what the fuck did he mean by this???
is he talking about the fucking mass lockup or what?
has Q said anything for fucks sake?
what the fuck did he mean by this???
is he talking about the fucking mass lockup or what?
has Q said anything for fucks sake?
nothing dont take trump tweets seriously he talks too much shit
Who’s is Q, rake?
Was it that antiquated LARP psy-op the boomers were running on here for a few weeks?
Fucking Sage
Hes referencing the things that needed to be secured and done in order to drain the swamp.
The deep state underestimated him and more importantly the "silent majority"
It wasnt just an ode to people who keep to themselves in the public, but also a nod to the people who watch their superiors break the morals they swore an oath to uphold.
The reason why we didnt "win korea or vietnam war" is because when a squad was told to murder innocent civilians they would point their guns at the one who gave the order and would defy them.
you think mueller flipped bro?
what about comey? or nah that man is dirty as a motherfucka
Listen up retard. The real investigators on this board got massive help by CBTS. They knew where to look because of what was in those threads and what was missing as well.
Military also wanted the enemy to invest heavy resources in all content that surfaced whether true or false.
Do you realise that the NWO do call themselves Jews but they also pay their shills to be super anti semetic? No one would believe valid information if you create it with such hatred.
>antiquated LARP psy-op
>Fucking Sage
gtfo you faggot shill
Q is fake as fuck and reads and operates as a disinformation agent whose intent is to pacify, demoralize, and ultimately run out the clock. Wake up. Call your congressman and call D.C. to demand the Deep State faggots are executed by firing squad.
No. Congress deserves the rope. Mueller will kill them all for treason.
One more thing: Mueller is not /our guy/.
Former FBI Director James Comey in his Senate testimony Thursday accused President Donald Trump of giving him a “directive” to letting former Director of National Intelligence Michael Flynn go free from investigation. It was a major part of the reason Comey and Democrats hoped a special counsel would be appointed in the case, and one was. But that special counsel, former FBI Director Robert Mueller, was accused of doing exactly the same thing in a 2011 book in regards to the deaths of the Branch Davidians at Waco, Texas.
Comey claimed the President privately told him, “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.” The former FBI head testified he took that as a directive from the President.
According to former Georgia Congressman Bob Barr, now special counsel Mueller said nearly the same thing to him during the 1995 Congressional investigation into the 1993 stand-off in Waco, Texas that resulted in the deaths of 76 members of the Branch Davidian cult.
Barr, writing in his 2011 book, “The Meaning of Is: The Squandered Impeachment and Wasted Legacy of William Jefferson Clinton,” recounted a phone call with Mueller, who was then working at the Justice Department, in which he asked Barr not to “go too hard on these guys.”
Barr recounts Mueller as saying, “Bob, don’t go too hard on these guys. We know most of them, and they’re good people.”
It went unnoticed at the time, as Mueller was out of government service when the book was written.
Mueller served as FBI Director from 2001 until 2013.
I said this was stupid when it happened. Why the fuck would you be suprised this top FBI agent doesnt have his shit all over google
LARPer IQ is clearly very low
Mueller is a fucking faggot and DS personified.
>Back to work goyim
traitors get jailed
Think about forgiveness and redemption when thinking about Mueller. The only way we win this war on humanity is to forgive some people who have conflict within them. No use in forgiving someone who has no issue with their involvement in slavery.
Guys if you dont think Mueller has flipped then you are hopeless. You have ZERO strategical insight. Ive never seen someone on here say that Mueller is pretending to flip to destroy Trump. There is literally ZERO chance Trump wouldnt be aware of Mueller being dishonest with him because these NWO fucks arent the only ones with the keys to the data banks which record all communications.
It takes a while to proccess raw data so Trumps plan is to btfo the media mind control when a lie surfaces. Only fucking zombies dont think there is a serious effort for liberation from financial slavery happening right now.
I wonder what the Pauls are in on????
Lol you people are insanely stupid
Hey Jason Goodman. What's up
Webb does it because he's a drunken whore. Q(actual) does it for more insidious and nefarious reasons.
You are so emotionally devistated that things are at this point where you can not believe there are good people in the cabinet right now. REDEMPTION.
also Trumps been using enemies of the people without them even realizing the CHESS GAME
Stop shitting up the board, faggot.
Are we able to report q larping and actually get these trashy threads deleted now? I haven't seen a cbts thread in weeks.
Exposed again, shart blew.
Jason! Stop fucking kids with Bryan Singer! Arnon Milchan won't save you or Rahm Emmanuel!
