>born in America
>converted to Christianity
>married a white man
>tells off lesser countries in the UN
why do we hate her again?
>born in America
>converted to Christianity
>married a white man
>tells off lesser countries in the UN
why do we hate her again?
You know that perfectly well.
Can't mossad
nikki is my mummy plz no bulli her
>Sup Forums UNIRONICALLY falls for this.
FUCKING WOW alt right soyboys if ever I saw them.
She is an insincere puppet
Based Sikh of Kebab removal.
She doesn't poo in the loo
Getting real tired of all the neocon kike shit on Sup Forums lately. Go back to twitter you mongs.
Pretty sure she was a never trumper, and she's also a globalist that's said one thing to the UN that apparently some people like
she street shat on the memory of thousands of men that died for "her" state
>replace thier govts
>this retarded
taking names to cut funding not fucking hard to figure out whne thats alrdy been announced look it up fucktard
She works for Israel. You are probably an Evangelical heretic, so you would support that.
women in politics is a mistake
>cut funding
>not having a detrimental impact on a government to rule it's own citizens
K buddy how do I explain this to you? Countries need money the US gives them money if that money is cut the other countries are going to have to find money from somewhere else.
This leads to countries that have US funding cut hating the US for expressing freedom of speech, ironic the very thing that you strive to defend is something you can't stand when someone disagrees with you.
Hope you like being drafted user because that's where this is leading.
>be street shitter
>marry white person
>ask why people who are opposed to race mixing don't like them
This doesnt even include all the jewed shit she's done.
all the neocons love her
monumental if verifiable
? Are you a literal brainlet?
We have every right to cut funding because of how they used their freedom of speech, retard
Freedom of speech = not going to prison for wrongthink
Don't be fooled by the stealth jew.
Literal never trump neoconwoman who is a practicing Sikh that shills for Israel
If you support her you’re /r/the_donald tier.
I don’t want things to be this way, but thy are.
Just take a look at what your saying
>Freedom of speech = not going to prison for wrongthink.
Now look at your previous line.
>We have every right to cut funding because of how they used their freedom of speech, retard.
Do you not see how backwards this is? You give a country money and then because of an opposing viewpoint you take it back, not only that but you get ass fucked in the UN when it actually comes to vote.
This administration is snowflake tier, they can dish it out but can't take it, all the literal tantrums Trump has over silly little shit has caused people and high level aides to quit. He is nothing but a thin skinned snowflake and the sooner you realize that the better.
>supported SJWs who wanted to take down confederate statue
>opposed Trump publicly
>strongly shilling for Jews so she can run for President
>goes against Trump's foreign policy by pushing Neocon talking points
>only converted to Christianity to win redneck votes
She's a craven opportunist like Marco Rubio.
>A person can't do something right if they're my enemy!
Fixed that for you
>born in America
>Loyalty is to Isreal
>Pretends to be Christian
>Pretends to be white
>married a (((white))) man
>tells off lesser countries in the UN
>tells of goyim who confuse her with being white
Silly little shit?
Hey look, he's trying to get Russia's attention hoping that they'll send him more money to spread disinfo like during the 2016 election.
She gave a #neverTrump speech when she was supposed to be doing a rebuttal to Obamas state of the union speech.
She's a Punjabi Sikh. That's a part of the country where almost no one defecates in the open.
fucking kikes, i swear
the UN is a club, that club charges the US more in dues than most of the other members combined
we still only get one vote, but the UN enacts numerous rules and bylaws that are deliberately contrary to our interest.
we aint giving you all our money so you can tell us how shitty we are.
quitting the UN isnt politically viable yet, but it will be soon.
you were a remain voter werent you nigel?
>URGH I can't find a fault with his argument, I KNOW I'LL CALL HIM A LITTLE SHIT AND TELL HIM TO KILL HIMSELF.
>Oh, I'm such a cool guy.
>"converted" to Christianity
United Nations looollllll
Pretty sure it's because she's a jew user
Uhm, AHACKSHUALLY no I was leave BUT on the bases that I like england green and london is 25 miles of concrete and cement and I don't want that to happen to my county.
The UN is based in NewYork they "charge" more for upkeep and maintenance, and payroll that's literally it.
Wait...she's a poo?
I thought she was just a really tan white woman.
Lowering the Confederate battle flag in South Carolina was unforgivable and for that I will never vote for her in any capacity no matter how useful a pawn she is for Trump.
damn youre stupid.
if other countries "need the US's money", they should stop trying to kick us in the nuts when begging for a handout.
we give money to our friends, because we are generous like that, but why would we give funding to cock-knockers like you, who will just complain we didnt give enough, or the free food wasnt halal, then youll jjust demand more, like we owe you something.
Protip: you owe the US billions.
you never paid off your lend/lease debt from ww2.
we havent asked for it because, you know, we understand times are tough in bongland, and we didnt want to make you feel like shabby turds, but i saw the latest Kingsman picture and apparently you have a lot of dosh to waste on secret facilities and high tech gadgets, so, about that 4.8 billion from ww2....
why is this poo getting shilled so fucking hard
what is the angle?
no, you inbred degenerate sheepshagger.
the UN gets nearly 25% of it's operating budget from the US, all the while demanding we give more because we "owe" them more. we dont "owe" the UN shit, they should be sucking our cocks and ppleading for a taste of our jizz for keeping them afloat for so many decades, and doing all the fighting in the wars the UN starts with their fixation with maintaining the status quo for marxist regimes, and sowing the seeds of marxism in other non-marxian countries.
there are 193 members, most of whom dont pay shit because we pay their share for them
you really are terribly ignorant.
What's your point? Are we condemning these countries to death camps for voting against us? Or are we pulling financial support? Are you implying that's not within our rights?
