Soo Russians are you going to vote him in the next elections?
Soo Russians are you going to vote him in the next elections?
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As much as I love Putin, its a big failure of his that no one can replace him. All he's doing is pushing back Russia's inevitable collapse because there is no competent ruling class.
There should be like a big gang of young to middle age people having forums and debates, etc and who are somewhat notable and popular for the right reasons. And all polling like 10% each.
Russians are brainwashed by Kremlin propaganda that if they don't elect Putin they will live like they did in the 90's. Which is a total BS because now economic conditions are almost the same like it was back then only now corruption is much more centralized. So yeah they will vote for this crook, unfortunately.
I support him, but i will vote for Grudinin so the Communist party could initiate the change in its ranks and present a challenge for someone Putin will put forward in 2024
anyone that tells me nukes are real deserves the gas
>Communist party
That's still a thing?
I thought they all died in 1991.
Also why would anyone vote for them?
Russian communists are different from the western, they are traditionalist, patriotic, anti-bankers and pro-agrarian.
Doesn't matter is anybody votes for him, he'll still "win". He banned his biggest opponent, Alexei Navalny, from running against him today. Alexei Navalny is /ourguy/ btw. Merry Christmas, Russia.
nukes are rear their impact is just overblown. Now hand me that gas.
Grudinin is a Jew, m8
Are you mentally disabled OP
I did an "ISideWith" test on Russia for shits and giggles and surprisingly I found that I side with the Communist party more than Putins party. Surprising given I consider Putin to be one of the best leaders in the world.
traditions don't die that fast especially when they were ingrained as heavily as they were in the soviet union. Unless you make them illegal; communism is not illegal in Russia. The established order in Russia used to be socialism/communism.
If you're an American that hasn't sold out to Putin yet, you need to be vocal about your support for Navalny. I work for a think tank in DC and we're starting a campaign to raise support for Navalny in online discussion communities like this one.
CIA nigger.
Honestly what is the worst that is actually gonna happen if someone else gets elect ed? Is that even possible? Defeat PUTIN? It seems unreal.
seems suspicious that some of the channels and sources that are pro-putinist now calling him a jew, even though amongst the putin crew there are a lot of jews too.
most people are very apathetic and know that they cant change anything by voting, there are no alternatives - all other candidates are literally who or jokes
and the voting doesn't matter, even if no one votes they will fake the numbers to pretend that Pu has nation-wide support
Putins reign is as solid as monarchy
I don't work for the CIA but many of our sponsors will benefit when Putin is removed from power.
>actively admitting he's part of a shill group on Sup Forums
but why?
many people already live like in the 90s
~30% are beyond poverty line even by official stats and most people dont trust tv
irrelevant, he's literal nobody no one heard about, but if anything giving other candidates at least few% could motivate opposition
Putin polled at 69% in the latest poll, he's going nowhere
>some of the channels and sources that are pro-putinist now calling him a jew
He self identifies as a Jew
It's not shilling, it's just an information campaign. We estimate up to 34% of the Russian public is open to supporting a pro-American candidate.
Because he's actually a Russiaboo trying to pull a fast one by saying anyone against Putin must be working for a shill group from the US. Discrediting his opposition.
So what are the opposition parties like? I've heard about the Liberal Democratic Party as being big, what are they about?
From what I call a lot of other ones like Yabloko or Union of Right Forces were literally controlled opposition.
There are literally 8 other people that poll over 2%. Navalny is a US meme. You need a minimum amount of RUSSIAN support and not be a felon to run.
Why don't hillary and obama just hack Russia's elections as payback?
That's exactly what's been said in many threads discussing similar points of view relating to Russian Federation policies. I have nothing more to say than what's already been said many times in similar contexts.
Russian pres is directly elected.
Canada's equivalent of pres is unelected, and is picked by the British ruling monarch.
Canada's PM is unelected, and chosen by ruling party.
>Soo Russians are you going to vote him in the next elections?
*recall, sorry too much eggnog.
>implying Imperator Putin Divi Filius Augustus could ever lose an "election"
Not going to work out well for you here nigger...
LDPR is fake opposition with no position, they only care about getting their piece of pie and agree to vote the same as the ruling party
'communists' are more like 'conservative' socialists and their key point is helping poor people, which is not populist but real necessity
>t. never had to live under communist rule
we're starting a campaign to raise support for Navalny in online discussion communities like this one.
>in online discussion communities
>like this one
The literal definition of a shill.
>Because he's actually a Russiaboo trying to pull a fast one by saying anyone against Putin must be working for a shill group from the US. Discrediting his opposition.
too hopeless everyone would know it was faked
You linked me wiki that links to this video and he identifies as a Russian
And the last name of his mother's father Пищик is not jewish.
>Canada's equivalent of pres is unelected, and is picked by the British ruling monarch.
>Canada's PM is unelected, and chosen by ruling party.
You are so retarded I wonder if you were born here.
>Thinking that the GG carries out his duties like a President does
>Thinking that the Canadian PM is unelected when you vote directly for him by voting in his party members.
Dumb-ass nigger.