You understand that in order to pull off this liberation without massive civil unrest (will be small amount of puny people that get triggered)
that people are lying for a good reason now right? Comey was shown the light
Somewhat unrelated but what do you guys think his next campaign slogan will be? I don't think he can keep using MAGA only because it might imply even after four years he still has not made a significant great change.
I know there are good people, faggot. But i will not tolerate the reification of slacking off and getting too comfy when we are at war. There is zero strategic advantage for Team America Trump in assuming that Mueller is /our guy/ and that "we got this".
"Make Israel Greater"
Does everyone see this faggot? Mods remove.
>standby.. executing LARP shellcode
>other random numbers
the key will be in tomorrow's press conference
Jason Goodman! Stop fucking children you sick pedo
Uhm... we got gigantic groundbreaking tax reform within a year, religious rights are being restored, we already have wall prototypes, we have a new SCOTUS judge, the economy is almost restored again.
YES things are happening faster than anticipated.
Q is a LARP
You are hopless and if by Trumps 6th year if he doesnt push to end the FED then we must be the ones to risk our lives to end slavery before the people get even more ignorant. This presidency is life or death for our children. If we do not push if Trump fails to do so then we can no longer complain about the ones who usurped authority over everyone
I do think ending the FED is a go. But that is 2nd term.
Think about how you retards attacked the CBTS!!! You were blindly fighting the "LARP" without knowing jack shit about what was really happening. Fucking ignorant retards.
>gigantic groundbreaking tax reform
ho boy more deficit increasing tax breaks without any spending cuts, just what we needed.
>religious rights are being restored
> we have a new SCOTUS judge,
>the economy is almost restored again.
At least we didn't overthrow Assad and create Libya 2.0
>has Q said anything for fucks sake?
Do you have any doubt that these good people are looking up to Trump?
You cant talk about draining the swamp because the enemy will false flag the shit out of us if he starts giving the people raw evidence.
>muh tax cuts
>muh (((Judaic-Christianity)))
>muh fake wall
>muh judges
>muh (((economy)))
GTFO boomer scum.
>don't! ...or the enemy will begin...
wow, this is beyond simple inanity.
Trump knows dude. Robert David Steele confirms he red pilled Trump with 5 seperate memos.
Trumps confirmed to have real pizzagate, zionist, nwo, cia running NK, private international deep state groups, EVERYTHING WE SEE ON /POL
That's like big heads mode in goldeneye
>The real investigators on this board
>debt jubilee
not really. it will be a one-time excise tax.
You are totally ignorant as fuck dude. How do you not see that when serious evidence comes along over the years they totally strangle it. And when the people look past the media (they see though internet search archives) they false flag or captivate us with a random murder trial or whatever...
>still falling for these 'wait and see'/'big plans' hooks
he literally does this shit to make everyone get really excited for no reason.
Just because you are a retarded faggot doesnt mean everyone else that sees your posts is....
Denying that there are extremely capable and savy investigators that WILL come here to fish is
>>>The real investigators on this board got massive help by CBTS
Fucking idiot... that was your CONTAINMENT BOARD!!! Goddamn boomers think they can come to our home and tell us how this all works. We're far, FAR further than you are.
Lurk moar
You do realize that you are illustrating my point. You admonish that "oh no... we mustn't... or we will be false flagged." Guess what, Sherlock- that's already happening. Man up. You're like the adult black men who let gang-banger niggers rape the neighborhood. At some point, man the fuck up.
Yea, I remember my first time playing d&d.
>if we kill our enemies, they win
No idiot. The executive order siezes assest other than debt based money.... Once the sweep is ready for the top of the pyramid (multiple sweeps have already taken place)... the people will have MORE responsibility to have REAL WORK to do.
Certain industries will lose all their control. Can you even somewhat envision a wolrd without the NWO running shit?
BECAUSE CBTS WAS WAIT AND SEE..... it was giving the people the oppurtunity to allign their intentions. Their shared intent being to DESTROY THE NWO.
Because what do the people that believe Q is good and the people that believe that Q is a LARP have in common? They want the NWO gone
Your the dumbass. Everyone who shilled LARP LARP LARP in those threads are cowards.
You idiots were fucking with your own desire to end the NWO
I bet it feels good to just say Jews are all you need to know..... makes you feel confident that its so simple even a boomer can understand it
The executive order is not applicable to U.S. citizens. The 6 gorillion indictments are all MS-13 related. Wake up and call your reps and DOJ/FBI/WH switchboards.
Stop shitting up the board.
>"silent majority"
umm, sweatie...
