This is what God's chosen people look like and it's beautiful
This is what God's chosen people look like and it's beautiful
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I present to you: the alpha Jew
someone post links to yotube vids of these things dfoing funny things plz
so beautiful
Jews control everything
>gods chosen people
>source is a book they wrote themselves
According to the New Testament the chosen people are Christians.
they all look like mouth breathing booger eaters, that's were the real hateful jealousy comes from, they are all just sooo ugly.
Have you prayed at your alter today, goy?
Never forget da shoah.
I have a legitimate question. Has anyone ever seen a picture of an attractive Jewish malle who looks overall like this (meaning wears top hate, big glasses, beard, with long curles of hair in only one spot). Because i have never seen it. I have seen some seriously hot Jewesses, but every time i see one of these pics with tons of Jews that look like this, every one of them looks the same. And every one of them looks ugly as sin. How is it possible for every one of these Juden to look like this, and every one of them be ugly?
Mostly Whits.
No, I have not unless you consider this ''attractive''
yeah..too bad in reality those LARPers are genociding god's actual chosen people
Oy vey!, shut it down you antisemite!!!
it's beautiful
nice pasta, you kike bastard
good luck with that
>charlie manson in the bottom right
let's post more beautiful jewish people!
Her mask is lopsided... should really get that fixed before someone sees the reptilian scales poking out between the seams.
truly god's chosen people
He's actually fully jewish.
jews are vampires
This is what God's chosen people look like and it's beautiful
Help humanity? Help the chandalas you mean.
The Jew preserves the worst of humanity, he is the savior of the unfortunate of life, he gives his life a disgusting taste.
His mania for wanting the survival of the weakest is the deadly attack on nature, that is, God.
You say: "save millions of lives ..." I say: "preserve those who should be for degeneration of all."
genetic abominations
wtf I dreamt of this exact same place once...
they're so hideous
"chosen" "people"
so greasy looking middle easterns motherfuckers...
j*wish women look like fucking witches!!
another one...
here is your "alpha" bear jew
"khaaaan" oy vey my scrotum burst again
>le 52% face
vintage jewish bitch...
God didn't choose them, he revealed himself to everyone. The Jews choose God.
The guy is like 90 years old
This actually scares me
Where did you get the idea that the Jews are "God's chosen people"? Isn't the Bible crystal clear that Christians are the chosen people of God and Jews are under his wrath?
how can anyone look at this and say ''this is a white (european) person''???
So, having never been around jews in my life, do they have a distinct smell to them like blacks and poos have? Also, why do orthodox jews look especially unkempt?
mirin' goys?
fucking jew nosferatu
id take that hill
7.8/10 jewess
real jewish women, not the politicized tramps, are clean and beautiful and run hot under the hood
scumbag politicans and "businessman" can get the pike
beautiful, innocent, jewish women, can sleep in my tent any night they want
Kill it
Jees I know are just Americans more or less. One chick in highschool told me she wasn't allowed to date outside of her religion because of the Holocaust. I told her to kick rocks.
Reminder that whites were the real Jews chosen by God
She's qt in her own unique way
this is NOT an aryan woman
moses was definitely not white
Obviously unless you believe in the disgusting propaganda that Jesus, Mary, his bloodline, and the men who wrote the old and new testament weren't white
Hypocrites who are ethnically supremacist and use a false religious excuse.... What are kikes?
Exodus 4:6 And the LORD said furthermore unto him, Put now thine hand into thy bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous as snow
Yes he was
hebrew goblin
There seems to be 3 different kike looks. 1. The mouse. 2. The rat. 3. The retard-looking half-nigger type.
Oh shit
Exodus 4:6 And the LORD said furthermore unto him, Put now thine hand into thy bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous as snow
Jeremiah 14:2 Judah mourneth, and the gates thereof languish; they are black unto the ground; and the cry of Jerusalem is gone up.
People who only exist because it's illegal to punch them in the head
all this is is a psyop to keep the lie going
these khazar cucks are the ones doing the posting i.e. hey rabbi whatcha doin
>mouth breathing
>booger eaters
yup, pretty much this . . .
check out that NOSE
One would think with the size of their noses...
The Bible is the word of God. The talmud was written by satan and his rabbis. The real jews are the karaites and samaritans. Rabbinic judaism is the synagogue of satan.
>when you see it. . .
vomit inducing kikes