You don't have to respond once I've already addressed your question.
thats a hilarious idea and totally impossible, even if Trump and entire CIA/NSA etc tried to do it
there is simply no alternative so you cant nudge a bit to make one candidate win
the difference between now and then is that people were just poor then and now they're still poor but also owe money on the jewish loans and everything costs as much as it does in the west
KPRF is in Putin's pocket as well, goluboi.
They are are fake opposition.
If it was even close to be a viable option, they'ed have done it years ago. Fucking Neocons have an eternal grudge against Russia.
PM doesn't even exist in Canada's constitution -- it's literally a made up office and has been established basically as a convenient formality. GG appoints PM and theoretically can appoint whoever they want but it wouldn't make sense to appoint someone who isn't majority leader since they have the confidence of the House and thus is the only person who can actually get things done... that's why they are called Prime Minister.
>they'ed have done it years ago
They may or may not have done it in 1996 depending on who you ask.
>when Imperator Putin Augustus "announced his candidacy"
You don't know that, they just cooperate for now and buy the time, waiting for the opportunty to leap to power. They show moderate results in the elections in the regions.
Navalny's not a felon, Putin says he is but that doesn't make it true.
>meddles in yet another foreign election
Really makes you think.
>being convicted of a felony doesn't make you a felon
>PM doesn't even exist in Canada's constitution -- it's literally a made up office and has been established basically as a convenient formality
And? Our PM is still directly democratically elected. When we vote for Trudeau in the ballot box, that is a vote going directly for Trudeau. This isn't like the US where you vote to tell someone that you'd "like" for him to vote for said person, and that person (electoral college voter) is under no obligation of voting for who you told him to vote.
>GG appoints PM and theoretically can appoint whoever they want
Theoretically, because we all know it'll never happen in reality. Good to mention, even though the GG has the power to appoint who he wants to, something he's never in Canadian history, he's only a representative of Her Majesty, the true Canadian head of state.
What you're saying doesn't contradict my earlier post. When we vote, we do technically vote for a member of our chosen party to become MPs, and if enough members of said party become MPs, then the leader of said party becomes the PM.
It's a good system, we rank extremely highly on the Democracy Index (rank 6), and we'd rank in the top 3 if it wasn't for our disappointing political involvement process (meaning not enough people are interested in politics). I really like this system, constitutional monarchism is part of Canadian culture now, and it shouldn't change.
Alexei Navalny is /yourfag/
mobsters get really furious when someone steals FROM THEM.
I have Russian professor (not Putinboo btw) who tells me they are in Putin's pocket.
KPRF only got 13% in 2016 Duma vote and are currently polling around 5%, they are a meme
>When we vote for Trudeau in the ballot box
You don't vote for an individual, you vote for a party -- and the party can call a leadership election whenever it wants and who is able to vote in these elections is fairly restrictive. For example, only ~250k members were eligible to cast a vote in the latest CPC leadership election. If memory serves correctly, only roughly half actually cast a vote. That means that if the CPC had won the federal election in 2015 and then the leadership election called in 2017 after Harper resigned (as it happened), the PM himself (who would be Scheer) would have been directly elected by only ~125k people.
>GG is only a representative of Her Majesty
In actual fact, the Sovereign's Viceroy is considered the physical embodiment of the Sovereign if/when the Sovereign him/herself isn't on the land. This is why they receive the title of His/Her Excellency (the Right Honourable) and why they reside in the Monarch's residence.
No one voted for Trudeau. Never on the ballot. People voted for their local MPs. And not all parties are represented everywhere. Forcing to vote for a bad MP to get a good PM, that is if you even given a chance to in your region, is fascist trickery. Please kill yourself.
You know what to do, Yakov
Your professor is right, CPRF has never been real opposition, at least not since real revanchist commies were defeated in 1993 and replaced with controlled opposition. Back in 1996, the Communist leader Zyuganov actually WON the second round of presidential elections against Yeltsin but threw the victory and never protested against massive falsifications that allowed Yeltsin to claim victory. And that was the high point of his career, the CPRF would get their 10–15% votes on every elections ever since (with the share constantly decreasing) and has never felt particularly worried about it, being totally comfortable with their position as Putin's usual sparring partner.
Its because Zyuga is a cuck, but everyone in party is tired of his bullshit, new young left movement voted for Grudinin and they pushed him because they tired of zyuganovs cuckolding. now should be a real fight, with Boldyrev and Delyagin its a real deal. Atleast i hope, we will see on the debates.
If he's not ill or dying, sounds like problem solved in a country chuckfull of them
> A big gang of young to middle aged people having forums and debates
I can see this. I just close my eyes, picture the Charlottesville rally, and replace the Dodge Challenger with three soviet tanks.
>being totally comfortable with their position as Putin's usual sparring partner.
Nukes are real. The gas might prove to be an interesting departure from an otherwise mundane Christmas. Alas, you're too stupid to gas anyone. Sigh...
Fucking retard doesn't even understand how our elections work.
You fucking shit stains are a disgrace to the nation and because of you fucking retards we get Justin. There is no direct voting in Canada. Did you ever notice we vote for a party?
Fuck man. Where is leaf Hitler?
Holy fucking cum lips, you retarded abortion, have you ever voted in you short pathetic life? You never directly voted for Justin. You fucking shill fags and your " Canadian Democracy ". You have nothing you fucks. This country has no democracy.