What are you a moron? You think the NWO has false flagged us at the highest level? They can kill A BILLION PEOPLE IN A WEEK as long as the order followers believe the lie.
We are probably gonna have to suffer our collective sins of ignorance reguardless of what we wish.
Q = Shotgun approach to intelligence speculation and hoping that something sticks while being so ambiguous that anything can.
This is a simple ruse; why Nostradamus for instance is famous.
Q is a larp. If Q were real, what was revealed would have been direct and verifiable. Where is the evidence proving Q???
I know you boomers want to join in the fight, but you need to lurk moar.
>tHe NWO
Just shut up and take your geritol, old man.
LMFAO, boomers and baby’s first redpills alike ackhtually believe Trump can get elected and within one year take down a satanic organization that has been in power for thousands of years
you lost the biggest jab trought,
he said CHRISTMAS not festival of solstice like cnn loves to say. andi its quite rare for an public figure to say it.
You are blue pilled if you think the NWO all have american citizen ship. Their symbolism is their downfall. We know where to look because they fucking advertise their affiliation with cults
He talks about "the good news"
I haven't been on Sup Forums properly in a few years.
You reckon there's people actually buying the shit you guys post on these threads?
oh brother...
look, old lady... go back to facebook and twitter.
because they've all moved to another board, retard. theres multiple threads each day
Daily Reminder that our lord Christ will punish the children of cain soon enough .
I smell JEW tactics. Have you gotten your DNA results in the mail yet? Id say ur 4% kike
you are fooling no one, shart blew.
IM 94 years old. Am i a boomer? I dodged a few ovens in my day
>Hope you enjoy your 1 day off wageslave goyim
>I dodged a few ovens in my day
They only wanted to love you. Get in.
>our threads aren't dead, th-they're just in /trash/ now
The absolute nation-state of CBTSfags.
>W A G I E W A G I E
you guys are just going to act like huge assholes if you end up getting what you want
I’ve never seen a thread get shilled off Sup Forums. It was weird and the continued hysteria against Q is unconvincing
its because the NWO called it a JEW LARP and blind hating retards folowed suit. They have idiots pushing the ignorance for free
Real men act like Mr. Rogers
you need your redpill dosage checked mate
Z-force user here.
LARP force one just flew over my house.
Tick tock, tick tock tomorrow.
Screencap this post
Didnt Q just let is know he is? Cus I'm def. On his side I've been on here trying to help with the crumbs and I've been talking to people to wake their asses up too
Alex Jones will come for (you)
Q is a retarded LARP that thought Flynn was going to be VP and has claimed disclosure was coming any day for the last 8 months.
Fuck off retarded boomer faggot, day of the pillow smothering when?
Yea. Call the FBI boards from your traceable #. Good idea. Tard.
I'm with ya, i think i understand much of what you are conveying.
There were plans that were thwarted, one being 911, and others before, to rid this country/ planet of slavery,corruption, deceit, slave debt, and so much more, benefiting very few. Fed reserve, usa, and other countries are actually private corporations. It just goes so deep when you start doing real research.
I could talk about this for hrs and make so many connections, is it the the white hats?!, china family, the tonnes of gold that have been hidden in middle east for so long , indonesia?, from the cabal, deep state, mossad,...
I dont know what to make of this thread yet, but wont be swayed until more info comes out or not.
Pic related,?
ALL Trump supporters NEED and WILL be dragged into the street and forced to eat their own shit.. to death.
>"demanding public servants do their duty is criminal" - (((you)))
"nice" ((((flag)))).
>you're an idiot if you don't think Mueller is /ourguy/
There is zero evidence that Mueller flipped. None. Nada. Zilch.
It's pretty fucking retarded to criticize people for not subscribing to a theory that has zero evidence to support it
Thanks for your insight ShareBlue!
Always good info just as attached to CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC.
For now on i will wait and get fake info from you, eliminating the middleman!
Try being more obvious Okay!
the deep state are multinational intellignece with hidden hands all throughout government and business. USA, RUSSIAN, AND CHINESE depp state work together for and with the same people.
>there are still faggots on the Trump train after he's accomplished nothing
Do i need to call Pepe for truths?
>people are lying for good reasons, guise
>it's just a coincidence that lying is exactly what the deep state and its actors have always done
Treason was committed, along with many other crimes, by the democrat presidential candidate.
There's going to be unrest no matter what if anything is done to Hillary.
That's why they've made Trump out to be a dictator, so if he actually cracks down they will have millions of supporters insisting Trump is like Hitler and arresting his opponents
What is wrong with dudes big swollen skull?!! OJ genes? Big Head Todd?