
Is this accurate?

>characters die permantrly

The chart isn't accurate for Konosuba, Log Horizon, Re:Zero and SAO, I haven't watched the other ones

No where the fuck did you get that from?

Overlord guild NPCs can be revived for money, and world NPCs with items and magic. Only players might be able to die permanently, but that hasn't been an issue yet.

No, and what is this for anyway? To see which is the least shitty isekai?

Where the hell did you get that who's the autist thats waisting his time on this? Anyway no.

kazuma and aqua have to kill the demon lord.7
Did you even watch these shows?


>12 kingdoms
>go back home
Maybe in the beginning.


kissanime facebook discord

Is this focused in the Anime adaptations? Most of these are fugged

Re:Zero has world building and a lot of character development. Not much in the anime though.

Isekais where Mc have sex:
Mushoku Tensei

Overlord, Konosuba, Log Horizon, Grimgar, NGNL etc

anime for normies

>log horizon

Why is Digimon Tamers listed?

Maybe Adventure or Frontier would count as Isekai but in Tamers they were on Earth for most of the story.

Does succubi dream sex count?

An accurate bait chart.

No, the succubus said so, it's just a dream.

But It feels exactly like the real thing

But it's just a dream

They don't actually have sex in SAO, Kiriot just has a wet dream in his hospital bed.

>characters die permanently
Nigger that was only for 1 arc.

>chapter 16.5

Drifters is the perfect Isekai.

I'd have wet dreams where I'm having sex, and I feel like it's the real thing, though I'm a virgin.

Does that count?

>Overlord with no world building
>Re:Zero with no character development
>Konosuba with no overpowered MC

Digimon Tamers isn't real isekai. They just happen to travel to another world at some point in the story, it's not a tool for easy exposition with main characters that are easy to self insert into.

Digimon Adventure is a real isekai, Digimon Tamers is not.

what's the point of this chart?

Counting Tamers in is werid, also they went in with a clear objective at their own will. Getting back home was never their main objective.
Re:zero actualy had character developement, it just sucked.

To show us how retarded OP is.

Sorry, that doesn't count.

Dog days should be on the chart, if for no other reason than "alternate worlds are super fun".

Implying getting laid in an MMO counts as scoring

If you're talking anime yeah, it sucks.

>Tsubasa wasn't overpowered.

It is my honest opinion that 12 Kingdoms is one of the best anime ever.

The only one that's remotely correct is character development, Kazuma's luck and knowledge of making kotatsus is basically a cheat ability

>no world building

maybe the anime, but the novel is nothing BUT world building. season 2 will fix this misunderstanding.

>characters die permanently

stated multiple times IN THE ANIME ressurection is a thing. one is even explicitly shown with shalltear's ressurection from being disentegrated.

>important objective

conquering the entire world and uniting all the races under a single benevolent, undying leadership isn't important?

Though there's gazef who requested not being revived.

if almosts counted then Kazuma would got laid sex plenty of times

as it is he's the king of coitus interruptus

Could add an "rpg mechanics" too


World Building - yes
Characters die permanently - yes
Character development - yes
Have an important objective - make a strong community, beat the god dungeons and find out why he died
MC overpowered - relative to the world yes but not compared to the great gods

thanks for spoilers user.

he still can technically be revived with a high level rez spells only available to ainz, but the death spell ainz used is too strong for normal NW rez spells. IF ainz were truely evil he could bring him back but he respected him too much to go against the man's dying wish.


Does this mean NGMI is the best one on the list? It has nearly all reds just like Re: Zero.

I don't know if this is a bait or your really think this

Nothing is wrong with what I said, people only hate remonster cause they're moralfags.

Overlord play by D&D rules, if you don't want to be revive you reject the spell and don't fucking revive

That bit about character development will have to get adjusted as soon as season 3 hits. Megumin might be the only character that actually develops in that series but its still more than nothing.

missing the best Isekai to date that is Ixion Saga DT

so is escaflowne the best isekai anime ? i was planning to watch it after finishing ashita no joe

The problem isn't the moral, the problem is
>Enslave and Rape is bad
>Enslave and drug until they beg for sex is Ok
You cant say the first and do the second

It has a shit ton of other flaws to be honest.

Grimgar has character development

Also applied kind of applied to GGO, since they were murdered in real life as they were killed in the game.

Sounds like aids

>grimgar character development
What? The what. Did they not pay attention to the series?

>Log Horizon
>MC not over powered

Them being demigods didn't help keeping control of akihabara

>no Nobuna

The Ambition of Oda Nobuna is isekai done right

>no dual parallel
>no those who hunt elves
>no gate

such a shit list of fantasy/game gayness

All this autism

>No character development

Read the book nigger.

>No world building
Eh I'll give you that, though parts and hints of it does appear.

Almost all the Main cast and main villains of LH have the same level, also the MC only can show his true power in a party

Literally everyone important is on the same level as MC

You forgot the "is it good" column and it's a NO for every single one.

merry is best girl and will win

Every one of these things is vague and subjective. How do you measure world building or character development? It's a matter of opinion. I think ReZero had more character development than any of three YESs.

>forgetting el hazard

Re:Monster is just shit though. The author is jerking off in your face about how awesome Rou is. The moment anything remotely inconvenient happens to him it's solved in a couple chapters.

