Why have white women been subverted into being “dog moms” to fill their insatiable need to nurture. Why is the idea of marriage and child rearing so oppressive and doesn’t align with their desires for careers and one night stands and yet they think having “fur babies” is so much more fulfilling. Don’t get me wrong dogs are great but at the end of the day they are just dogs. They are not meant to wear dresses eat organic gluten free dog food and kiss you on the fucking mouth and most certainly not meant to fulfill a perverted sense of what biology had programmed them to do for millennia. I cringe everytime I hear women talk about their dogs like they’re people
Why have white women been subverted into being “dog moms” to fill their insatiable need to nurture...
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Maybe cause you don't have to send a dog to school or answer it's questions?
>I cringe everytime I hear women talk about their dogs like they’re people
And yet you don't do anything to correct them. Have you ever considered that may be the problem?
They want kids the men don't have faith in them to be good mothers so they get stereotyped into being alone. Just tell her what she wants to hear and free her from her feminism.
==Man up faggot==
Oh I have, one of my coworkers blabbers on about her shit tzu any chance she gets and ironically refers to herself as a “dog mom” and I jokingly asked her if she thought it was the same a raising a child and if that might be a little demeaning to how much effort it takes to actually raise a child and she laughed it off and said “she IS my child”
I meant unironically damn spellcheck
>bunch of people want to take away womens rights and keep us home and pregnant and obedient
>this isn't oppression because we want it and delude ourselves into thinking you'll be happier that way.
lol but why don't women want to just do as they're told?
Isn't OP's point that they retain those tendencies anyway and they end up being focused on something else that's ultimately useless?
didnt say women dont want to raise children, just suggesting that we don't want to be obedient appliances while doing so, and the jews and the right both make it very clear thats exactly what it is, much as some romantics here try to shill that it isn't.
Nobody is saying you have to be an obidient servent. The Jews don’t want you to be an esteemed woman proud of your home and the man you love and the children you take care of, they want you to “find yourself” in acedemic institutions during the best years of your life where they actually subvert you into thinking the path to enlightenment is being a proud slut, worrying about dumb shit like global warming, hating men, hating yourself, your people and slaving away at a career that will bring you nothing more than money to spend on frivolousness. Nobody said you can’t think as an individual in fact that is endearing to men, it’s when you can actually think for yourself though not parrot narratives hammered into your head by the Marxism you learn in college, on buzzfeed and your peers
>implying you know what you want
>worrying about dumb shit like global warming
here are my proofs, all the right seems to do when this topic comes up is promote fakenews, reee, and distort the evidence of and then piss off the actual scientific skeptics of global warming.
>hurr its the jewish plan
listen senpai, I get where you are coming from, but this is what you're actually saying
>Goyette dont start a family, jump on a bunch of dicks and work in hr, we wont genodice you or take away your rights, promise
>roastie! dont do anything but raise my children and throwaway your dreams and rights. Obey me
these are the actual choices. and theyre both shit. I don't believe the only thing women should ever aspire to is to be a mother and that any place outside the home is not where we belong. I'm against sluttery of every kind, from chads to whores to gay promiscuity. But I understand why women don't want to be subjugated just as well as I understand why you do want to subjugate us.
>women try to rest free of your chains every chance she gets.
>revels in the sudden freedoms
>never goes back willingly
>always requires shows of violence to inspire fear
You're retarded. we don't follow you because we're conditioned to like being your property, we follow you because we're conditioned to get scared.
All civilizations begin to treat animals like artificial children before the great collapse
>Staying at home all day to be fed, pampered, chase around cute kids, practice cooking, do normal chores, and fucked bareback regularly is oppression
Women really are insane
Refugees welcome
Listen.. I’m a roastie too. I don’t feel the need to disclose it but for the sake of argument I will. I agree as an individual you can choose to live however you want. I just think it is wrong that as a whole a majority of millennial women have thrown away the desire of being wives and mothers and caretakers and would rather chose a life of hedonistic choices like promiscuity and following docterine propetuated by the mainstream media and deep state as all knowing and never questioning why they believe these things. They pervert everything while still wanting to cling to the ways of old.
> I don’t want kids my dog is my kid
> I don’t want religion but I run crystals and do yoga and I’m ~spiritual~
> i need companionship but I don’t want a husband I want to sleep around and get free food from tinder dates
> I don’t have any real hobbies besides “going on adventures” aka bars and music festivals
>staying at home all day to feed, pamper, chase around kids, practice pleasing and obedience, and doing all the chores.
might sound good to you but all it sounds like to me is doing blue collar work all my life and living a life that has as much to do with the current year as 1000 years ago. I'd rather work on something significant, like technology. sorry but nyet. outsourced breeding is never a good idea.
