Liberal RadFem here. Ask me questions, debate me, whatever floats your metaphorical boat.
Other urls found in this thread:
Tits or gtfo
Did your father/uncle ever abuse you?
Do you think you have a mental disorder?
What influence do you think porn culture has on modern society?
Why are you LARPing as a feminist on Christmas, user?
how do you feel about men taking pills, wearing dresses and pretending to be women whilst slowly taking over female athletics one sport at a time?
You sure about that, OP? Because all I hear women do is bitch and complain about how terrible their periods are and ask men to go get stuff for them.
When you say radical feminist, what do you mean? Are you one of those #killallmen folks?
LOL like I give a shit about a woman's opinions.
And if not a LARP, why do you think trying to get humanity to do the opposite of their evolved behavioral patterns and ignore their brain's reward system is a good idea? Do you hate women?
sage until tits or gtfo
Is there any pursuit where a woman is the best in the world? Not "the best woman X"... but "The best X. Period. Beating all men"
the best at cuntbleeding
Trannies are proving that men can dominate female sports with ease, why are men so physically superior to women?
Radical feminism doesn't believe in transgenderdom because it confirms gender roles.
I noticed your picture OP, if women are so smart, why did a man invent the tampon?
Did you read this?
Where is your most ticklish spot?
>with that retarded logic yes
>duh she's a FEMALE
tits or gtfo its 4 am and i am annoyed
>I can bleed to cunt!!!
>pulls out knife
>Slits my wrists
>proceed to bench 300 pounds
>finish ten reps
Any thoughts on why men are less educated than women?
Why do these types constantly make references to dirt bodily functions? I don't make constant references to ball sweat or especially pungent body odor, things common and often unique to men. I don't go around making references to my testicles etc. So why do they make references to their vaginas or menstruating? It's disgusting.
>1 post by this id
We got jipped guys
>i can do anything
Except be president, roastie
Honestly, porn doesn't bug me too much. It's a fairly natural thing and even the obvious objectification of woman isn't all that serious. I don't feel as if porn has had any major influence on society as a whole, honestly.
I don't think it's my business to care about what others do to their bodies, so long as it isn't harmful. Addiontially, there's a lack of transgender athletes in sports, at least at a professional level.
Radical Feminism calls for a greater change than typical feminism. And no, I'm not super into the idea of killing all men, although I'll admit to having joked about it after getting a bit drunk.
How many pull ups can you do? Can you piss through a doughnut's hole while standing up? Can you get a woman pregnant?
Less educated and still intellectually superior. Women getting educated in male created institutions.........
no you can't dumb bitch, now go get raped by muslims like a good feminazi
how do we solve the genderist problem?
What is your response to the fact that women have statistically only gotten unhappier since the 1970’s, right around when women’s lib picked up?
You can give birth better than I can. Congratulations
>there’s a lack of transgender athletes
A trans woman just destroyed a woman’s weight lifting competition. That doesn’t raise any red flags to you at all?
Have you seen this? What are your thoughts on it?
Do you think the wage gap or pink tax is real?
send bob
Then I guess you are a liberal feminist and not a radfem. If you want to see what radical feminists are like look up gender critical or wgtow. They are anti porn, anti prostitution, and anti transgender.
piss accurately standing up unassisted!
>Anything you can do, I can do bleeding
Write your name in the snow with your piss
Good luck.
how much heroin did you shoot up to make you think this radfem thing was a good idea? How much weed brownies did you feast upon? how many rocks of coke did you shoot up your arm before you realized your a divorce raping soulless whore twunt.
>I don't think it's my business to care about what others do to their bodies, so long as it isn't harmful. Addiontially, there's a lack of transgender athletes in sports, at least at a professional level.
however, they're competing against and outperforming biological women. there are not enough of them to start their own leagues, and they cannot compete with the testosterone levels of men who aren't on HRT (or likely also on roids), yet can demolish women, even if the women are on roids.
how does this fit into feminism. when it's essentially the removal of females from female competitions?
what about contact sports?
Tits or GTFO, you stupid cunt.
If women are equally capable to men, why is every country on earth, past, present and future, controlled by men? Weren't women strong, smart, and clever enough to outdo men at least once in history?
