Help me Sup Forums

So I was a bluepilled SJW "race doesn't exit" shitlib before this place. Asian (yellow not Caucasoid) diaspora, but always considered myself an American, loved America, at one point probably willing to die for it, (i know weird being patriotic and SJW at the same time, but maybe being a cuck SJW made me patriotic for a country filled without my ethnic group), but I still had somewhat of a healthy love for people that looked like me.

I was a filthy subhuman R*dditor, and 9gagger, genuinely laughed at their memes, etc. I came here after the election and took a massive redpill. I went from SJW to (Attention federal agencies: totally 100% ironic Nazi here) National Socialist, and now I want to move back to South Korea and help redpill my people and prevent the (((United Nation))) sponsored genocide plan against them and the nips as well (even though I am weary of nips due to disgusting Abo blood and Haplogroup D), I still like them and chinks, and want to reform their bloodlines through selective breeding and eugenics, etc.

The thing is, I hate fellow gooks now, because I realize how bluepilled and how much of a bunch of feminist lunatics they are. I want all shitlibs (like me formerly) to not reproduce, and want a eugenics program implemented that would allow gooks to catch up to the prowess that whites once possessed.

How can I do this? I looked up some laws in Korea, censorship is pretty tough there. Any good VPNs to recommend? How do I avoid being hacked? And how can i thank Sup Forums for redpilling me? I already did my part by trying to redpill some of my former friends on the JQ, but they were mostly vaginal jews that I beta orbited, and none of them took it too seriously, even after I showed them how Rabbi Pornhubowitz Migrantberg was behind the Weimar and Soviet revolutions, Putin's JewTube clips about the 80%, Marx's genetic propensity towards hooked noses, etc.

Other urls found in this thread:

godspeed chink ally, it is time for your son to commit soduko

kill him.

put it in your blog faggit

sorry for the clickbait, but this is really important to me, and I will try to make it worth your time.

Also any idea on how to start? Gooks are a bunch of kike lovers, I have no idea how to begin redpilling them.

Over the past year, Sup Forums has become like my only group of """"""""friends"""""""" if you can call it that. I just want to fucking die every day, life is shit, I have no marketable skills, but I am learning some programming because I got hacked and I never want that to happen again to me. It happened several times and I tried taking a course on Ethical Hacking but the Bosnian or Herzegovnian guy teaching it was horrible at explaining and tried to make us script kiddies.

I am trying to learn cybersecurity, find a job in gookland, and redpill my fellow gooks. I thought about living the traditional life, but I dont want children, because i am not somebody who should be passing down his genes, also I can't do the things I need to like shitpost and spread redpills to gook normies. Me just having children would maybe work if there was a redpilled youth but most gook normies are not like Gen Z whites, they have not been exposed, so just settling down is not an option.

I want to eventually make a site like Sup Forums. I did some reasearch and there are several Korean right wing blogs, but all based on an upvote/downvote system, not based on reply count, so I will need to work until I can afford server space and then rent some server in a free speech country and start my own gookchan there. I thought about calling it Grandjest as a joke because of what some Aussie time travelling LARPer said in a post a few months ago, but i digress.

Daily reminder that the best you can do is improve your life and rise within the social ladder and once you're at the top others will emulate you.

I am trying to figure out how to start. I have some ideas, try and infiltrate some right wing blogs and other groups that would be susceptible and more open minded to ideas outside of the Overton Window, and spread "my" ideas (your redpills) like a virus using them as patient zero.

I'll put some bacon grease in your food instead you teardrop-skulled Somalinigger.

anyways, I want to think of what I can do to accelerate the redpill spreading before the decline.

Unfortunately I don't have time to do that. That might work for you where many whites are already redpilled and many NEETs are there to spread pro white propaganda in meme form behind the scenes, but for gooks there is no such option. One person being successful and spreading redpills through word of mouth won't reach nearly enough people. I have to use the internet to do so.

but to all who offered constructive criticism like

based R1b bro here, thanks.

I want to know what some strategies might be for seeding my own Sup Forums, like how to begin the initial population of users. Or how to attract them, rather, much as m00t did from Something Awful (no I am not an oldfag, really newfag here, but I read up on the 4chinz on (((MSM))) sources and Enkikelopedia DramatizationoftheHolocaustica and Tikitorchpedia.

bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump nigger nigger I hate niggers 1488 MAGA shadilay topkek wewlad BASED BLACK MAN gas the wars kike race later.