This fight was really hard, it was so dangerous I lost my arm and barely won out- oh there's a dungeon nearby you need me to clear out so humans don't get to the legacy left behind? Oh look, a magic artifact arm. That sure was useful seeing as I lost my arm a couple days back!

The only tension that might exist is seeing which unimportant character might die. The harem sure as fuck won't.

It's too much to shift through and there are a lot of memes like "character development", "waifus", etc. If they didn't take it seriously, why should we even try to fix what's wrong with it?

I wonder what "Worldbuilding" is supposed to mean.
But let's try to be more autistic :
Contrary to the apparences it actually has a decent amount of worldbuilding, the objective is mainly "achieve a decent lifestyle". Most of what drives the anime is the MC trying to get out of the stables and then trying to get out of debts. It's only in he current arc that he really has achieved that goal.

It does have character developement (mostly the MC who take on the leader role), and their objective is to survive.

>Log Horizon
The objective is adaptating to the world. Character developement is a thing, so no not "partial".

>Re Zero
lel buzzwords.
It has world building and a lot of character developement. Shit character developement is the focus of an entire arc. And the objective stay the same throughout : protecting Emilia and his friends.

It has worldbuilding.

I haven't watched/the chart is right about the rest.

>12 kingdoms
>go back home

>protecting Emilia and his friends
pretty sure that's what he meant with "waifus".
It's actually more accurate, since all those poeple weren't his friends from the start so just wanting to get ass is a much more plausible motive.

warning: shameless blogpost

>decide to read deathmarch because fuck it, why not
>MC obliterates an entire army of level 50 lizard men (about 300) with a single attack
>levels up to max level and all stats become maxed out
>gets a whole bunch of skills as a result of his very first battle
>gets 3100 skill points he can use upgrading his already numerous skills
>gets rich instantly from his very first battle
>has infinite purified water
>can see all sorts of useful information using in-game data screens and in-game maps
>casually snipes a fucking dinosaur with a pebble by flicking it off his thumb
>saves a cute girl who will probably fall in love with him for saving her life
>all this is just chapter 1

>NPC aren't characters

The best two there are 12 Kingdoms and Escaflowne. Not sure which of the two is better though.

Cant believe zero no tsukaima isnt on this

Death March is the kind of series that might as well be a slice of life. It has no tension from the start and continues to be that way throughout. The story boils down to the protagonist knowing he's probably the strongest thing around and just touring the land with his harem enjoying local foods and occasionally solving local problems. Meanwhile his harem are becoming heroes of legend and he's not fucking any of them in true Japanese harem style.

The people who enjoy Death March aren't really there for the power fantasy, probably not even for the limited world building. They are there for the comfy fuzziness of it. It is a very inoffensive, safe series where not much happens.

>yes, yes, yes, yes, no
>still a kusoLN

>World Building

wtf I love Escaflowne now

>World building: Yes
>Characters die permanently: Yes
>Character development: Yes
>Have an important objecitive: Stop escapism
>MC overpowered: No

FFTA is the best isekai

>cute daughterus

>Escaflowne is on the list but not El-Hazard
Shit list is shit.

>and find out why he died
Yandere imouto figure saw him with another woman and went apeshit on him.

Not hard to figure out.

>No Rayearth
>No Fushigi no Yuugi
>No Nobuna
It's shit.

This kinda happened with motoyasu in shieldbro. But it was a childhood friend and a cute ojou-type girl he met, they took turns stabbing him.

He's now forever afraid of yanderes.

Grimgar have character development, the objective is survive and the MC is a special snowflake that can see lines like shiki

Log horizon have a overpowered MC

Re Zero have character development and the objective is avoid suffering

Overlord character can be resurrected

>They are there for the comfy fuzziness of it. It is a very inoffensive, safe series where not much happens.
Nigga, this shit is offensive to my taste.

So this is what Sup Forums has become.
No wonder this place become more cancerous each day.

Grimgar has character development. Unless they regress in the novels, but that doesn't really seem pertinent.

>World Building - Yes, fuckton of side stories about the other factions.
>Characters die permanently - Yes, see Regulus, the witches, any character that dies before time traveling back
>Character development - Yes, Arcs 4-5-6 focus heavily on development, backstories and shit.
>Have an important objective - Defeat/Save Satella, unfreeze Emilia's home, waking up Rem, defeat Echidna, make Emilia become king.
>MC overpowered - If time traveling back with a lot of emotional scars count, then yes, Subaru is overpowered.

>Youjo Senki
>World building - Yes
>Perm death - Yes
>Chara dev - Partial (MC only)
>Obj - beat 'god' in its own game and live a cushy deskjob life in the rear line
>MC OP - Yes

>konosuba mc

>Contrary to the apparences it actually has a decent amount of worldbuilding, the objective is mainly "achieve a decent lifestyle". Most of what drives the anime is the MC trying to get out of the stables and then trying to get out of debts. It's only in he current arc that he really has achieved that goal.
The plot will drag him back, won't it?

Loliprincess best girl.

Damegami will always drag him back.
Kuzuma needs to realize that he needs to keep her hedonistic desires satisfied at all times to stop her from dragging him back into the fold.

Who fugged Shieldbro?

Feels like every other chapter of death march is about MC going to the market and buying a gift for a girl as if you buy enough gifts people will like you.