Daily reminder that northern Pennsylvania belongs to Connecticut. Please comply with our demands or face punishment.
Daily reminder that northern Pennsylvania belongs to Connecticut. Please comply with our demands or face punishment
connetittycuck sucks more than flyover states. get fucked
Wrong answer, but I didn't expect diplomacy from a barbarian. Hand over the land you know is ours.
maine also belongs to massachusetts
Cut a what now? What the fuck is that? It's not Texas, Florida, New York, or Cali, so it's pretty much irrelevent to the US
I believe you posted a picture of PA's lebenstraum, OP
Why do you Americans have such border gore?
>lines following rivers, mountains become autistically straight
>autistically straight lines make tiny segments for states then follow the geography again
You should talk. Not even 1/3 the number of provinces as we have states, yet every one except PEI and NS has one or more of those issues.
Pa will annex land if you help rid SE PA of niggers.
Connecticut is where classy people that work in NYC or Boston live in the summer you lower-middle class plebiscite
the quad state area is actually NY state clay.
Literally what the fuck are you talking about? Our borders are aesthetic.
Hahahaha you're adorable.
(((classy people)))
All of the WASPs are gone
Sup Forums tier shit thread
All the WASPs live in the corners of the state, stay the fuck away from BPT, NH, Hartford, and the shit part of Stamford. Also literally all of the rural garbage is 99% white but a lot of them are just white trash so they don't count
Not with that mag
Must be nice living in occupied territory
So glad my family left that shit whole
t. no-states
stay jealous province pleb
you can have the whole right . . idk like 1/8th of it
>Arbitrary lines that have no meaning because nobody lives outsided Toronto or Vancouver
Sorry that your country has no meaningful natural bountaries and miles of frozen wasteland.
No. The independence and territorial integrity of Pennsylvania are garuanteed by the state of Ohio.
Fuck off it belongs to the PennReich