Why does Sup Forums worship Hitler considering the fact he ruined Europe?
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Sup Forums worship Jews. Jews created and funded Hitler and Stalin.
What neo-Nazis don't seem to understand is that, even if the Holocaust is untrue, Hitler is still responsible for causing the deaths of 15 million Europeans and opening the gates to the left-wing hell we live under today. You don't exculpate Hitler by disproving the Holocaust, and, indeed, many of the most prominent Holocaust-deniers, like Denierbud, are vehemently anti-Hitler.
He didn't ruin Europe. He tried to save it from itself.
Also, the United States was on the wrong side in World War II. We Americans are far more responsible for the ruination of Europe than Hitler.
The Soviet Union and Anglos ruined Europe, not Hitler.
It's like you gang up on someone, he punches you in the face, so you all beat him down (which is what you were gonna do anyway) and then say; why was this guy asking to get BTFO???
He didn't ruin the Europe. He lost.
Churchill and Stalin ruined the Europe.
We dropped one million tons of bombs on his women and children and funded/fed/armed the Red Army as it marched into Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Poland and Romania univited. All ostensibly because Hitler demanded the return of a portion of the territory Poland stole after WWI. Namely a city and a corridor to connect east and west because Poland was blocking even food shipments by land in 1939. This city administration had an NSDAP majority government for six consecutive years before the war.
Hitler dropped hundreds of thousands of peace leaflets on the UK after he destroyed the BEF and French Armed Forces in six weeks. This is why people say Hitler did nothing wrong.
This. Hitler grew the economy of Germany against all odds. This pissed ((them)) off.
Imagine being this retarded
Not an argument.
Adolf Hitler - The Cost of War
you need to fuck off kike boy with that shitty copypasta
Adolf Hitler - They Said I Was A Dreamer
Yea you can get pretty far when you take out shit loads of loans you never plan on paying back
He would do what must be done
Adolf Hitler On Feminism
>killed 6 gorillion jews
>"ruined" europe
put the spice in all the fields
He tries to save it by killing millions of ethnic Europeans?
Projection. You're the one with a half a trillion dollar deficits. You can't back up any of your claims.
You funded/fed/armed the Red Army as they marched into Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Romania, Finland and Poland. You dumped a million tons of bombs on his women and children.
Jews had little power in a pre-Hitler Europe.
>Royal families didn't trust
>They were kicked out of European countries 100+ times
Then some autist tried to kill them all and made the whole word sympathetic of them
Claim that Hitler ruined Europe. Half of it fell to the Soviets and his war resulted in millions of Europeans dead. I'd say it's pretty self evident
>implying Hitler did anything but make the world a better place, and everyone else didn't get jealous and shit everything up
Your tribe ruin everything you touch, and now you're shitting up the one place that's supposed to be free of kikes and their pernicious influence.
Even if the Jews created Hitler, he fucked them up tremendously.
If you use death from war as an argument against Hitler, then your a Pacifist and your opinion doesn’t matter.
Conflict, war, and death are all a necessary part of human development. Denouncing Hitler and denying the holocaust won’t get you any further than being a neo-Nazi today. They are one in the same.
I didn't do shit, I think Soviets are just as bad as Nazis
Your tribe exterminated tens of millions of European Christians in the 20th century. You cleaned out the best and brightest on purpose. You're the most evil race to have ever walked the face of this earth.
Not an argument, try again
Not an argument, try again
This is the ninth or tenth thread in as many days. You're not fooling anyone. We have alerts on your hashes.
Why did Hitler hate Jews? Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat will explain to you.
cry more faggot
You're not making any arguments just spamming copypasta.
"We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish"
Back to r*ddit ratface.
Are you retarded?
>15 million
lmfao well played
>Everyone who disagrees with me is a Redditor / ebil joo
You are a brainlet of the highest order. Literally can't fathom someone would disagree with you
Over 20 million people died in the invasion of the Soviet Union alone
>Jews had little power in a pre-Hitler Europe.
Here's an American Jew laying out how Jews turned on Germany during WWI and the interwar years. Hint: It includes a communist revolution.
ohh i thought you were referring to just the holocaust
Bolshevism and Trotsky's (Bronstein) Red Army had to be defeated. Rather than repeating Hitler's justification for Barbarossa i'll just link to his speech with translations.
Not only does it involve a communist revolution, the there were only a few hundred thousand jews in all of Germany who were infinitely richer than everyone else since they profited off the war. They casually strolled about as native Germans killed themselves or starved
Every American should listen to this speech. The parallels are ridiculous.