Is that the guy she cucked a few years back or did she already get a new hubby?
>converted to (((Christianity)))
Christianity is a cuck religion
t. Give us money or we'll be angry.
Sure, I hate this jew and Israel but stop being dignified leeches, euro's love to throw their socialized systems i our face, mock our development and all other sorts of shit but every one of you cabbage niggers don't take into account the funding/free defense you get.
Go fuck yourself and suck my dick.
>Understands there's (((Christianity))) and Christianity
>But can't tell them apart
Stop embarrassing us retard
he's right, but she is doing good work for the time being
>>Sup Forums UNIRONICALLY falls for this.
You mean shills, right? Anyone with a brain knows she's a Zionist shill. She is a neo-cohen whore.
>You mean shills, right?
>she is doing good work
>Pushing Israel's interests is good work
Yeah, go fuck yourself
>Pulling financial support for not supporting a controversial proposal that would unite the arab world into fucking anyone that said yes.
Oh boy oh gee you sure got me on the back foot there user, Israel needs more land it needs to conquer Syria as well.
No you got me confused with wales.
You really think irrelevant 3rd world countries can afford to pay extortionate fees? who has the biggest economy out of the nations? US Russia and China, so suck it up bitch.
>why do we hate her again?
Because all she does is regurgitate lies and threats. She is a horrible person
>psycho bitch that wants for nothing but a war with Iran
>w-w-why do we hate her guize? whyyy??
Gee, why does anybody hate a psychopathic neocon?
Wasn’t she originally an Indian Sikh though. Kek
"free defense" k m8 u may not know this but we and the EU countries provide a key land buffer between Russia and the US, we also provide key Intel that the CIA uses and WE (the UK) also have your golf ball tech to warn YOU of incoming missiles so it's a give some take some relationship.
Whoa I UNIRONICALLY believe this. Thank you so much boychik for showing a good goyim like me the way.
i want to fuck her
Love her.
Any takers wanna fill the void, be my guest.
We got our nuclear council vote.
she toes the feminist line but shes not bad
whats it like being this delusional
LGBT issues[edit]
In April 2016, Haley indicated she would not support legislation introduced by the South Carolina State Senate which would require transgender individuals to use restrooms based on biological sex instead of gender identity. Haley stated:
“These are not instances... Y’all haven’t reported on anything. I haven’t heard anything that’s come to my office. So when I look at South Carolina, we look at our situations, we’re not hearing of anybody’s religious liberties that are being violated, and we’re, again, not hearing any citizens that feel like they are being violated in terms of freedoms.”[81]
Haley described such restroom legislation as unnecessary
>why do we hate her again?
she has no upper lip
Before June 2015, Haley was in support of flying the Confederate flag on the statehouse grounds.[74] In the immediate aftermath of the Charleston church shooting, Haley did not take a position on removing the flag, saying "I think the state will start talking about that again, and we'll see where it goes."[75][76] On June 22, Haley called for the removal of the Confederate flag from the statehouse grounds.[77] She stated:
"These grounds (the State Capital) are a place that everybody should feel a part of. What I realized now more than ever is people were driving by and felt hurt and pain. No one should feel pain." Haley also said, "There is a place for that flag," but she said "It's not in a place that represents all people in South Carolina."[78]
In July 2015, Haley signed a bill to authorize removing the Confederate flag from the flagpole on the grounds of the South Carolina Capitol.[79][80]
theres actually alot of reasons not to like her
she has a punchable face
Also the fact that Bush era Neocon leftist JEWS are fawning over Nikki Pooinlo Haley is very telling.
This, fucking poo larping as an american.
you are beneath the disgrace of soy boys even, your country is literally 3rd world due to supreme cuckery kill yourself
What does that have to do with freedom of speech, Nigel? That's what we're talking about
Are you from South Carolina?
Why would you expect American history to mean as much to a recent immigrant than one who has been here for a long time?
When the Civil War was fought, her ancestors were still in India, and were for a long time after. We can only integrate people to a certain degree, people who come later are always going to have a tougher time finding themselves in the earlier times of a nation which their ancestors did not participate in.
I don't. And don't use this "we" shit on pol. We're not some r.eddit hivemind. We're also very contrarian just for the sake of it.
Immigration should be halted for a minimum of 20 years at this point. Increasingly, this country feels foreign to me.
is there anything more ((())) than being a Protestant?
> t. child raping, rapefugee feet kisser
Is there anything more muslim then being a catholic?
shes doing a great job
How is it not good work to move our embassy to Jerusalem? Look at the Muslim shitstorm it's causing, it's fucking hilarious. Look, there are over a billion muslims. They are the primary threat. There are not that many jews, and we can worry about them later.
because she's brown and your racists.
She has the neo con mindset regarding Israel, Syria, and Russia.
She would side with ISIS instead of Russia.
Politics aside she is a genuine milf
haley is really beautiful
i'm glad she found a white man to pleasure every night
that beautiful tan skin and white features
>why do we hate her again?
She punches right for PR.
Honestly she's like the centrist republican version of Hillary, and you should hate her just as much.
No, they voted that our opinion is illegal to have.
>why do we hate her again?
y deficient
To protect Israel.
You misunderstood the meme — read it again
She is a globalist.
I love her and think she should be the first women president in 2024. You fags need to learn when you have a good thing on your side.
you are just a fucking leaf
Neocon that betrayed South Carolina. She is McCain on steroids
Israel is not the problem. People here are just one-dimensional and think all Jews are monolithic in political thought. I see plenty of white women turning SJW, hating their own race, and wanting to import refugees. I'm glad all whites aren't seen to share those views.
>inb4 SJWs are a Zionist plot.
Thr brown coulter ?
could you be a bigger faggot
>russians paid off molymeme
the absolute state of demoshits