really makes you ponder...
really makes you ponder...
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There are autistic retards on both sides now
For reference, Louise Untermensch and her (((husband))).
>both sides
the autistic retards are solely concentrated on the right.
Well this is an interesting way (((journos))) have settled on battling Sup Forums. Directly go for the jugular through our contempt for (((them))). I just think this guy is a rogue element and will lose his job pretty soon.
>let's propagandise the goyim with endless historical precedents that it's us or them and we have neither the ability nor the inclination to coexist in peace
the absolute state of jews
Sure thing Brucey
This is the REAL 4D chess. Dont fall for this bullshit.
>Each time a white supremacist chants “Jew will not replace us,” such nationalistic, ethnocentric Jews grow closer to replacing the liberal, tolerant ones who helped create American popular culture
These people can see that Jews don't like being harassed, threatened, and blamed for everyone else's problems, and that everytime they are they move a little further to the right, but they're completely oblivious to the fact that Whites might be the same way. I cannot into this level of doublethink.
The Jew is entirely without self-awareness, entirely unable to empathise with or relate to the goyim, because they fundamentally do not consider us to be people. You ever asked one the simple question of why X policy is good for Israel but bad for the west? Maybe you get a half-assed "muh holocaust" but more often they just give you a blank look as if their brain can't process the question.
So, there is this saying that goes like this:
When you can not beat them, join them.
The alt-right, Sup Forums, whatever you name it, has the facts and is right. Furthermore, we are resistant to persecution and moral subterfurge. Now the jews have decided to become part of the alt-right indefinitely; we have to watch out for kikes more. Perhaps we should always name the beast; what ever we post, involve something negative about the jews where we can.
I would throw that stupid blonde into the hardest prison in the U.S. and make sure every inmate raped her a hundred times. Phew, can you tell I dislike this broad?
>Maybe you get a half-assed "muh holocaust" but more often they just give you a blank look as if their brain can't process the question.
I've never gotten anything other than hysterical accusations of "muh anti-semitism."
They fully expect to live by a different set of rules than everyone else, and even bringing this expectation up is some sort of cardinal sin.
>make pol alt right
>make pol hate Jews
>say Jews love alt right
>watch pol divide itself
Jews aren't a problem, at least not all of them, the problem is the globalist elite and their subversive agenda
Not all Jews are globalists and not all globalists are Jews
shame/guilt are the most powerful weapon to use to manipulate people. if you can make people feel morally ashamed, then you can control them more easily.
this is what Jews have basically done to non-Jewish Europeans to have a hell of a lot more power over them.
This guy just wedges the word "jew" into a paint-by-numbers left wing diatribe. If we've turned jews into this sputtering mess then we've won.
Sup Forums and the JIDF merged and became one, on this timeline even Bibi is posting happy merchants and blaming the absolute state of the world on powerhungry jews
>Jews aren't a problem
>Not all Jews are globalists and not all globalists are Jews
Pic related applies as much to Jews and globalism as it does to Muslims and terrorism, fuck off with your "not all" horseshit.
Perhaps. Or maybe we just don’t want to see western countries overrun with low iq sand people. Not all Jews hate the goyim. The West created the greatest civilization and standard of living in human history. Some of (((us))) are waking up to the fact that the left’s utopian vision will destroy the only places worth living.
Congratulations on being the weeds in which the globalists hide in. If you really believed what you're saying, you'd be on some jew forum encouraging moderation and coexistence, not on some goy forum telling everyone how great your average jew is.
Merry Christmas, btw.
Whatever dude. The average Jew is as unredplled as the average goy. I do my best to drop redpills where I can without going full fash. And the alt-right won’t let me into their club anyway so what do I really owe you or them? It’s also interesting that you just assume I’m being a duplicitous Jew, because we’re supposedly incapable of telling the truth…As for the globalists, the average Jew doesn’t interact with them, or anyone worth billions of dollars. I don’t know fucking Zuckerberg or anyone at Goldman Sachs. I’m currently unemployed and looking for bar tending work. We’re not all fucking rich globalists or SJW cucks and soy boys. What do you suggest a based Jew do besides move to Israel? My family has been in America since the 1850’s. Longer than a lot of goys.
move to YOUR fucking country and stay there, kike. And thank your ancestors for the (((social gospel))) movement for me.
Can...can I be your goyfriend ? :3
Probably not gonna happen just yet. Anyways, you guys would want our scientists, doctors, and engineers. You’d be fools to get rid of all of us. I could see getting us out of the media, banking, and academia though.
This bitch is crazy even by far left standards.
Trump has been objectively bad for the Jews though.
>Anyways, you guys would want our scientists, doctors, and engineers.
Not needed. Jews just take spots through nepotism that could have gone to superior whites.
Yeah... no, I'll take a white doctor thanks. Not that The jewish ones weren't at least profesional, but I'd rather have a doctor who can relate and won't just send me home with a prescription for ULTRA HEROIN 9000, see doctor for prescription.
The Power Jews fear assimilation more than almost anything. Pick your battles carefully, attacking all jews is what cements the tribalism for them. Instead, attack "jewish ideas".
Ok, devil's advocate time: Let's say that you're being truthful (unlikely, but ok), why should we let you stay when you readily admit that some of you are a danger to us? Surely you can see that it's just not worth the risk? It's very similar to the Muslim problem. The "radicals" do their thing, and then hide in the haystack of "moderates". When you get a bag of Skittles, you get the flavors you like, but you also get the ones you don't. In the end, it's just better for all of us if you GTFO.
#notalljews bullshit, your kike tricks don't work here.
Jews aren't white, so it's irrelevant whether they are harmful or not. They just need to be exterminated.
Look up Howard S Schneider, senpai. They are NOT professional.
Bibi knows that if the shitlibs in Israel win then they will be blacked faster than anyone else Nationalism and ethnocentrism doesn't hurt him. It's why jews shill for multikulti everywhere BUT Israel.
Keep your friends close keep your enemies closer.
The moving the embassy to Jerusalem is perfect it accomplishes many goals..
1.keeping his word. Bush and Obama both said they would do it and didn't
2. It divides Jews and liberals on whether to support this, and as well never trumpers that love Israel
3. Hastens the chance of Israel being destroyed.
>Sup Forums knows Jews lie
>Sup Forums knows the left hates them
>Leftist Jews right an article
>They all believe
Indeed, baba kamma strikes again.
yeah... never let a shekelgrubber near my teeth. They've always been the "If I touch you anywhere that isn't requested examination or is outside regs I'm going to jail AND hell" variety. My dentist was always huwyte.
Don't ever criticize kikes or the kikes win.
The difference is Islam is a religion that you can leave behind whereas Jewishness is not. Even if you end up being a self-hating Jew like Bobby Fischer you're still a Jew.
LOL, OP's pic using angles to hide that conk.
Pssst, you're losing to autistic retards.
Guess that just makes you regular retards.
Islam is what the khazar kikes invented to emotionally and superstitiously manipulate their persian halfbreeds.
If Bobby Fischer was not good at chess the kikes would have been vewwwwy insulted that you dare call him a Jew just because he looked like a sheckleburg... how dare you judge a book by its cover goy, how dare you.
>meme flag
Fuck off.