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Every time.
How will they sieze guns from someone when they don't own guns?
slippery slope is not a logical fallacy
>Jewish politicians lead chorus calling for tighter gun laws
>After Newtown, Jews Lead Renewed Push on Guns
>Jewish Gun Control Backers Plan New Push
>Jewish groups urge Senate to pass gun control legislation
>Why I Came to the Capitol To Protest Gun Violence — As a Rabbi
They'll try to elect politicians who will use the police to do it. Leftists don't like getting their hands dirty.
They can try...
Its a pipe dream, the cops would never put themselves at risk going door to door to confiscate guns.
But I'll add to this I kind of hope the day comes when they try. Muh Kar98 hasn't tasted the blood of commies in 80 years or so.
That won't stop gun crime kike
This seems like such a bad idea.
Hand over your weapons, goy
They did that in Germany, wanna go for a second round?
good luck you'll need it kike
Those faggot police and commie niggers in the military don't have the guts to come door to door and grab guns
Matter of fact, the only "Americans" who would actually be for grabbing guns themselves, would be the traitorous niggers in the military who hate white people
I will kill every single kike on the face of the earth before I give up my guns
"Give up the guns!"
It's an informal fallacy, which means that it's an argument that's not inherently fallacious, but is highly prone to being used fallaciously.
i encourage that kike to try it i really do
Come try it (((dave))).
But guns don't kill people, minorities do...
Have you ever tried to take someone gun who has a gun? Usually you die
LMFAO!! That will never fucking happen. Come and get em you fucking kikes, I fucking dare you.
we are gonna need a lot of ovens to get rid of all those gun grabbers on day 2
we dont want diseases spreading because of all the lefty corpses
>gun epidemic
The things these bastards do to language
The problem is niggers not guns
>gun epidemic
where do i go to contract a gun
Gun control is goy control.
I wish a nigger would
The fascist black people killing police of course. :^)
They know that. They just want you disarmed so they can genocide you.
God I hope they try soon. We need a catalyst for a civil war and this would be it.
The real question is, how do we exterminate the jew menace once and for all?
>with no end in sight for america's negro epidemic, it may be time to consider a radical approach: sending millions of blacks to africa
>yes goy, burn the constitution.
why are they using Vegas as an example? even my 90 year old grandma doesn't buy the "lone gunman" official story.
>implying if it ever got this bad they wouldn't just have the military invade your home
People talk about race war and all this other shit on pol, but realistically, this would be the thing that would cause a huge war in this country. 100 percent guaranteed.
Oh gee, another fucking kike trying to undermine our basic human rights. This time the right to self protection.
Color me shocked.
No really. I'm so surprised.
finally someone helpful
They'd treat us no different than the IDF treats Palestinians or (((Lazar Kagonovich))) treated Ukrainian peasants.
Yeah those damn n*ggers!
Hugo Chavez took the guns, now Venezuela has one of the highest murder rates in the world.
The 2nd Amendment literally says to kill anyone (politician) that would take away your arms as they are enemies of the free State.
This is clickbait and will never happen. Mother fuckers know it would be a disaster if they came amd seized the lawfully owned weapons from millions of Americans. Even if they changed the laws people will keep their firearms. Ex-post facto bitch
Wish a mother fucker would. Let me collect 15k liberal scalps before I die.
If you're literally predicting a chain of events, yeah.
Used well the slippery slope and reductio ad absurdum are just modus tollens, though.
Call this an informal observation but the "slippery slope fallacy" has always seemed way overblown to me.
Once you see the merchant, it cannot be unseen.
Don't believe the bullshit, user.
There are more than 7x's the under 50yr old veteran population as there are active duty military.
No military on the planet can fuck with the US population. There's not even a close 2nd as there are 20x's the amount of armed citizens as there are the Chinese Army.
If you think superiority in firepower would reign supreme, you're mistaken. Look at Afghanistan, time and again, beating superior forces with subversive hit-n-run tactics and they aren't even trained.
>thinking SPREE KILLERS WHO JUST WANT TO KILL AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE AND DONT GIVE A SHIT IF THEY DIE DOING IT are going to willingly hand in their guns or allow them to be seized without taking some cops with them or just hiding them
Black crime happens frequently so is not news worthy.
