Will we ever see an atheist president? After watching the video Trump and Melania made wishing America a Merry Christmas, I started wondering what an Atheist President and First Lady would have done.
Atheist President
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Abe Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson, though Lincoln never talked about his stances on faith so he could just be agnostic but close friends accounts of him said he had no interest in religion.
>inbred jew
same thing is same thing.
The problem with this is he/she would have to go through election saying they are a religion and then when elected would say they are actually atheist.
Because there are far fewer atheist than there are religious people and if you want the votes you have to claim to be one of them.
Obama was likely atheist or agnostic.
He still prayed, asked for prayers, took an oath with his hand on a bible, claimed to be a christian.
Jefferson was a strong deist. Madison was your godless manlet president. Did a good job but a total dick. Obama's tricky; cited Gilead as one of his favourites, but likely a communist atheist as stated already. Talented larper regardless.
Shut up, Wesley
You can still wish the Christians in the country a Merry Christmas and be an atheist.
I know some Americans who are atheist and still tell each other Merry Christmas, or if they are against Christianity will say Good Yule or Happy Solstice.
Washington was also a deist and still had Christmas address and wished the Christians of the country a Merry Christmas. Back then it was not fashionable to be an anti-theist, since most Americans were religious.
>shoving your weirdo pagan larping in everybody's face
anything other than 'merry christmas' is stupid faggotry. and I don't even believe in god
Yeah I would agree with that, particularly in America. But I figure in Europe, Good Yule is the more common greeting due to strong anti-Christian sentiment in the continent.
I wouldn't want an atheist president. I don't trust other atheists at all.
t. atheist
Nah he was a soft christian. Trump is very much an agnostic that only speaks the most shallow populist rhetoric when it comes to religion.
faggot fedora tippers should fuck off
Christianity is rising all over the Anglo-Sphere and Europe and this is due to whites getting sick of the cultural Marxism and communism being pushed on our society.
Also the flooding of savage muslim shitskins have made people find Christianity .
Fedora tippers are almost extinct and pagancucks are just neckbearded larpers.
I just don't want a douchebag.
"Uhhh, no i'm not going to swear on the bible during my oath of office. Who cares if it's a tradition that's existed since the countries birth. You're just retarded and religion is stupid. Haha rick and morty told me so"
Christianity is not rising in any European nation. The statistics show nonbelief is on the rise, as well as other religions - Islam, even paganism to some extent (though mostly in places like Iceland and Denmark).
What we do see from the statistics is that anti-Christian sentiment has been on the rise for a long time, and has continued to rise. Christianity is seen more negatively in Europe than Islam.
All presidents are atheist, except retards like Bush jr.
They just stroke your jebus dong to get your vote.
what if they swore on the constitution instead?
a fedora meme is not an argument faggot
enjoy worshiping your dead jew
kek no it's fucking not you cuck
holy shit the absolute state
statistics actually show that Christianity is rising in Western and Northern Europe
and it's really really rising in Eastern and Southern Europe.
This Christmas set the record for most mass church attendance.
people are starting to turn back to Christ and our Christian Faith.
You Athiestcucks are all in the past.
You are dwindling in numbers.
And mostly all of you are leftist commie faggots.
What did Obama do?
> dead jew
> he is risen
kek enjoy your third world country shitskin subhuman
Shouldn't you be on your knees?
This. He only gave lip service to it when he had to and he openly talked shit about it. He's either atheist, agnostic or Muslim.
One day in the future.like 2050 or 40. It'll be a big moment in history.cant wait
So why are you on this filthy sinful site on Christmas?
Shouldn't you be on your knees somewhere?
and what if I was praying on my knees ?
> shouldn't you be on your knees
kek is this what athiestcucks repeat?
> sinful site
/pol is a Christian board
both of you should fuck off back to plebbit
Trump’s an atheist, he just conned the bible thumpers because he needed their votes. They’re all dummies, they fell for it.
You know close friends of Jesus claimed he risen from the dead.
Checkmate u fuckin gooon
> /pol is a Christian board
Conveniently located on a site devoted to porn and origami. Does your mother know you use her computer for this?
> and what if I was praying on my knees ?
You seem to d lot of things on your knees.
Posting on Sup Forums for instance.
>Will Wheaton
>Wil Wheaton is an American actor, writer, and blogger. His maternal grandmother was born in Panama, and Wil’s matrilineal great-grandmother was Sephardi Jewish.
> what does he not get about /pol being a Christian board
all of that shit is shitposting posted by shills to slide threads
>i'm actually sitting down on a chair not on my knees
you faggots always resort to degeneracy when insulting
hence why you are so full of sin and away from God.
