What percentage of Ashkenazi DNA would you allow in the white ethnostate?
What percentage of Ashkenazi DNA would you allow in the white ethnostate?
I'm alright with exceptions for those who visibly fought for us during these times.
It is pretty obvious if someone is a jew who works towards jewish interests vs. some typical white person who happens to have jewish DNA.
The most important thing is the cut the head off of the snake (NeoCons, Bankers, ADL, etc.).
If they directly help us they can be sterilized instead of killed.
breeding privleges only on extraordinary deeds.
0%. Anyone who doesn't meet the genetic health requirements is to be eliminated. Anyone. Even me. The law applies to everyone at all times and places.
No kikes allowed.
Jewesses are welcome. Khazar milkers are fine.
Ashkenazim Jews are Khazar mutts who converted to Judaism when it was convenient to do so but never stopped worshiping demons. Since 23andme released those results they were purchased by 20th Century Kike and added the bullshit lie about everyone having Ashkenazi DNA to cover their demonic baby raping, killing and eating history.
Why the fuck do you care? It's not like you'll be allowed in a white ethno state you mutt
Could be true user. Khazar women used to be well known for being prostitutes. That is why jewishness is passed on through the mother.
Up to 25% if they renounce Judaism as the death cult that it is.
>tfw not sure if 2% jew or if 2% jew ancestry is a jewish trick
Any places that aren't 23andme retards that actually do ancestry dna tests?
I would not trust any of those companies.
>What percentage of Ashkenazi DNA would you allow in the white ethnostate?
id do a roll for it, last 2 digit decide the law
op kys
They have to look like Anne Frank or no deal.
you know for margin of error
Solid. It is basically the Nuremberg Laws with a little statistical fudge room. Coincidence?
If you make exceptions for them you'd probably have to make exceptions for their families as well. And forcibly deporting devout Christian "Jews" like Hitchens to an ethnoreligious state like Israel just doesn't make sense to me.
double 28s. I don't believe in coincidence
hey morrakiu, how big is your anne frank folder anyway ?
Morrakiu collects Anne Frank porn?
he keeps mentioning it. I'm pretty sure he's got a big Anne folder.
still love that guy, desu