No I was actually referring to the numbers dead in the war alone
The justification for Barbarossa was pretty weak. Made even worse by the fact Hitler stabbed Stalin in the back like the beta coward he is
>Claiming Hitler ruinee Europe when it was the jews
Pic related you retarded kike shills don't convince anyone here
>Everyone who disagrees with me is a Redditor
Brainlets leave
Stalin stabbed Hitler in the back by invading Finland and Romania. This is WWII 101.
well if thats the case why are you bitching bout Germany? Russia lost the most troops in total
Europe espacially Northern Europe has a higher standard of living than the US and other third world nations (75% of this planet) lol
>Stalin stabbed Hitler in the back by invading Finland and Romania.
How do you figure that? Stalin did not guarantee Hitler the sovereignty of none of those countries. Unlike Hitler who signed a non aggression pact and broke it like the coward he is
>well if thats the case why are you bitching bout Germany?
Because it was the autistic Krauts war that destroyed Europe
Bro, the Bolshevik revolution makes anything hitler did seem like school yard bullying
>peddling this retarded shit on a board who's logo is a Swasitka
I called you a kike shill who belongs back at reddit because your gaslighting nonsense doesn't work here. Asphyxiate yourself.
Soviets are just as bad as Nazis my man
I didn't even know what hate felt like until I met JIDF on Sup Forums
>Everyone on Sup Forums has to be a Hitler dick sucking edgelord like me
Sup Forums isn't your hugbox bitch. Do my opinions upset your tiny brainlet mind?
I thought we were talking about who really destroyed Europe? Communism reigned for much longer than Germany's nationalist socialist party by many decades before and after
The Jewish Problem - Dr. Joseph Goebbels
Keep crying about it pussy, you still come to every thread I make like the little cuck bitch you are
He's a JIDF shill and it's full time job.
He switches between Greek, British and American flags.
Justice is coming ratboy.
Listening and watching this completely BTFO of the concept of white privilege. Yeah its so privileged to be born from a lineage that had to withstand fucking firing squads and rationing, depressions, etc. So that fucking niggers can post rap samples from their cell phones while complaining about life
>Communism reigned for much longer than Germany's nationalist socialist party by many decades before and after
Yes but it was Hitlers retarded war that gave rise to communism in nearly half of Europe. I sincerely doubt the Soviet influence would have reached that far if it weren't for the invasion of the USSR
Keep spamming that copypasta leaf, maybe someone is listening
Big talk for a leaf cuck boy. You know your sweaty Untermensch self won't do a damn thing
You're the same kike shill faggot who was spamming the "memes aside but do you guys actually believe the holocaust didn't happen?" You were saying you were a board college student on break, shit was laughable.
We blew you the fuck out out, and now you're being a stupid kike faggot trying to argue it was Hiter who destroyed Europe and not (((FDR))), (((Churchill))) and (((Stalin))).
So get the fuck back to (((reddit))) where you can sway opinions because people get banned for anything (((mods))) don't approve of.
Hopefully. That's why i'm here after all.
>Hitler's retarded war
He was a fucking WW1 veteran that survived a fucking chemical attack only to come home to a country full of communist fucking faggots and starving people while kikes made money the entire time.
Get ready for your tattooed serial numbers curly que
Not an argument
On the contrary you stupid kike shill.
>waaaaa my country got beat in a war we started
They were but hurt losers who couldn't take their L like a man
Im an Italian x Armenian born in America you kike fuck
You lads will grow out of the Hitler worship sooner or later, that is if you aren't autistic
Say it with me now - "I lost the argument"
Come back anytime kike faggot
>in a war we started
Germany was responsible for the assassination of Ferdinand?
The quote was from the perspective of Hitler you dumb fuck. Keep up brainlet
Hitler fought against the same elements that helped to push Cultural Marxism and the social degeneracy today. Weimar was merely a blueprint of what we see now, yet you still think it's all Hitler's fault. Blame the Allied propagandists that demonized any sort of nationalist sentiment to the point where you're called a Nazi for caring about your country. You blame the Nazis, I blame the Allies.
Thank fucking god for archives
Everyone below this /thread is a shill
Nobodies perfect shlomo
You haven't even made an argument yet brainlet, you Hitler cuck boys are just chimping out. As you do
No but their "blank check" instigated a world war that would have otherwise been a local conflict
What was that? Sorry you're gonna need to start speaking English, I don't speak "kike shill."
You're projecting again shlomo.
>No but their "blank check" instigated a world war that would have otherwise been a local conflict
Oh I see, yeah Russia's immediate invasion of Austro-Hungary had nothing to do with anything, right?
Fucking kikes man, thank you for giving me reason to stay here
Sure no one is perfect, but you have to be special kind of autist to defend Hitler on a Mongolian horse breeding forum
I hate them so much.