Socialism is the only solution

Automation is the future,capitalism is going to fall and socialism is the only solution.

>Socialism is the opposite of Capitalism!
Here we are, in a Capitalist consumer market, and we have a massive welfare state, endless government subsidies, no fiscal responsibility, and we don't even own our own money.
Socialism and Capitalism are not opposites. They are bedfellows that mingle perfectly together, and each of them is the enemy of a functional stable society.

The third position is the only one which avoids dystopia. Its also the only one that Jews actively oppress.

>Socialism without niggers is the only solution



Pic related will love to have a words with you.

We need more direct democracy. we need to flatten the power structures as much as possible and make sure that no one can gather power above a certain level.
Power in the hands of a few(no matter how good they seem) is the enemy of the people.

what third position

is this this varg shit that's just anarcho-primitivism where you go and live in the woods?

He obviously means fascism you dolt.

Your egalitarian rhetoric is the same bile spewed forth by Communists, SJW, and Marxist of all varieties. Its absolute tripe.
Hierarchy is not the great evil of the modern day. Hierarchy itself is order, and order comes naturally. It is natural that things are unequal, and in their inequality they find a balance.

The problem stems from who holds the power and their motives.

The aesthetic fascist worldview. It could be implemented a thousand different ways, called a thousand different things, but it is all one in the same. People working for themselves, owning their own banks, coining their own currency, completely free from the debts of the international banking system.
The fact that the whole developed world bows to one cohesive banking cartel should be the greatest alarm imaginable, but its that very thing that goes ignored no matter how often its brought to attention. That is one of the prime evils that our founding fathers fought against. Today people passively down the IMF's shackles without a second thought.

Well if that's what you believe, then you are free to start your own automated company that is ran by socialist principles. Then you can simply take over the weak capitalist corporations.

But you won't and can't. Because you're a socialist. And you are a useless piece of shit who only lustst after gibs and property of capable people.

>cotton gin automated a huge part of cotton production with the inventor hoping that would reduce the use of slaves
>number of slaves in America exploded as the efficiency increased demand for slaves to pick cotton.

Try again user, the market adapts.

Kys Nazi scum, and save us the bullets.

You're only an enemy to yourself.

that's not really outside of the socialist/capitalist dichotomy though, e.g. not wanting a huge body overseeing multinational economics is what a lot of pro capitalist people would agree with and presumably if you're coming at it from a fascist point of view you'd want it to be overseen by a nations government instead which is what a lot of pro socialist people would agree with

We've killed millions of you before, and every time fascism rears its disgusting head we'll rise up and kill you again.

You don't understand what socialism is


>what is the third position

It be facism mate, and you're about to be redpilled

Then why do you support the EU? Its the least Democratic organization in europe

I have struggled with what the future looks like under advanced automation technology. My conclusion is that the single economic system we have now should be allowed to break down. People want to survive. If the high-tech high-dollar economic system has no need for workers, those employees left behind should be free to organize themselves in a sub-economic system which trades among itself, which itself has a sub-economic system, and so on. No welfare here.

The west has amazing technology, and at least in principle has no need for 3rd world workers. Does this mean the 3rd world just dies? No. they provide for their own economic needs in their own way. Advancing technology still pours into their cultures and economies.

I realize that In reality what has happened is that the 3rd world workers are the ones that are 'in' the current economic system and the ex-middle class in the west are 'out'. Trumpism, etc. This only came about due to political mismanagement that is hopefully being corrected.

Technology escapes from high-end enterprises. Today you can find in surplus broken down machining centers on their way to scrap. They are no longer profitable in the high end, but for a sub-economic group, they are amazing manufacturing technology. Someday full humanoid robots are going to hit surplus in the same way. Another example are computers hitting surplus / being thrown away are still magical bits of technology that are still useful.

The only thing I am not sure about is does a sub-economic group need its own currency? I suspect that it does.