Oh and my son does NOT want to transition that was semi ironic clickbait come on /you goys/

Thing is normies are generally retarded and won't believe nor care what a random guy says in the internet, specially if you sound too conspiratory.
I'd start with themes that everyone can feel identified like corruption, big banks, debt, etc. and leave the JQ and stuff like that aside.

Oh and no idea how you could attract users to your website but to spread ideas the best is dank memes.

we need to see his willy, i'm a willy doctor, I specialise in willys

post a pic of his willy

but if i treat the symptoms and not the problem the problem will resurface

also in order to suppress a cough you need to choke someone to death

in order to break free of banks you get sanctioned to death.


what do I do please help me by the way I love the Basque people's interesting facial morphology they look really interesting

>robbing the world of a delicious korean femboi
>expecting sympathy

please forgive me comrade, for I was of deception and camoflagued intentions.

you see, my purpose of transitioned gendered descendent son was to draw in Sup Forumsish under false pretenses to thread.

but i will still make conversation interesting if you will overlook my gookery

Also, I don't want normies seeing the meme to come to my Sup Forums, because I don't want them to turn gookchan into Le Ebin BASED BLACK MAN ISRAEL IS ONLY CIVILIZED blah blah blah blah blah so I am planning on slapping a 9gag watermark or something on me memes or blaming Alex Jones or something like that.

the thing is, I want to attract edgy, high gualidy beobles :DDD to my site with the edginess, and then once they are hooked sick them loose on the internet spreading my memetic mutations far and wide to inseminate the brains of all salvagable gooks.

and thanks for replying catalan bro, really means a lot in this shithole of a world

I saw two IDs today with gas on them, I wonder if they are generated partially based on the post

pls bump my thread catalan bro maybe it just didn;t get enough exposure when it was on /r/all....err...I mean the first page

>pls bump my thread catalan bro
Sure, last post before going to sleep. Good night and good luck gookanon.

hale hortler mein fellow nazis. somebody get this patriot a coat. Special Agent Johns.....I mean gook user here, pls reply someone, even drum...I mean GOD EMPEROR TRUMP maga

Thank you!

I am retared and don't know how to say it in Spanish, Gracias with an accented I or something right? I vaguely remmeber it from burger edumuhcation Spanish class. Sorry for being retard.

oh man i wish i wasn't a brainlet and could use anonymous we are legion hacking to bump my own posts with vpns and proxies.

Fug his bucci.

Interesting read, OP, I feel for you. I think you need to make your son understand that you will kill him if he transitions. Make it a choice between not indulging in faggotry or death, he will make the right choice.

I don't think anybody besides based catalan bro is reading my actual post.

you guys are like redditors in a way. but much more fun to be around.

but some of the comments on /r/cringeanarchy are Sup Forums tier, like that one about the guy with a i did not join the us army to fight for merchant meme thing.

thanks for the bumps

I have no idea how to get counter-Semitic propaganda into Korea, but I sure hope you succeed.

Other than that I'll just say I'm sorry about your son and I'm glad you're on our side. May your work redpill people before their sons want to LARP as girls.

What the fuck this post is all over the place...Your son wants to transition apparently, but then you went off on a tangent about some other bullshit? Learn to write OP...maybe chill a bit on the caffeine too you sound schizo or something RN

>don't want son to get hormone treatment or mutilating surgery

Then don't pay for it. And divorce or beat your wife if she wants to pay for it. You have the option of killing them as well. Hopefully it stops at refusing to pay for it but if they think you're weak you'll have to show them you aren't.

thanks. but my son is not actually transitioning, that plus the freckled aryan ubermensch femanon pic was for clickbait to make you guys pay attention to my post

I tried posting without clickbait, nobody bothreed to respond. Sucks that I resorted to blatant kikery, i apologize for that.

>Reading the post
>Sup Forums

Nothing you posted is pithy or interesting. Fug his bucci senpai.

thanks for bumps.

Also it feels so werid but liberating not trying to calm the fuck down and reassure myself everything is going to be okay everytime i read some news article that almost redpilled me in the past. #notallmuslim bullshit and all that.

Now i can just name the kike, name the sand kike, etc. feelsgoodman.png

I had a good laugh from the title. butjust like you didn't read my actual post, i will not listen, not because i don't want to listen, but because my fucking (((hellen keller))) computer is deaf and mute. otherwise id listen.

kill yourself you redditor retard

This. I literally read the first three sentences from the homepage and skipped down to see your comment. This is atrocious.

I actually read your post, friend. It's too late for everything. When people realize, wise up to what is happening, it's too late for them too.

Word of mouth, just like user said become influential, talk to lots of people to become a good communicator.
Also hook me up with some Koreans g haha I'll help.

