Is Argentina a white country?

Is Argentina a white country?

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>Is Argentina a white country?
no, it's a soon-to-be Israel territory

>Costa Rica
>Those sources

no. look at their rugby team of mutts

Yes. A bit embarrassing, but there it is. Does Argentina prove the sham of whiteness?


The only White nations are those whose founding and current stock are of European blood.
That excludes all but Europe and its colonies (Canada, America, Australia, New Zealand and the ones that fell to the hordes)

>white and arab
Who made this shit?

Arabs are fucking insignificant populations in the western hemisphere.

Whiter than Amerimutts.

I dunno, mixing filthy spanioids with even filthier natives and expecting them to be white in a climate where you get tanned if you go out for your morning piss.

fake map with shit sources

>not aryan land

That map is bullshit, there are no racial polls/census in Argentina

Argentina's climate isn't homogeneous

>literally every country in South America was once an european colony
>hurr durr theres no white people down there

No, all spanish colonies are spic shithole

you are not white beaner

Whiter than most Americans, though.


Just sage and report these slide threads

How did east asians end up in surinam guyana and trinidono and tabaco?

No they have fucking spic blood and they make me fucking sick filthy spic faggots

absolutely m8

Spaniards and Italians are not white. The only white people in all of South America are located on the FALKLANDS islands where the glorious Anglo-Saxon English men and women hold dominion over the savage Argentinian tribal confederation in that region.

any country that speak spanish is a niggertier country.

No nigs, also in football team no nigs

Spain isn't even really white, but I don't know how many real European immigrants Argentina has gotten.

Anyway, they're probably beige at best.

Lol I used to do business in Oslo, all the white men I saw(if any) seemed incredibly effeminate(like most modern day Shitdinavians) and the rest were filthy muslims and niggers. It was absolutely disgusting, many such cases of this mass importation. Sad!

>was once
Key words. Note in my post I said "and the ones that fell to the hordes"
Besides, didn't you mix with the native populations? In the US and Canada and we shoved them into reservations.

South America is exactly why I am concerned for our future.

>Lol I used to do business in Oslo
No, you didn't, faggot.

also the Portuguese and the Greeks are not white

Norwegian lives at home, lives off welfare and gibs and doesn't understand that those of us in first world countries actually work for a living. Sad!

Unironically yes.

So its better to not be "white" (american definition) and just be mediterranean.

Oh wow so they actually have internet connection in favelas now?

I'm not gonna bite, mate. But I like the Trumpy detail. I award you an overall score of 9/11.

Actually, it pretty much is, yes. There were a lot of Southern-European (Italian) and later German migrants that came to live there. The Portuguese pretty much slaughtered the complete native population. More importantly: it is proud of being white (in direct opposition to brown and ashamed Brazil). This racial aspect is one of the strongest cultural rows that the Brazilians and Argentinians have. It is a well known fact that Argentina took in a lot of Nazis after WWII ended. Their ancestors still live today. So yes, it is a white country. They are pretty much /ourguy/, but do not pin me on this, because Argentinian history is pretty complicated.

You aren't going to look like us.

I don't know who these cunts are and they look trashy.

Guns and Roses are a bunch of no talent losers, I have also never seen an attractive person drinking a vitamin water. Sad!

Yes meme flag, yes, when i look at my people, i see a non white people. sureeeeee

gtfo, scum

some very very very cherrypicked chilean celebrities

I'd pick her cherry, though


>things that are all so

>literally everyone is brown
what a surprise

>No one is black.

you guys never learn

These spics will never accept that having a Spanish last name means you're not white in America.

You guys are white in South America, spics in the USA. Case closed.

We aren't trying to be whiter, just more attractive and succesful.


pathetic mongrel

Do you have any pictures of women who aren't dark tanned trashy whores?


let him be

I've met both well-educated "white" people and straight up 5'2 mountain men from Argentina - for these Argentine/Chilean posters to ignore the latter is dishonest.

Not in lollapaloza or other american shows.

kek this

They do look trashy.

What people seem to forget is that Argentina too has immigration. Mostly niggers and proper spics from other Latina countries. Argentina used to be almost Spanish, genetically, and anyone that has been around Spain knows that they are white. Keep in mind that most people working in tourism along the Spanish coast are Moroccan niggers. Some uniformer traveller will travel in Spain for weeks or months without seeing even one Spaniard. The same goes for Argentina.

A few niggers here and there doesn't stop a country from being white.

Also, gas the kikes.

Not trashy, just grunge style. Better than what our girls are wearing.


I've been to both Spain and a few Latin American countries, and let me tell you that with the exception of downtown Barcelona, what I saw in Spain was more of a spic country than a European one.

To clarify, Spaniards and their Latin American mongrel cousins have more of a common culture than do Spaniards and the rest of proper Europe.

This are the real ethnic concerts.

Dickinson rally the injuns like no other.

as a mexican that has been in spain and austria I agree

of course, spaniards and specially Sup Forums spaniards will disagree

They're "white hispanics" so they're not even white by 56% standards

Spain is one of the greatest colonial powers in the history of mankind. They produced many of the most important artists in Europe. Their nobles has long standing links to the rest of Europe. Where are you from, though?

I'm an American mutt.

Spain paid for all that shit with stolen Latin American gold. Without that gold, their culture/influence would have been a fraction of what it became.

This map is bullshit it only shows the ydna haplogroup composition. You can be 99% black but still have a European haplogroup. European and arab here includes Rlb and J2, etc.


im out

dang, she is a qt

No and yes.

Argentina is a kind of south-american France. They were great a long time ago, retained some high level culture and cuisine, but its current people are just arrogant losers that don't accept how irrelevant they became.

Colombia, Peru and Chile are more relevant nowadays, and let's not even start to compare with Brazil.

Yes, they may be the biggest "almost" white country in latin america, but they are jewed, for a long time.

pretty sad actually.

No and yes.

Argentina is a kind of south-american France. They were great a long time ago, retained some high level culture and cuisine, but its current people are just arrogant losers that don't accept how irrelevant they became.

Colombia, Peru and Chile are more relevant nowadays, anders not even start to compare with Brazil.

Yes, they may be the biggest "almost" white country in latin america, but they are jewed, for a long time.

This, sadly
Our neighbor has been jewed with liberalism for years, by far the most progresive country along with Brazil and Uruguay

Look at their fucking noses even the women have noses bigger than the avg kike.

To be fair, we don't see Oslo as norwegian anymore. It's a horrible place. It's Oslamabad.

Also, Oslofolk are cucks and faggots. The real men are up north.

>>china is whiter than the us.

Whiter than Poortugal lmao.

>All this jelly mutts.

ha ha ha, look at your flag faggot

Looks white to me

A special kind if white. Non-hispanic.