was jesus really a refugee? why is this the latest meme that leftists are pushing?
Was jesus really a refugee? why is this the latest meme that leftists are pushing?
No, he wasn't. They went to Bethlehem because of a Census.
So you're saying we can crucify them and save the world from sin?
This is why people hate christ-cucks like you. You are easily manipulated into destroying the white race because of your "religion".
>was jesus really a refugee?
He has to go back
Well, yeah, there was a king who tried to murder him as an infant.
so they can scream YOURE KILLING JESUS!! when you question the number of genuine asylum seekers in the 1 million influx of refugees to Europe, despite Juncker's admission 'vast majority' were not legitimate and they have no way to identify. so they dont bother. if they dont bother enforcing deportations (expensive) , who cares if 15000 are islamists (EU's own police intelligence claim), so what if sweden does nothing to deradicalise or incarcerate returned ISIS fighters (terrorists). So, against such stupidity, sloth and lack of vision, such evil really, you've gotta have the opposite - jesus was a reffo. And mary and joseph travelled through 6 safe countries to get to bethlehem for better dental work.
Christianity in general is not based
>Crusades were massive failures
>finally takes their holy land back
>give it to Muslims and Jews
Brown people are now refugees no matter what apparently.
The people flooding Europe are not 'refugees'
Few things are as reprehensible as a godless liberal pretending as if they know theology in order to browbeat white people into accepting their own genocide. But we're leaving Christianity behind anyways, and what power will bible verses have over us then?
While fleeing to Egypt to avoid being murdered by Herod, Jesus could be considered a refugee. Using this example that's at least two millennia old as an excuse for why we should allow a bunch of economic migrants calling themselves "refugees" into Europe is ridiculous.
He means the Flight to Egypt, when Jesus and His family fled... to a safe country neighboring the country where they felt unsafe. They didn't go to fucking China because it was wealthier. Unlike those Syrians who barely even consider going to Cyprus and instead choose to go all the way to Germany or Sweden, passing by at least a dozen or so safe countries. They're no longer refugees then, they're opportunists. Fortune seekers. Refugees go no further than Turkey.
Didn't the refugees the EU try and settle in Latvia leave within weeks for Germany?
Nope. It’s a lie.
I wonder if they could have ridden a donkey to China.
Moronic Atheicuck thinks he can attack Christians.
Aren't Most Lefties Gaytheists? Why would they make this "Meme"?
They always do this. They straw man religious hypocrisy any chance they get.
I love how atheist leftists and Jews try to make arguments for mass immigration based on a religion they despise.
I see no reason why not, considering there's no "fog of war" like in Europa Universalis. The Romans trades as far as India, and after the resurrection of Christ St. Thomas set up a community of Christians in India. India was reachable, and from India it's not difficult to reach China. Had they tried really hard they could've, but it would beat the entire point considering Egypt is just around the corner and safe as all hell.
Nowadays rapefugees have an incentive in gibsmedat, though I won't deny that modern transportation also makes things a lot easier.
Jesus didn't run people over with trucks, behead them on a regular basis, fuck kids, or engage in necrophilia.
>Apples to oranges.
stop being so new
Christian refugee*
I don't care where the rafugees come from but the current ones are all muslim and blow up
Mary and Joseph didn't flee to Europe, nor did they demand that the natives took them in and become a burdan to them. It's a stupid meme because Mary and Joseph stayed in near enough the same country, then went back home after a while. What we're getting aren't refugees, they're economic migrants and welfare seekers.
Jesus never existed. Yahweh is a myth too. Man created Gods.
no he was NOT a refugee.
>Joseph comming back HOME after a census
came to post this
no jesus wasnt a refugee. israel was conquered by rome. long story. heres the short version. roime was maping shit between egypt and turkey. they liked making roads and liked maps. ghey i know but they found some really nasty people speaking some gibberish
spitting on the expeditionary force and some kid threw a rock and seriousrly wounded a old geezer who should have stopped serving but nobody was really attacking roman expeditionary forces at the time and he was like a old friend of some one. roman general got mad and was like if some hungry nigger throws a rock at a single soldier he throws a rock at all of rome. sent a whole fucking death squad to deal with the jews who were found celebrating. willing to be the father of the boy who threw the rock was saying some shit about david and goliath right when the roman soldiers showed up. full armor weapons drawn
the jews knew it was going to be bad and after a few moments of guesting (charades) the language barrier was broken and the jews knew the romans wanted the person responsible for throwing the rock. the boy was handed over. the romans then butchered every jew who couldnt run fast enough and chased the rest into the desert. the boy gave up the location of a secret strong hold deep in the desert. on top of a big rock formation. some would call him a traitor but god didnt stop his father from handing him over to the romans
rome built a giant hill of sand to get to the top of the rock formation that required a rope ladder to get to the top of. the jews there killed themselves to avoid what they were sure would be slavery and rape. but not all the jews fled to that stronghold. the others had gone west and east and those survived inside of roman held land. they were not refugees even then they were the conquered people. there is a difference. you wouldnt call native americans refugees in america
>why is this the latest meme that leftists are pushing?
because they believe they live in a post-factual society
He was not a refugee, he was the eternal Jew.
>The people flooding Europe are not 'refugees'
they are called refugees or economic migrants by the assholes who love them and like to see Europe destroyed
What annoys me the most about this isn't the fact that it tries to manipulate christians. Its that it equates economic migrants with refugees and wants to shame us for not accepting them.
The moment you travel halfway accross the world illegally into a rich country offering free gibs with the aid of human smugglers,you lie about your age and you lie about where you're from, you become an opportunist. My dad went to translate when they were going through Hungary and he could not find a single Syrian among them. Fuck them.
>no jesus wasnt a refugee.
But he was born in Occupied Palestine.
wtf, I love rapeugees now
Jesus was a refugee but he didn't rape Egyptian girls, and ram camel carts into Egyptian pedestrians because they didn't see the world the same as he did. Nor did he whine about the food, or welfare gibmedat programs, of Egypt. Do you get it now?
based Taleb, /our roum/
The pope has called the refugees literally Joseph and Mary.
Still he wont let them in his Vatican though.
So lefties are now comparing Jesus to economic migrants who rape and murder.
Dont forget the 2-step security check with metal detectors and the rubadubdub body search at the midnight mass in the Vatican. After all the migrants aren't terrorists or anything, dey good boys.
Why isn't anyone calling out the Pope on this?
We can thank hundreds of years of bloodshed for bad popes, user. This Francis is small fries, quite fortunately.
>jesus was a sandnigger refugee cuck child
ok maybe we can finally drop the jew religion now
Jesus had to seek refuge in some other place for a while at one point.
No "refugee" in Europe is a real refugee. They ceased being refugees the moment they landed on European soil. After that they became economic migrants, which the Bible is against on many places.
Mary and Joseph escaped Bethlehem because of the slaughter of the male children sanctioned by the Jewish government.
Most "Christians" have never read the Bible, which is why the Jews continue to exist.
>was jesus really a refugee?
Sure. In the same way Edward Snowden is a refugee.
Fascinating. Any good reads on this? I heard about the fort but I didn't know anything about why the romans hated the jews except that the jews were monotheistic and refused the existence of all other religions
Good explaination. Thank you
Jesus let Romans arrest him and his parents reported to Bethlehem for the census. He was no refugee. Liberals love using the "you're not christian!" argument even though much of them hate Christ.