As a based chink it is your duty to ensure the continuation of the white race. Letting your son chop his dick off ensures fewer asians in the future.

Do the right thing - castrate your son.

probably will one day if i keep on getting blackpilled but trying to fight it to my last breath. I am no warrior, i am a pussy ass bitch but at least I dont have that soyboy open jaw smile, and so I have a bar to uphold.

also thank you for bumping, not even being sarcastic about it, thanks. i am isolated from society. nice talking

Tell me more about your gay journey you utter fagmaster

bump for luck
godspeed user, you blogposting faggot

Jesus man up at least cunt.

No one will take you seriously.

>Asian son wants to be a ladyboy

Why does it seem like every asian boy wants to turn into a twink faggot?

GODDAMN IT NOBODY READ THE POST ONLY THE CLICKBAIT TITLE I DON'T EVEN HAVE A SON FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK I SHOULDN'T HAVE RESORTED TO KIKERY TO GET REPLIES you reap what you sow I guess. Be a kike, pay the coal, or someting like that right my fellow Nazi white male.....uh. i mean, goy.....anons?

hook you up? Like with korean girls? I don't know any but I am pretty sure from what I have heard of on the internet any white guy could be like a Giga Mecha Chad in an average korean city. Not sure if this is true or if this is muh dikkery by the actual kangz (King Tut had R1b, Rameses II was a ginger), but I am no expert on wimminz. Which is why I said I shouldn't reproduce.

Word of mouth is too slow. Might work for whites since lots of them are already redpilled via internet and each of them can redpill a few by word of mouth, but I will be undertaking a feat alone.

But thanks for advice, but what I am looking for is how to draw in an initially redpilled online population like Sup Forums to work with who can then take iron pill and spread via word of mouth, or as niggers call it, mouff. ya hurr me? skrrrt skrrt

yes, I realize that, but I still want to try. Nothing better to do with my shitty life anyways. I will go down swinging against the feminist dreidel spinners (like coal burners)

probably shouldn't have posted my plans on 4chinz. now the cucked mods will forwrad my IP address to CIA who will sabotage me. SAD!

t. (((God))) emperor Drumpf twoscoops Hirohito.

sorry for sounding like a cringey faggot but I am newfag and trying to emulate Sup Forums culture to the best I can. still used to reddit spacing, a habit hard to break indeed. Also fuck CAPTCHA

Good luck to you then, user.

>but always considered myself an American
Irrelevant, fuck off with your soyboy fag son.

put it in your blog larping faggit, you write like a teenager, call me a teardrop skulled somali nigger for some reason after being triggered and want us to believe you're a,... parent?

you sound more like a crossposting /r9k/ tard who failed his hormone therapy and is now larping as a parent of a mentally ill version of yourself.

oh wait,.. you are mentally ill

Thanks! I hope you perservere too. I know things are not looking good in Brazil, and they won't look good in Korea when I go back.

I will lose, most certainly, but there is nothing else I would rather be doing. Fuck nihilism, fuck living with no higher purpose. At least I can go down in the same spirit as the men and women who fought to the death in various warrior cultures in the world. maybe not literally pick up a weapon and fight, i don't have the balls to do that, but I will do my best to redpill. and if they take me down, may others pick up my mantle and fight. we will give them one hell of a struggle, and milk them for every penny they are worth to finally conquer us and seize our autonomy.

hail victory


Get the fuck out, gook. You aren't American and never will be. I hope your son transitions just to punish you for coming here.


I explained this 6 gorillion times.

The trans son was a clickbait. I tried to jew you and got jewed instead by people believing that i had a trans son.

I am not even a virgin yet.

Yes i am mentally ill. I will admit. And the Somali thing was "bants" as Sup Forums likes to call it. I am a retarded plebbitor. I wanted to get (You)s lining up my post saying KEK and Netherlands BTFO by people agreeing with me, but this is a stale thread and my attempt at bants was shitty.

Sorry for wasting your time FUCKING BASED sea kraut. I have always admired you guys, and the old Dutch sea trading empires, even though I don't like capitalism (or communism for that matter, see flag)

Never mind, I read the rest of your post, I thought you were some MAGApede cuck. Just go back to your country and work to curb degeneracy there. Protest against feminism, fags, whores and other trash. Add your voice to the rising tide of traditionalists across the world.

parents brought me against will. not my fault. but i do plan on returning to my homeland to uncuck and redpill other gooks.

anyways, good luck building those roads


Hail victory, and also I will try not to violate the non aggression principle, but please don't Shoah me if you smell some kimchi on my breath,