*David Anttenborough voice*
>here we see a maturing trap reaching his/she/it's mature age
>for many months after its dick was chopped off, the trap has been natured peacefully in the Sup Forums nest
>but now he must face learn to fly and seek validation outside of his nest
>in the distance it sees Sup Forums and board full of LARPing faggots
>it thinks to it self, what a perfect stepping stone
>knowing that the citizens of pol have a disdain for liberals, the new trap tries to engage by creating a bait thread
>knowing that its penis is gone, trap user believes that pretending to be a woman is justified
>at first the trap manages to bait in the newfags
>but the elders of Sup Forums see through the lies
>the elders ask to so tits or GTFO
>the trap realising it didnt have enough money to get boob surgery leaves and head back to Sup Forums
Nothing comes to mind - I don't think gender dictates talents.
On a genetic level, males are typically stronger in the modern sense of the word. Both sexes have the capability to be strong, but men seem to show a natural aptitude for it.
Some RadFems believe this, but not all. I personally don't have an issue with transgender people.
Gertrude Tendrich invented the tampon. I believe you're thinking of Earl Haas, who invented the applicator.
I have indeed. I enjoyed it a lot, but disagree with her on a few key points, especially her points on sex distinction needing eradication.
That's a fun one!! Probably my neck or my tummy, actually.
It's truly unfortunate to see education rights not being applied equally. The one thing I'd like to state in defense of that statistic is that it was measured in children. Two-thirds of illiterate adults are women.
I definitely think it's icky for all of us to be talking about bodily functions - but I think the point I'd make is that while you may not make references to your testicles, many other men do. Heck, have you been in a gas station bathroom? There are doodled penises everywhere.
>Both sexes have the capability to be strong, but men seem to show a natural aptitude for it.
LOL an aptitude to be stronger? They are physically superior to women and have much higher muscle mass and density.
Have you seen the movie "The Red Pill"? If so, what did you think?
>Gertrude Tendrich invented the tampon. I believe you're thinking of Earl Haas, who invented the applicator
Wrong. Gertrude merely purchased the patent created by a man.
>have you been in a gas station bathroom? There are doodled penises everywhere.
Confirmed. OP is a man or a trap, doodled penises are a mans bathroom thing.
I know you are LARPing because RadFems are rightwing feminists. That is why RadFems like mayim bialik tell women to dress conservatively to avoid male advances. A liberal feminist would say that men should behave themselves.
Which of the many advanced matriarchal societies throughout history do you think we should draw wisdom from for the coming fempire?
What feminist works have you actually read? What do you say to men like me that read feminist philosophy for ourselves and find it abhorrent, like some people read the Bible or Talmud and end up hating the Jews?
Okay. Piss standing up while you bleed.
Do you think a woman will ever make a world changing discovery or invention similar to any of the following male discoveries and inventions?
Combustion Engine
Advanced Polymers
Distributed Electricity
Nuclear Power
Solid fuel rockets
Top Kek
>anything you can do I can do bleeding
Joke's on you bitch I have perpetually bleeding hemorrhoids
Wrong follow up question. There is no lack for worthless shit. There is no "lack" of trannies anywhere, just as there is no "lack" of women in the military or as CEOs of companies.
We actually lack two parent homes. We lack mothers that will raise their kids and not throw them into daycare.
Saying we "lack" trannies is like saying we lack rapists.
Honestly, I don't know - I think it's a matter of this new generation and its more tolerant views. Fingers crossed to a brighter future.
I believe that has more to do with that their eyes had been opened to what they lacked, not that they missed their old ways. I'm sure several did, but true feminism would allow them to continue being a housewife to their heart's content.
Good for her!! I'm surprised I didn't hear about that. It's not too worrying for me. Either way, a woman won, right?
Personally, it looks to me as if she explored the gender binary and realized she was comfier as a woman. There's not too much harm in just checking, right? As far a privilege shift, I can't quite follow what she's trying to say.
The main wage cap I'm currently worried about is between the different races, regardless of gender. If you look at the image below, here are a few worrying statistics.
As for the pink tax, it's a matter of fact that it exists. Feminine hygiene products like tampons and pads are still taxed as luxury items. On the flip-side, men's razors are taxed as necessities. It's odd that our society thinks beard shaving is necessary but preventing a biohazard spill is not.