I dont disagree that there is a huge values dissonance between me and modern society, but you need to understand this movement is not going to let women do what we want, its going to subjugate us. Some may be okay with that, good for them. I'm not. I'd rather choose my own feight and work for something greater in life. reach for the technology to abandon mortality, or at least die trying. instead because of jews and the alt right my choices boil down to get thrown off a building or get lynched if unfortunate, and stay in the kitchen docily if not.
>sorry but nyet. outsourced breeding is never a good idea.
Hmmm, your fellow sweeties seem to disagree. They're just so scared by men they can't help but demand to let in medieval cultists and sub-Saharan savages. But it's OK, I'm sure you're not one of them.
free shrugs. opinion polls are used as justifcation but they don't bear out on policy. voting doesn't influence politics, even if all women wanted immigrants, that wouldnt make the chances of policy change.
dunno what to tell you. you seem to think being a home maker is escaping that wheel, but all I can see home making as is accepting the wheel and putting nice pretty bows on it instead of trying to defy it. the wheel is decay, its the spinning treadmill to grind me to dust, and the only escape might be human enginuity.
I think being a smart woman that is to be respected starts with YOU. Sure there’s some idiots on the internet telling you to tits or gtfo but that’s just the internet. This movement needs smart women that think for themselves with rationality and they will be respected. Men don’t hate women because they are women. In fact it’s quite the opposite, men need women just like we need men. The jew wants to divide and conquer us in hopes that they we will worry more about quarreling amongst ourselves than looking to see where all of our problems stem. Women work on emotion and the Jew knows how to exploit this, they tell us that men are oppressive and abusive and one tiny slight is them attempting to use their power for evil and stop us from doing what we want all while making us feel bad for the poor disenfranchised dindus and trannies to advert our nurturing altruistic nature from the real things we should be caring for and that’s our men. We respect them and they respect us it’s a 2 way street. Everything works in a balance
Technology is the decay, it brought on the insanity and decedance we see today, when women churrned butter and men hunted bears we had no concept of the misery that is all around us sure you could die of disease but that was nature taking its course, not the disease of the mind we have today where everything we do is controlled beyond our understanding
>you seem to think being a home maker is escaping that wheel
Nope! I'm not here to get you out of the wheel, I'm here to keep you from using it to blow up civilization.
omg white girls and their purse dogs; how does society not see this as a mental disorder
>wrong its
I know someone they should have sent to school
>This movement needs smart women that think for themselves with rationality and they will be respected.
I just don't see it this way. they have very little to gain from doing that that they couldn't get more of from subjugating us. think about it logically.
If we where barred from working, thats more high value jobs for them, it controlls for our wealth and dependancy so we must marry and obey our husband, which means we must bear their children, theres no where else to go in a divorce since everyone has a dedicated ball and chain and doesn't want used goods if its possible to even divorce at all, with no work that means you're on the streets as well. with us subjugated and out of politics that makes a coup for the right, and with all purchases going through him they can control what we buy and more effectively cut off (((them))). finally, they can force us to raise the kids exactly how they want, raising a new generation of docile women and young men who expect obedience from those women.
People who suggest this movement needs strong women seem to be romantics who don't understand how it harms their own interests (even if I would very much prefer a compromise) and shills who wont mind exploiting that for their own ends.
this is not a two way street. it's not respect, what it is is men realizing that they need us like they need air, and taking our power to decide against their interests away from us.
I'm also not keen on letting a bunch of disgruntled people hang some of my friends for getting their condition treated either.
>this is my fur baby!
That's cool. I like animals too. But have you ever thought about having an actual baby? You could be a real mom with a real family.
>Her face
you're a fool, we had plenty of torture back then to look forward to.
>wants to not blow up civilization
>demands women birth a bunch of children
just close borders and regulate birthing like china.
>demands women birth a bunch of children
Just so we're clear, I'd prefer you didn't have children, it frees up space for more of mine. Plus your genetics are looking questionable. But it's a free country.
this is pretty much how I feel, - the free country part. I'm for individual rights a lot, but unrestricted breeding has not been working out. I would personally never spread my genes.
