What the fuck happened?
Demi-chan wa Kataritai
Any manga readers want to explain what the fuck her hair is?
GN Drives
If dullahans are so amazing, why hasn't NASA captured Machi yet and dissected her to figure out the mechanism behind her neck's function?
i assume they did that to their dullahan. Machi belongs to Jap government.
Science must know no borders. I strongly believe that Machi should be dissected for the good of mankind.
I mean I'm no monster, but if dissecting machi means unlocking the secrets of teleportation then there really isn't a choice
world hunger could be solved, new galaxies could be explored and colonized, the world would enter a golden age
Same here. Fuck one life. Do these people realize what could be acieved with controll over time and space?
Is Hikari supposed to be albino?
I dont know but I want to impregnate her.
>She's just a normal girl with a wormhole-neck.
You know how hard it is to warp spacetime?
>In summary, to stretch and squeeze spacetime by just a few hundred nanometers per meter, along the surface of a sphere whose radius equals our orbit around the sun, requires more watts of power than all the stars in the observable universe give off as starlight. People often say that the message of general relativity is that matter bends spacetime “as if it were a mattress.” But they should add that the reason it took so long for humans to notice this, is that it’s a really friggin’ firm mattress, one that you need to bounce up and down on unbelievably hard before it quivers, and would probably never want to sleep on.
If we can't figure out the secrets of teleportation, we can always use modified dullahans as a mail chute.
Remove the jaw, replace with something suitable, expand the neck, remove the stomach and install the other end of the chute there. Now take the head to your space station and you're looking at huge savings in transportation costs.
Because NASA is a fraud?
Anime is degenerating.
This guy is just a sociopath who doesn't believe in anything and has killed himself so his clone can have some fun.
The scene at the start of this episode made me realize Hikari and Sakie have had very little interactions together.
Which is really a shame, I bet they could get up to some hilarious antics.
How much stamina and self control do you need to have a succubus as a wife? Do you need training from Buddhist monks?
>Do you need training from Buddhist monks?
I'm quite sure Ironman don't have this type of training.
>You know how hard it is to warp spacetime?
Uh. All mass affects spacetime.
That's like saying "Well, the atoms in this steel beam are moving by a few femtometers when I push on it" in response to being told how hard it is to bend it.
Fuck you can't stop laughing
I don't know turning dullahans into bots like these would become forced drama doujin material.
best demi
>2 episodes
I want to ehehe Hikari
>Dullahan ep
Machi would've been a perfect waifu if she wasn't into grandpas.
>Machi would've been a perfect waifu if she
had long hair
That would be pretty inconvenient for her.
You can measure the difference In time dilation between the top and bottom of a skyscraper with a pair of atomic clocks.
Perfect waifu is called that because it doesn't exist
I feel like I've crossed a threshold while watching this.
And you can tell that it is a null amount of time in practice, this is why does theorists that spend half a day on an equation of hpw oh so much time will bend on a skyscraper are so hard to deal with, they work outside of practice.
Лучшая девочка.
we already have two demi's with long hair
the short hair makes her look cute
>broken English
>hurr GR is impractical
You do know that geosynchronous GPR satellites uses GR corrections to their orbit in order to take into account gravitational effects on time, right?
Yeah, they use it to meassure the miliseconds of time dilation in a fucking satelite, where it have a purpose, in a skyscraper the difference is irrelevant.
What a fucking waste of episode
>an entire fucking planet sitting under it
>enough mass-energy to keep the sun blazing for years if it were convertible by fusion
>it still takes incredibly precise measuring device to discern miniscule differences accumulating over stretches of time
warping spacetime is hard. and we're just looking at some tiny bit of curvature here, not even a wormhole
>Machi would've been a perfect waifu if she
wasn't ugly.
>wormhole from different dimension
If we peek hard enough inside Machi's throat, will we see Keit-ai?
I have to agree. At first I thought I'd like Machi the most, but now I just want every episode to be a Yuki episode.
More importantly, science must know what the fuck the bottom of her head looks like.
She's also got that cute little sigh.
Most of them are.
>self control
What for?
I can't confirm, but I'm pretty sure that it's just smooth skin, like an egg.