I really wish I could. No joke.
They have done so repeatedly. The Queens of Nubia, The Sitones, The Mosuo, Hopituh-Shi-nu-mu, and so many more.
>woman refuses to show boobs to internet
>automatically assume it's a guy if they don't
We lack mentally deranged retards.
show us your hand with timestamp or feet. Clearly this is your first time on pol or you are a LARPer
>On the flip-side, men's razors are taxed as necessities. It's odd that our society thinks beard shaving is necessary but preventing a biohazard spill is not.
Obviously you have never worked in an industrial setting where beard shavings usually mandatory.
Correct. If you go far enough to the left it horse shoes with the right.
The same is true of things like the Black separatist movement. Another movement so left it swings right.
I can impregnate you with my sperms. By force.
>Liberal RadFem
Pic related
>it’s more about women relaize what they don’t have
You mean, it’s more about they’ve been brainwashed into believing they’re constantly being screwed? Lol. All for progress as long as they’re miserable
>good for her! I don’t see any problems here!
That’s not fucking fair to actual women. She grew up as a man and has he bone/circulatory structure of a man giving her a distinct biological advantage over actual women.
beard shaving isn't a safety problem. Trimming with scissors would be fine for almost all industrial settings excluding those with fire. The reason why men's razors are necessities is because a man with a beard is like a man wearing a mask. It can be altered whenever. Following the first world war, the Fed Res took over. We tell a nice story about men changing to short hair styles in solidarity with those who came back with lice from the trenches, but the real reason has to do with short hair being harder to change enough to create a massive change in appearance.
Women are only good for fucking, taking care of the kids, cooking dinner, and doing the dishes. Check mate shenigga!
I will always have an issue with MRA. I'd be fine with it if it was for male rape victims, hypermasculinity, and the likes. Instead, it just focuses on the destruction of feminist ideals.
My bad - Misread my source. However, tampons existed long before its patent. According to the writings of Hippocrates', women in fifth century B.C., Greek women wrapped linen around wood to use as makeshift tampons.
Nah, grew up on the road with my fair share of unisex bathrooms.
RadFems aren't inherently right-wing. I'll be the first to attest that I'm by no means a traditional RadFem, but still align myself with their core values of unity.
I'm very sorry if I didn't get to your question, but I have things to do, places to be, and people to see.
Much love to all of you, regardless of your political
affiliations in this lovely holiday season.
Waiting patiently for a response
>they have done so repeatedly
Why did none of them get past the Bronze Age /progress as a society/power that would rival that of a Bronze Age civilization?
Because civilization is a patriarchal construct
Again someone who does not work in an industrial setting where being clean shaven is part of your uniform.... For safety reasons, like getting caught in machinery.
What exactly do you want to see happen?
Yes it is. Have you never heard of respirators?
this is not a place to come do AMAs you massive faggot
She sure can bleed better then me. That is some good foreshadowing.
Before I go, someone asked for proof that I'm not a LARPer(?) - So here are my feet with a time stamp. It's backwards, but will hopefully prove my point. Feel free to reverse image search it or flip it the right way around. See you on the flip-side!!
Goddamn go back to t_d and take your shitty memes
Hed to higher standards
Lack of subsidies
No diversity recruiting
Educational system geared specifically to women, no long a meritocracy.
Those are a few reasons.
tits or gtfo roastie
Holy fucking kek
When did you decide to become an amoral retarded communist?
Respirators can be worn with short facial hair as long as it doesn't get in the way of the seal.
This is very true, but you assume that education was ever about meritocracy. It is about teaching people enough, but not too much. Education is about teaching people to follow orders and feel smart when doing it.
delusional women
Just please don't ignore me.
You can kind of cheat your way past that with some petroleum jelly, too. I used to have to wear a filter mask while working with chemicals and that's what I'd do.
is that frostbite?
>woman can't objective
>what influence does porn have on society
>implying the question was how does porn effect you, therefore society
those feet are some of the sexiest i've ever seen -
i dont even care that youre a feminazi - i want a foot job from u, asap
Shed fit in well in sweden.
White sharia.
>Liberal RadFem
stopped reading right there dude