Because I absolutely laughed my ass off at pic related. Look at these pudgy lil man-children and their paper shields.
Is this supposed to be intimidating?
Other urls found in this thread:
Good way to get ran over by a Dodge charger, especially if you're fat
Also the outfits are shit
What is a symbolism for $100
You pussies are still afraid to bash me
angry young men following a laughable cause have been the downfall of many nations
Get fucked you kike shill
Are these pussy Israeli soldiers supposed to be super-elite operators, because any real warfighter laughs his ass off at them.
It's not the larpy WN's you need to worry about kikes, but rather the vast majority of the American military-industrial complex that have come to hate you because of your numerous acts cowardice and betrayal.
No self awareness
American soldiers wear diapers into combat
it's sad they have to defend themselves like that
lmao, why are you so defensive?
His trial starts soon. Will be fun seeing him go free.
Nope. Just meant to destroy a movement, and
make you all look like trogs in khakis. It worked,
and there are enough of you willing to make
asses of yourselves
Not a single person took them seriously, or their 'white Sharia now' chants.
This is the rights version of 'Antifa'
Look up 'controlled opposition' dumbass
That's a funny way to spell Israeli
>meme flag
They're not there to be intimidating chucklefuck, they were there to show support for Robert E Lee's statue. The shields are from protection from violent leftists, but all leftists were good for was hood ornaments
All super political rank and file men and women are uggos, its common sense. Who else has nothing better to do than go to protests?
Homeboy with the fedora is going to be a boss.
Is that guy the final boss?
Waste of trips
I was certain this post was a joke until I saw the middle munchkin's shield. The one on the left looks like it has a device of crossed rolling pins on it.
you are right OP it is disgraceful.
You're the one that started this thread trying to laugh at us, kike. Well, we'll see who gets the last laugh.
>he thinks that Americans are his eternal allies and shabbotsoyim
>little does he know that we are now using his own tactics against him, tactics we learned from proximity to his poison
>by way of deception
>keep you enemies closer
>Now look, G,
let me explain something to you.
You've been using a bazooka
to exterminate three little roaches.
Now when you hunt roaches,
you don't blow up your house.
You send in an exterminator
so he can...
he crawls like a roach;
He thinks like a roach;
He has a little roach mind...
Hey... you be careful
or maybe you get
stepped on like a roach.
Love how all those retarded doughboys believe they can bring about an ethno-state by fighting street battles with the commie fags
Consider the absolute melt down the left and the mass media had in reaction to these guys. If these are just a few losers larping why did the left go into full panic? Either they are a more formidable force then the OP claims or the left is so weak that is all it takes to frighten them.
That's the best part. They were absolutely hysterical. Now imagine a well organized group with thousands of followers