Capitalism will always be international rather than national. It will ultimately acquiesce to hyper atomized individuals with no strong tradition or heritage, it will prop up the individual as the most important unit of society, and it will erase national borders in the name of increased profits. It will treat GDP as the holiest of holies. Mass migration will be accepted as cheap labor to the detriment of national identity.

Socialism shares something deeply in common with Capitalism in that destruction of national identity is good for business. A society without class, without distinction, the ultimate form of it is the mixed race beige mulatto who cannot clearly identify his own cultural roots. With no culture, no traditions, no real identity there is nothing but the state to cling to. Permanent dependence upon the system is the end goal wherein the chosen few lord over "the workers" indefinitely.

The third position protects culture, it protects heritage, it protects sovereignty. It holds these things as sacred treasures of the nation, staples to uphold. Sharing common blood, being part of a true nation means being part of a community with shared heritage. Sacrificing for the common good is a natural extension of the family. A man sacrifices for the family, the family for the neighborhood, the neighborhood for the town, the town for the country. In this there is a sense of duty and purpose that fulfills a spiritual desire all people have. This spiritual fulfillment is exactly what the modern world lacks.

Because you are homophobic, xenophobic racists who impose arbitrary social order for the sake of creating a ethnostate and advocate exterminating the mentally ill and socio/sexual "deviants" (groups viewed as one and the same by fascists) as they have no place in the hierarchical social order. You are an existential threat to a large segment of the population and your degenerate neofeudal capitalism is a cancerous polyp to be excised and utterly destroyed. Your social order is death, your traditions are violence, your philosophy is hate.

Newsflash: Most countries were ethnostates prior to enforced modernity at the end of world war II. Even the United States was founded as a country for free white Europeans, it was never intended to be a plurality of any sort. At every point in our history as a country up until the fallout from the Hart-Celler act white Europeans were an 80% to 90% super majority.
Were we killing homosexuals left and right in the 1950s? Did we have mobile execution vans patrolling San Fransisco to eradicate the sodomites?
Of course not. Your simple minded fear mongering is nothing more than a tool of the establishment used to protect the status quo.

You are a product of Critical Theory and nothing more.

Most countries we slave states before that. Social fucking progress. Your ethnocentric view of humanity is the death throes of a ideology clinging to darkness and resisting the inevitable march of history. Tradition and culture are shackles that chain is to ideas that cannot survive on their own merits.
And, no - it was the 1930's and 40's that homosexuals were exterminated. When fascists don't have power, they don't get to exact their agenda - what a shocker! But that's part of the methodology. "Look at us! We're kinder gentler nationalists! We totally won't enact ethnic and social cleansing pogroms this time! Trust us!"

Spare everyone the melodrama you disingenuous shitposter. The US wasn't eradicating homosexuals in the 1930s, or at any point. You have no refutation of any arguments. You're incapable of arguing in defense of the Federal Reserve. You're incapable of arguing in defense of mass migration. Yet you are in fact defending those very things. No one is foolish enough to believe you're an enlightened and altruistic, the veneer of concern to your worlds is fully transparent.

Why don't you just be honest and admit that you don't hate culture or tradition? What you hate is white people.

Every ideology is dangerous or is futile. Accept reality or kys faggot.

I agree, we need racially homogeneous societies, (the only place socialism can work) Not so sure we need socialism though. What part of socialism would you say drives efficient production and distribution of scarce resources?

Socialism and capitalism are deformed pussy versions of communism.
Reminder that communism still has a capitalistic market but provides for the needs of all.
Literally the goys worst nightmare.

In what fantasy Communist state does the individual have private property, access to free trade, and purchasing power?
This doesn't exist because they are at odds with the core dialectic, the very basis for the philosophy behind the style of government. The very concept of private property creates inequality so it is shunned. Without private ownership there is no real market participation to any significant degree.


Any outher simple ism or ist shill? That's all you can hope to understand. Fascism is the prefect ideology.