Repent now faggots or suffer in the lake of fire forever
You know what awaits for you in the dark
shadow and flame
>magical invisible zombie jew
>somehow better than a dead jew
> mfw user will have to stand face to face with The Almighty one day and get Rekt
good thing you athiestcucks are dwindling in numbers each day
White pride.
World wide.
Even other races admire at least some elements of our culture.
Full power.
JiDF is full of mentally ill people.
I know, I'be neer around you guys.
>putting your hand upon an archaic doctrine written by men thousands of years ago and swearing upon it
I am euphoric in this moment. I am Obama.
>t. LARPing christcuck
If the president were atheist I'd still semi expect him to wish the country Merry Christmas for the sake of tradition of nothing else.
I agree.
t. atheist who wishes he believed in God
I think most presidents are already atheist, especially modern ones.
They only pretend to be xtian to keep up appearances and because the country would never elect some literal godless commie.
>Yeah citizens, there's not really a higher power or anything.. Just us telling you what to do on threat of imprisonment or death, along with genetic markers predisposing your ability to feel varying dopamine and serotonin levels depending on certain stimuli...
>But yeah, have fun this festive season, but not too much or we'll have to arbitrarily fuck you up ;)
Um no. Even if there are(and there have been plenty if current society shows the results and side effects) atheist presidents if the future, they'll never publicly admit it on tv, since the connotations for exactly what the situation the average pleb who doesn't give a shit about their supposed "logic" and "rational" to keep respecting the status quo, falls apart.
Sup Forums is a board about current events and calling people kikes and niggers. Not a very christian thing to do is it?
Those of you in the USA suggesting atheists go to commieland, keep something in mind: Our ancestors fought wars to make sure fedoras aren't mandatory dress code in the US, as it has been in some countries.
Wearing a cross isn''t mandatory either.
It's called freedom.
Don't fuck it up.
You don't think I would love for life to be eternal and the bible to be true?
I just don't see how it could be true... how could the bible be the word of God if it is full of contradictions?
How could humans have a soul if all human behavior can be explained by neurons in the brain?
I was a catholic when I was a kid. I remember feeling good with myself because I was a "turn the other cheek" guy, a pacifist basically. Now I don't see how it could be anything other than a religion by the jews to make whites weak.
You quote a jew, but why do you expect that turbo jew to be telling the truth? Aren't you just looking for excuses to cement your beliefs about christianity?
I would've been a happy catholic if only I could handle the cognitive dissonance.
people think trumps not atheistic?
do people buy that merry christmas bullshit?
An atheist president would never make it unless they hid it from the public (Obama). Nobody wants an atheist president. I certainly don't.
t. a former atheist
Human rights and "muh freedom" is a meme that falls apart without the "equal under god, but not nature*" mantra. The West had freedom because it was heavily populated with religious fundamentals who didn't need big brother not to be huge fuck ups, nor wanted them involved.
Your diminishing freedom is directly correlated with how secular society becomes. That's not a "coincidence".
how did you become a religious person? don't you have massive cognitive dissonance?
Just want to say that I am a Christian and I'd have no problem voting for an atheist.
I wouldn't vote for a Muslim but most other religions wouldn't be relevant to my vote.
Jehovah's Witnesses are the only ones that don't generally subscribe to a particular party. Considering they think they're works will grant them eternal life on earth, (believing heaven to already be filled by the chosen multitude of 140,000), you'd think they'd prepare for the future by voting for someone that would protect their exponential wealth, e.g. republicans.
No, my freedoms are diminishing in direct proportion to the glorification of wealth and thug lifestyle.
I don't need god to tell me right from wrong. Many of you seem to think if it wasn't for your invisible friend threatening you with eternal damnation, you would hands down choose evil over good. You have no empathy, only fear.
Thats ok - but the west has freedoms because it was heavily populated with people sick to fucking death of kings, popes, and preists telling them what to do, and wanted freedom, not rule.
>No, my freedoms are diminishing in direct proportion to the glorification of wealth and thug lifestyle.
Ummm no. If you accept the current paradigm of "Right less government" and "Left more government", then the information I've provided to you, as well as any and all well put together sources shows the vast majority of secularists vote Left every time. This doesn't just apply to the States but Europe as well.
There are many Right wing freedom loving Athiests on Sup Forums, sure, but that simply isn't the case in the grand scheming of things. I'm not gonna sit here and argue on theorys since it'll probably just offend your already stubbron dug in position, but geuinely when people stop believing in a higher divine authority... They start believing in material ones. Particularly Communism.
