trump is a NazBol Stalinist who fucking hates them and their neocon values?


Scofield cucks are the absolute lowest form of life


Fuck the alt right and kekistan.

Fuck you SAAfag

>conflating the alt right and some soy boy civic nationalists
fuck off

Letting >115 IQers vote was a mistake. They just can't get to the point where they can fight the propaganda, especially post-tv. And so "democracy" simply becomes who can herd them the best...

Seeing some Based Israel-pedes coming out to hold it down for the God Emperor.

nice damage control kekistanifag



> doesn't know about Scofeild Zionism, thinks it's about mug guns
> the absolute state of nu/pol/
Lurk moar, you fucking simpleton brainlet

Post more of their comments

Wow look at that based black guy wearing a MAGA hat


No I hate both. The majority of the alt right is a bunch of kids and the other part is adults that are race realists but don’t understand that you should sacrifice freedoms in order to save your race.




I love me some circumcised cock :D

>Truly our greatest ally

They're just sexy guns nerd
But yes everyone here hates those proddies who think the modern state of Israel is a successor to the biblical kingdom and that the good Christian thing to do is to fight for them to gain eternal salvation

> t. Just googled Scofeild Zionism

one step at a time, be grateful whites are recovering their identity, not like these kekistan faggots

THE US embassy?
Isn't there one in almost every country?

My normie brother is a mod on t_d. I convinced him to vote Trump , but of course being a casual plebbitor he takes his apparent redpilling too seriously and fails to realize I mostly wanted Trump for the lulz.
Anyways, in what ways should I try convince him of abusing his power?

>using Google when you can just remember the insane ramblings of that one kid from boy scouts 10 years ago
fuck you Nash

What the actual fuck separates these people from the average neo-con? What makes them think they're any different? I'd say, "At least they're not leftists." but they're arguably no better.

Usually the race realists stay at the alt right stage which is stupid. They are on a sinking ship of civic nationalism and should become a national socialist. They focus on feminist rekt videos instead of the Frankfurt school.

Bait thread

>he thinks the alt right is civic nationalist

also hitler was a faggot who thought white slavs were subhuman

>it is just bait, all of these people hating on 14 year olds shouting based black man is not the real alt right
Fucking neck yourself

>who thought white slavs were subhuman


because he was losing the war and had to give up on his plans for lebensraum
>a mass of born slaves who feel the need of a master
anyway, whether you believe hitler was right or not, nazism is a completely untouchable ideology and it makes no sense to try to resurrect it when 90% of whites are repulsed by it

Even if that is true that doesn't make Hitler a "faggot" does it?

Slav IQs are shit

The thing is, we have a little bit of US land already in Jerusalem now. One step closer to the next crusade.

Slavs are subhuman. They are closer to an albino black than an actual white.

yes it does, it's no different from the "irish aren't white" crap back in the day
>russia the same as norway
>czechia the same as germany
>croatia the same as france
wow such shit iqs, by the way most other maps tell a different story

Easy physiological shit my man. If a bi polar meth addict can kill 6 gorrilion jews by targeting a economically corrupt country I think one out of ten people could make a difference.


I love the way Trump is causing the faggots to meltdown time and time again but I do agree about the Isreal thing. Trump does seem to be buddy buddy with them, and Kushner being their doesn't help. I do find it disturbing that Trump seems to be siding with the Jews every time we turn around. Trump is smart enough and has been around Jews long enough to know what they are about, and yet he is defending them. And the Jewish communities full support of Trump is a real head scratcher too. I do fear that Trump is just another Isreal puppet but im hoping for the best. I hate the UN and i hate Isreal, but at least the UN seems to legitimately give the Jews a hard time, possibly even downright loathes them. Apart from Syria and this Isreal thing, I have loved what Trump has done. I am hoping that he is setting up Jews to be exposed to the world in some 10d chess move, but i highly doubt thats gonna happen. I doubt any president will ever do that.

There is a 50% chance I'm talking to an actual non-white so I can't bother responding.

>bi polar meth addict
You forgot 1 ball, jewish scat fetishist part.

>literally the only reason Sup Forums is finally starting to fight back against the Trumpfag invaders from reddit is because they shill for Israel and probably banned Sup Forumsfags on their reddit board for criticizing Trump's decision on Jerusalem

Finally, you're opening your fucking eyes.

Is the dirty Bolshevik jews didn’t denationalize them during the USSR they would have a chance to be a functioning person in a white society.

He had a niece piss fetish too. Pretty nice guy in my opinion.

trump sold weapons to ukraine, he's in full jewish neocon mode now
>nazis calling americans jewish klansmen
that picture is a mess

>that picture is a mess
>nazis ebil racists like klan ooga booga
The KKK were protcuck idiots and harassed Germans in America so they got a pretty bad reputation back in Europe.

The clansmen prob still gonna fight Israel’s wars still.


Daily reminder Israel concern trolls are just as toxic and divisive to the Right Wing as JIDF pro-Israel shills.

I dont like Israel either, but Im not about to align myself with Muslims, Leftists and Globalists. If you are so goddamn passionate about Israel, join Hezbollah and fuck off faggot.

you literally are aligning yourself with globalists though, that's what neocons are, they want the world under america's thumb

le 44% face

>Israel concern trolls

You can stop using reddit buzzwords any time.


What are you even doing in reddit? You disgust me.