It was torture but it was not the way it is today. There was no mass surveillance, no destruction of the family, no collapsed economy, no narcissistic mass media, no indoctrination camps (academia), no chemicals in the food. There is still medevial style torture in parts of the world like the cartels and African warlords but there was no sublte prolonged lifelong torture designed to chip away at you a little at a time
there was actually plenty of all those things, they had the church to indoctrinate and control them, surveillance was done through ritual and religious authority. monks and magistrates did annual checks, and while they didn't have cameras and shit they did have propaganda and plenty of restructing and destruction of the family. for a start, just look at how the invention of the chimney changed everything about the european household.
>I'm for individual rights a lot, but unrestricted breeding has not been working out.
Here let me pop some triple parentheses on that for you:
>(((unrestricted breeding has not been working out.)))
Yeah that's much better. This is why men listening to women's opinions was a mistake.
All people knew back then was to follow religion and it guided them to be devout moral people, say what you want about religion but you can not compare the Bible telling you to do good for your fellow man to cuckerburg telling you that white men are piggu and Kim Kardashian is someone to look up to
>implying any of those numbers where okay
world needs to return to under 1b, america alone is 300m. you do the math, thats too many people no matter what numbers you cook up.
>hurr people were just innocent back then
lol no, no they were not. please learn some actual history. start with james burke.
>you do the math
You do the math. You're the one choosing an arbitrary limit on the world's population. It's not my job to read your mind and figure out why you decided on it.
>thinks your civilization uses up no resources and fuel
this is why i dont trust men to lead society any more than I trust women. shit isnt going to last forever. how is it that conservatives dont know how to conserve?
>Writer for the BBC
OK, so the ideal population is zero. Why aren't you offing yourself?
Why not tell starving Africans to stop having 9 kids they can’t take care of when they have no conscious effort to engage in sustainability and rely on westerners to keep them alive?
>so the ideal population is
significantly small enough that we arent in danger of running out of shit we use to run civilization within one human life time.
even if we got rid of all non white people we would still have too many people. what part of math don't you get? the world has finite resources
as for black people having 9 kids. i think its hilarious you're telling me this. your religion is almost signlehandedly responsible for stopping birth control from spreading in africa with your "missions of mercy"
good news niggas, the white christians want to gibe you all sorts of gibs, but only if you make a billion black babies to come invade them/
They ain’t my religion and they are stupid and guilty of the white mans intrinsic tendency to be altruistic with no real gain other than “spreading the word of god” they belong in that catagory of whites letting mudslimes rape their daughters and encouraging them to have even more babbys
Just by saying that the current year is more demented than the Middle Ages doesn’t make me a Christian
>implying catholicism and protestantism and other denoiminations alike havent been there.
but please, tell me how your little nugget of christkikery is the exception.
you are using the meme flag of a christfag. if you dont want to get mistaken for that then take it off. its like me getting mad when someone calls me a faggot or a dyke.
What is irony?
Nobody ever implied that, I just agreed that they do that and it’s what is a part of the white mans problem. We care more about humanlets that can’t fend for themselves than our own people and cultures and countries
My whore sister is a dog mom. She has a medical condition that prevents her from bearing children (and probably all her eggs are poisoned) and her new boyfriend is half spic and half mulatto and an alcoholic. I heard her on the phone yesterday jokingly tell him off for sleeping around ("haha, looks like you didn't give me syphilis").
wat do Sup Forums
take away any tax incentive for marriage without children. cucks are just as bad
Stop being a pseudo dyke, just because you are ugly doesn’t mean you won’t find a man to pamper you.
>18 posts by this ID
Then again I think you might be dunzo’d for life lmao
Population is sustainable, except in Africa where they have no instincts or willpower to plan 3 years in advance in agriculture and farming.
Have you been doing your duty to tell people to stop helping africans so the world population doesn’t balloon out of control, or are you only on that blue pill of believing only white countries with on average 25higher iq points need to stop having children?
Speaking purely from a personal perspective, I love watching it all happen.
> bitch buys a bitch
> wastes money on pooch
> never marries
> never reproduces
> men avoid woman because she's clearly vapid
> woman suffers every 10 or so years when their "child" dies
> woman is forcibly confronted with the futility of filling a hole in themselves with a substitution, and the contradiction of the value they place on the deceased pet with buying a new one and replacing them
> bitch buys a bitch
I'm currently watching my sister go through this cycle. She's been an insufferable dyke her whole life. Now that she's approaching 35 and the 3rd and last of her "fur babies" is on its deathbed she's realizing no man wants to settle with her uppity ass and she's about to watch the only thing resembling her lineage croak. I hope I'm there the day she cracks, so I can scoop up her niece and nephews, laugh in her face, and leave.
Justice feels good.
some do