I never stopped wondering about the absolute truth and eventually found my way. It took a long period of time for me to become 'spiritual' again, and I came to it on my own. Everyone must do this if they want to achieve anything close to 'enlightenment.' It wasn't easy or intentional, and the depth I'd have to go into here is too much to post.
Part of what got me started is noticing how fucking stubborn atheists are. Most of these fucks are the same ones that deny blatantly obvious realities like race. I removed all association of thought with them. I also came to the conclusion that more than half of truly autonomous thinkers aren't atheist. These are the people that you could say truly 'think for themselves.'
Taking hallucinogens solidified my curiosity for the ultimate truth. However, I stopped being atheist before this, so it did not have a hand in converting me. I have no cognitive dissonance. I only search for the truth, and the truth is most certainly not as easy as "The only existence is what a neuro-typical human can observe." That's only the easy way out.
>Will we ever see an atheist president?
I certainly hope not but I'm sure we've already have with some 20th century presidents.
>statistics actually show that Christianity is rising in Western and Northern Europe
>and it's really really rising in Eastern and Southern Europe.
Surely, you have statistics to back these claims up?
All I can find on the matter
The decline in the size of Europe’s Christian population will result in Christians decreasing as a share of all Europeans (from 75% in 2010 to 65% in 2050).
See, your problem is you are equating conservative with republican and liberal with democrat.
And with only two parties in the US, it's pretty easy to appeal to the glorification of wealth and buy both parties.
You can be moral and personally responsible conservative or liberal, God or not. And many of the idiots that post here prove you can be immoral and irresponsible and oh-so-very Christian
Freedom is good and the 'muh freedom' meme is just a method of cheapening it.
Our current prime minister is a devout Christian and he literally offered his house to the muslim refugees. He keeps condemning "rascism and hate speech" all the time as one of his greatest political priorities.
At same time the current leader of our only anti-multicultural and Finn-centric party is a public atheist. He's a pragmatist who keeps national interest in mind. He also isn't a fedora tipper, the presidental candidate of his party is Christian but she too is more concerned with borders than reward in heaven.
Just fuck Christians in politics. They would never hesitate to choose virtue signaling to their God for a spot in heaven over the greatest good of their people in this life.
Good to see you Wolfsheim
T. Greek orthodox
It'll be the same
I'm from one of the most atheistic countries in the west and we're atheists ourselves.
Trust me, everybody still celebrates Christmas
It's not just a Christian and Pagan religious holiday, it's a Western cultural holiday.
We also celebrate things like Saint Nicholas Day and St. Martin's Day, primarily for children and very little to do with religion nowadays (other than Saint Nicholas' wardrobe).
And then there's Three Kings, Easter (and the related Holy Friday), Pentecost, Ascension day. Yes, all holidays here, and some celebrated by atheists in some form or another.
I wouldn't worry about Christmas going anywhere any time soon.
So merry Christmas everybody :)
Obama. Cryptomuslim, lip service Christian but full blown atheist socialist.
He's traditional White Man lapsed Christian like old school Catholics, Protestants and such.
My dad used to poke fun at the Pope, Catholics, Pentacostals, televangelists, church, etc. But he wasn't an atheist or agnostic. He believed in God and tried going to church but he wasn't into the whole church thing. Church was for women and kids, in his opinion.
Some of the legendary Christians in history were half-assed Christians. They do a lot of stuff for the faith like Knights Templars but they aren't ultra pious.
There is no evidence that Trump is a true believer in Christianity. He may be an unironic cultural Christian though.
Trump is the soft Christian, Christian by White Man tradition.
Obama is an atheist with no respect for Christian morality. Full blown LBGTQ hardliner.
Pretended to be Christian for the blax.
I went through a similar situation myself. I'm still sorting out my spiritual side, but I feel that I'm at least on the correct path. The desire to understand the truth about life/nature and our ultimate purpose homed in on me at a time in my life when faith/God was the furthest thing on my to-do list. I still look back at that time and wonder how a mid-twenty-something, in good shape, good job and social life would be so obsessed with learning about the truth. It's all I could think about. I couldn't wait to get off work and go back to reading/studying. It was almost like being drugged or pulled into a cult yet I have never belonged to a church or ever had anyone "brainwash" me in to it. I just started digging one day and couldn't stop. I've had many wonderful conversations with like-minded individuals but nobody who attempted to push anything on me. It was a very bizzare period in my life and the experience alone was enough to awaken me to finally start thinking for myself. I also went through an atheist-like period in my late teens/early twenties because I thought I had shit figured out and liked being an edgy little prick. Definitely embarrassed about that phase no doubt, but I still feel like you can't push spirituality or God on people. They have to come to it on their own. I don't think of myself as better than an atheist in anyway. I think there is an order or timline for everyone to either properly accept or deny that there is more to this existance than we've been taught through mainstream education and ideologies.