The military, whose first and foremost order is to defend the constitution from all enemies?
Molon labe, motherfucker
Major redpill here. The best thing Heritage America can do is ARM THEMSELVES. There is no freedom, there are no rights, there is only power and guns are the most power you can get for your buck.
Thanks for this. I will add it to my folder about the Jews in order to redpill normies.
This Jews idea is laughable. I hold a great deal of pity for anyone who would try and take the guns from even a single state in America, let alone all of them. The wave of copper and lead would be miles thick.
Let them start in the most crime ridden neighborhoods. I'm sure the UN will back them up if they want to start in Chicago.
this bothers me
Do it. Bring about the end!
I'm so ready to dehumanize myself and face to bloodshed
Molon labe faggots
The cure would be worse than the disease.
Also the same people who say illegal immigrants can't be deported bc its impossible to deport 10 million people think its possible to disarm like 50 million american citizen gun owners.
Also, horrible boating accident.
People can't be trusted with guns.
Except the police lol. :-)
> creates false flag shootings to try and force gun control
> tells everyone to give up guns
if this ever happens we will be going the way of Europe. fucking God damned kikes
Lots of people are heavily armed in countries such as Iraq, Yemen, Sub-Saharan Africa and Somalia. They're hardly beacons of freedom from tyranny.
Next time some heeb makes a based Jew thread, just post this pic
Life sure is full of coincidences.
Hmm i wonder (((who)))
Gun control is a joke. They want to stop "senseless killings" due to guns in one breath and complain about over population on the next. I grow so weary of these kikes.
You can have that pistol I just bought but unfortunately I lost all of the others during the Harvey flood. Was a terrible boating accident.
>implying spree killers are worse than niggers whose lives are just one prolonged chimpout
does this jewish leftist remember what happened last time jews had their guns taken? im always amazed at how retarded some jews can be when it comes to their own history. only american jews. israeli jews know what its like to struggle and persevere
There's always a bergsteinweinwietzwitz behind full-blown commie tactics. It's almost as if.. they.. want something...
shitty picture, you should have included text explaining basic motherfucking information like the numbers are victims or perpetrators. waste of a red pill.
the police are racist :^)
Fucking boating accidents, taking so many guns. I think we've been focusing too much on the liberals and ignoring the real gun grabbers; naiads, undines, and loreleis.
50 million is the conservative estimate of households with guns. The number of guns in America is conservatively measured at 300 million, with some estimates ranging to 380 million.
It would be an absolute shit show. This is why (((they))) are working so hard to control the narrative. This is why kids are being softened up. If we don't give them over willingly, there is no chance they can be taken by force.
A large scale gun confiscation would involve either the military, local police forces, or more likely some combination of the two. Basically the only two groups the gun owning community sucks off harder than republicans. If the cops show up, or some guys in military uniform show up and ask your typical rural/suburban hick to give up their guns, that hick is going to get on his knees and cry and give his guns up. You retards fantasize about killing people who come to take your guns, but in reality you're all bark and no bite. You'd never dare to fight back or even resist just a tiny bit. If they came to take your guns, you'd be a good little goy and give them up. Stop pretending like you'd shoot at them or something, you're way too scared of prison to do it.
>implying you don't let them take "all" the guns
fucking retards
shit would be easy to fight, especially if you got through the initial stage
One or two spree killers each year. Maybe 50 deaths as a result of them.
Whereas, niggers commit thousands of crimes almost every week. Killing hundreds, if not thousands each year.
>aren't trained
Yes they were. They were trained by people that were trained by the CIA to fight against the Russians.
Hello fbi
>Literal shitskin countries that have been created by, abused and influenced by foreign governments for centuries, that have had their cultures and people divided by meaningless borders drawn up by (((Elites))) who were only interested in dividing the resources up, are prone to violence and suppression.
Well gee no shit user. That almost sounds like it's an entirely different country with it's own ethics and issues going on.
Gun control is a communist ideal.
none of those countries are even closee to the US in terms of gun ownership