Is it bad if I get a dual citizenship with spain? currently only american.
Reason i want one is because of eurotrain and i like to travel.
Is it bad if I get a dual citizenship with spain? currently only american.
Reason i want one is because of eurotrain and i like to travel.
How about just never come back after you leave America?
but murica
But fuck off. We don't need people in this country who aren't committed to its welfare.
you dont need to--
wait what? commited to its welfare? the fuck does that mean?
It's pretty simple, asshole. We don't need people in this country who want to enjoy all the benefits of prosperity then leave when things are down. That includes immigrants who already did the same to their home countries and it includes you and your alleged love of communist trains.
>then leave when things are down
admit it user you would leave too if it got really fucking bad
This. Stay the fuck gone, travel nigger. The world needs you.
Aside from the fact that that's not what OP intends to do, what's wrong with leaving when things are down? Won't it reduce the burden on everyone else?
>what's wrong with leaving when things are down?
r-strategists are cancer to civilization.
I have an Irish passport and an American passport, traveling to and from Europe is painless. Do it.
if you can do it go right ahead, I have US citizenship as well
do you pay double taxes?
>Is it bad if I get a dual citizenship with spain
Do it. If one day you cant pay for health insurance you can fly to any EU country and get treated.
Isn't there a residency requirement in most countries to use the medical facilities?
For Irish-Americans if your permanent address is in Ireland and you make over 90,000 euro a year you pay taxes for the US as well.
This thread is proof the average age on Sup Forums is twelve. Holy shit.
i don't want to pay taxes for both spain and the US, the US is already bad enough as it is fuck
You won’t pay taxes in Spain if you’re not resident there and you won’t pay taxes in the US if you’re not resident there and earn under a certain amount, but you still have to file taxes.
Are you sure? "Spanish taxes for non-residents. As from 2016, the general flat income tax rate for non-residents is 24 percent and 19 percent if you are a citizen of an EU/EEA state. Other income is subject to Spanish non-resident taxes as follows: Capital gains resulting from transferred assets are taxed at a rate of 19 percent.May 17, 2017"
>not being a sovereign citizen
i feel sorry for you lads enjoy being literal cattle for your host farms
Said miguel
you can t get citizen just like that faggot . you have to live in that country and pay taxes
If you live in Spain for less than six months (183 days), you are classed as a non-resident and will only be taxed on the income earned in Spain.
My mother is Italian. Is it worth getting a passport for shits and giggles?
>gibsme dat welfare
the rightwing ameritard sez
mostly for the shits, senor amerilard
I dont really get the dominant stance on pol seems to be, like the first posters, its some kind of traitor or whatever and they seem to be extremely adamant about that like its some kind of gasable offense to want to move someplace else. But I've been interested in the idea of going someplace else for a looong time and btw this began way before anything really started to get bad.
Don’t lie.
what up, comrade? Share with me everything you got for presents, after all private property is theft.
Not if you're a citizen, hence the benefit
Dude exact same here. US and Italian.
Which one are you really from?
Spain won't give you dual citizenship. You will need to give up your shitty US passport.
I got one, seems like a lot of Americans are eligible, could be useful for free surgery n shit. I couldn’t find any reason to live there for an extended period of time. USA is my real home but I always have love for Italy.
No, I'm just jealous. I want to spend time in the Pyrenees and have a 3 way with the wife and some Spanish chick.