Cultural Christian like a Medici or like a German Christian King.
- rich
- white
- not pious
- won't shit on Christianity, though..
He's more Christian than Democrat Catholics and a fuck ton of Catholic priests, though.
We already had one. Obongo was an atheist. Honestly anyone that high in society is at best agnostic, mist are atheists
They would probably tip their fedoras.
There will never be an out-of-the-closet Atheist President
What is this face? Why do numales keep making that face in front of a camera?
You either support more or less government if freedom is the pedestal virtue, and as flawed as both choices are, it's very clear what direction they lean. YOU, made some kind of "appeal to freedom" argument here:
In some weird justifying of, "no need to cry over spilled milk", emotional vomit about why diminishing Christian influence is good, while praising the virtues of "freedom". Here:
I post factual information via image graph(as well as some quick philosophical insinuations about law and religion) about how diminishing Christendom will result in the overwhelming surrender of power to the "bigger government party", and hence less "freedom".
While here:
and here:
You make some kind of rambling sentence about how Christians don't have morality(or the ones here don't) and refute nothing about what I said besides pretending it doesn't exist.
I have every reason to now believe you don't argue in good faith, don't understand demographic information and how it affects the things you've apparently stated you cherish(besides ignoring reality and stating it's self-evident when it's clearly not to at least, 69% of voting Atheists) and are probably just irrationally angry posting about those mean old Christians who don't put a stamp of approval on your lifestyle choices.
Say something coherent to how Christian destruction will lead to more freedom in the next 60 years, or otherwise you're just a shitposter.
Porn isn't subversive anymore. It's mainstream. It wasn't the jews so much as it was women becoming more promiscuous. They were probably always fuck pigs but now they have decided rubbing everyones faces in it is the progressive and liberating thing to do. They do the most fucked up shit, lie without batting an eye, and then play the victim.
Trump is the most Christian president we've had in a lifetime and he's an atheist.
Stop being retards m
Really dude - whats so difficult for you? I never said I was against christianity or any other religion.
Freedom to be atheist is also freedom to be christian ... or muslim.
But I have an issue with fundamentalist idiots that tell me I'm wrong if I believe what I believe.
I'm sorry you wasted your infographic on me - I fail to see how it matters.
For what purpose? Marriage is a religious custom and they don't reproduce.
Trump is an atheist that just masquerades as a Christian.
I don't think he gives a flying fuck about actually practicing any Christianity.
The dude doesn't give a fuck that his daughter converted or son in law isn't Christian.
Donald "Two Corinthians" Trump is clearly an atheist, or an agnostic at the least. He's just LARPing as a Christfag to pander to retarded Evangelicals.
The problem of pluralism (not user obviously), I agree that license should be provided to doubt, to choose. However, a central authority for religion is necessary to “tell me I'm wrong if I believe what I believe” because the individual is not the wellspring of authority under the Christian perspective but God.
Unless your view is verifiably backed up by tradition, the Bible, and logic your ‘belief’ is a load of crap. That’s where authority to declare orthodoxy and heresy becomes necessary. Although, I agree with your advocacy for freedom to be a heretic; I deny your complaint that orthodoxy is an unworthy pursuit.
Your defense of heresy arises from a valuation of autonomy, where authority and power is always tyrannical. Instead, orthodoxy should be seen as liberating: the truth—when coherent and full—always will provide more freedom to the human soul than without the authority to bind it.
I get the vibe that Trump vaguely believes in the Christian God but is sort of apathetic about the whole thing.
I also think he understands that religion is something that binds a nation together so it should be promoted and encouraged at every turn, as many right-wing atheists believe.
Trump did grow up in church though, but it was a slightly whacky church.
Second cunt from the left has incredible nipples wasted on super shitty tits
> the individual is not the wellspring of authority under the Christian perspective but God
And are you an individual or are you god?
How 'bout your 'central authority' - individuals or God? Is god himself gonna come tell me I'm wrong, or just some self-important dude?
Because you seem to be saying your religion should have authority because of tradition and funny hats.
And though you're better than some - why are you quiet while idiots like make you look bad?