post em boys
Sup Forums rage thread
W*men were a mistake
I would have paid good money to see a muslim rape her while she tried to steal it
Sounds like a weird fetish, darling
Yeah, I have a fetish for poetic justice
No, you have a cuck old fetish with niggers
Sometimes murder is okay.
Fuck, it was true feminism was pure kikery.
NOOOO, polack how the fuck did you let this happen?
Yes mate, killing some cunt is okay.
You stormweenies sure do get triggered easily.
You don't happen to recall Christmas of 1991, do you?
I'm an anarchist you dipshit, the fall of state communism is something I support.
You should live in Somalia. It's the perfect place for anarchists.
God isn't a man or a woman, its an omnipresent diety.
But let's face it, if it was one of the two it would be a man.
>Dat naked dude statue.
>an official ruled
Sounds like the source of 99% of Germany’s problems.
Is this even legal?
Geralt in a gay interracial relationship incoming
Somalia has a government you uninformed burger
They're going to poz that into the next world.
fuck dude
>is in a pol rage thread
>gets triggered
congrats on proving your stupidity burger.
these people need to be gassed.
were you dropped on your head?
did you report this to authorities?
Projection I see.
this can't be real
plz no
I want my rib back
Fucking great propaganda
Anons in EU should be putting this literally everywhere it can fit.
toll paid
They always gotta sucker punch or attack in groups.......
Seriously this is a great counter to “it’s ok to be white”
Fucking kill them.
hans get the lüger
Torture is too good for them
Holy fucking shit I’m legitimately going to kill myself if this is real
me too, it doesnt even have to be implanted in my body, give it to me bbq
Pepe is king of rock n roll
jesus christ
my dad keeps pissing on the toilet floor and not cleaning it up
Please report it to the authority, this is not your normal degenerate.
Abo dad?
Look at this photograph
This will cause the sperglord rebellion.
>cuck old fetish
Who the fuck would let their kids witness this atrocity?
Haha only shitskins are allowed to come here
I doubt many are comfortable opposing it for fear of being labelled intolerant ...
Doubt many people approve though. Can't say we weren't warned...
I think it's a joke.
Too far, even if it's accurate for ethnic germans nowadays.
>Pictured: some fat nigger gash (left) and Audrey Hepburn
No shit the fat nigress is on the left. Fuck's sake.
i laughed, fuck these fake-ass christians and their role-play of fake stories and forcing children to become brainwashed into their toxic religion
Link or you're just another CNN fake news nigger
You must be new here
Nyet, just cautious because sometimes Poe's Law gets the best of us.
>impregnated mary
>is a woman
Its symbolic. They're coming for our children next.
Stop censoring things you fag
Nothing wrong. I can only see two germans on that pic
The the 'official' is a woman?
It was a robbery you cunt
Why aren't we stoning females that do shit like this. I mean fuck Muslims would
>ethnographic make up of US
That's the most jewish thing I've heard today
The rib you are referring to is the penis bone. Most people don't know this. Humans are one of the only mammals that don't have a penis bone. With our pelvis being turned so we can walk upright, there is no space for a penis bone. Ancient Hebrews, who butchered their own meat and burried there own dead were well aware of this fact. The bible story says 'his rib' or 'the male rib' as the hebrews called it. They incorporated this into their creation story.
>women are made out of dick bones
Put this everywhere EU anons
is the naked dude bruce campbell from when he was young (evil deadish period)?
did he go back to the birth of christ?
They cannot object to it without validating it.
This is a crime.
People actually believing this.
If this isnt fake and youndisnt report it the universe will find you complict.
She's funded by someone. All Femem or whatever they're called allegedly get paid 1k a month and in Ukraine you'll fine lots of people to do that.
He broke in and killed her
This is an abortion of justice to decent people everywhere (unless parents were forwarned and given choice).