Economics of National Socialism

Would some National socialists tell me the economic system of National socialism and how it would work. Information on it is pretty rare other than the fact that the National Socialists thought of the economy as something of secondary importance.

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Its like Comunism economics but instead of killing rich people you only kill those that wont pay

This pic right here is a good starter and dispels the myth of "dey wuz soshulists"
>privatize most industry at a time it was unheard of

It was a war based economy, they needed to invade and elslave to keep themselves going, which is why we had to crush them like the bugs they were.

Eighteen Pages of Proof that Adolf Hitler & National Socialism were Not "Racist" & Never Will Be:

More episodes proving he was not what they told you he was:

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Read feder and the 25 point program. Hjalmar Schact’s memoirs as well as a book on the war time production. At any rate, Feder and the 25 point program are easy to read. Have fun.

Thanks user


If you want to understand the economics of NS then your best bet is to read Gottfried Feder.


Read 'Wages of Destruction' by Adam Tooze. It destroys the idea that the Nazi economy saved Germany or was functioning by any standard.

Aye , just like brittish empire

I think the biggest part of national socialist economics is the emphasis on people over money.

Even in communism, economic theories are extremely materialist and wealth centered. The assumptions these philosophies make is that economic wealth is the precursor to civic growth, high birth rates, high standard of living, etc... National socialism assumes the opposite. National unity and a growing population are the best means of generating wealth.

National socialism's views seem to be correct. In all cases, a stagnation of population has lead to a stagnation of economic growth.

Thanks. I found it really informative.

ooh hello you again ^^
let the games begin jude

==> check them out while listening to this ^^

Got a better PDF? The layout on that one is horrid

Read pic related


It's socialism.
Handouts, free gibs....
Just call it national NEETISM

yes chaim

germany found aswell a trading system that allowed to keep 3th parties and global market speculators out of the loop too. making goods more afordable and profit going to where it should go
hence the wardeclaration of judaism against germany and the global boycot of german goods everywhere, which jewish boycot and cristalnacht was an answer to that.
that's why if you can find them, you could find german pottery and many other things without any mark of source production on it.

>that's why if you can find them, you could find german pottery and many other things without any mark of source production on it

China has a national socialist economy, but it does allow for (((western investment))) to keep the American army at bay

Socialism is a means not an end.

Basically, the nazis knew that the free market has to be accessible for everyone to participate in and ideally it has to be competitive in order to keep prices low and quality high at all times. That it was. The sole purpose of corporations is to enrich their owners (they wouldn't exist otherwise), everything else is only a means to this end. The Nazis didn't like that because they pursued a collectivist vision so companies had to coordinate their activities with he state. They were supposed to be privately run government organizations. However the Nazi leadership did not create avenues that would enable market participants to challenge established players. That created monopolies and lead to a stratification of society. In other words the Nazis either failed to create a working system due to incompetence and bad organization of the government itself OR they were corrupt and worked hand in hand with oligarchs.

Communism VS Fascism
strong central bank owned by Jews (namely the Rothchilds)
Jews hold most white collar positions of privilege
everyone is equal (as slaves under Jewish hegemony)
Antisemitism is outlawed
authoritarian rule (with lots of purges)

Barter System between nations no central bank
The best for the Job gets the Job (yes even Jews in many instances)
Everyone is equal under the state to flourish
Communism outlawed
authoritarian rule

Take private property (aka the means of production, or factories)
from the individuals that own them and give them to "the state"
(a small number of people in positions of privilege filled through nepotism)
turning the entire country into private property owned by them with the people still
working in factories they don't own and now will never have an opportunity
to own making less than they did before with a lower standard of living. Or
to make it simple basically a return to feudal serfdom only the lords will
now all be Jews instead of natives that basically consider the gentiles subhuman livestock

it's too early here and dark, next time i see a tread like this again i'll have some pics ready of some heirlooms i have.

yes the communities we live only exist to enrich us, we should not be a cohesive unified volk. We already National Socialists in all but name anyway you half wit

>National Socialists thought of the economy as something of secondary importance.
People before profit as opposed to profit before people.

The economy of the Third Reich is a bit all over the place, with a fair bit of privatisation. National Socialists here on Sup Forums however, were in majority agreement before the great t_d/boomer invasion that a current/modern National Socialist economy would be a mixed-state economy.

Core industry (power, transport, ports, airlines, etc) being held 'in trust' for the people as opposed to being held for profit by a few.

It would result in a dictatorship through the vessel of extreme right wing and conservative nationalism, gets soft. Then they kill Jews :(

now i remember something, that silly 2 seison show about hitler escape to south america, they found nameless pottery and glassworks from germany among other tings in ruines they found that was from german precence, these where basicly for export, but sold everywhere in europe anyway.
(no hitler ofcourse hahahahaha... declassified fbi reports lol)

mine are glassworks:
brown yellow transparant fruitbowl
a cristal cakeplate
some drinking glasses and teamugs
some beermugs and regular glases
medical containers in darkbrown tempered glas
some coffeemugs
pots for salt and herbs
some kitchen ustenciles i still cook with, forks knives and spoons and some tools, still have my grandpapa's spade and that thing to brake up the soil for seeming and planting for gardening.
still have a gardenbench in foundry from krupp but i had to chainge the planks with new oak.
and coffee and chicoree pots in email from krupp too, but those date from the golden age.

Interesting thread.


>People before profit as opposed to profit before people
also special loans for family houses, each child was -% the cost of a child retracted from the value of the house as a bonus for childmaking.
i think it was around2500RM per child but i should look it up to be sure.
loans for startups where with a longterm mild payback interest too and a taxcut the first 3 years if not mistaken.

i immagine this as a leaded glasswork window just under the point of the roof of a house or as the (illuminated)ceiling window of a round income hall
or on the floor in a pool!

I have this one too.

Sounds comfy.
The snowflake symbol has a lot of potential.


That's kind of spooky.
I want to live in the aryan future.

Kind of reminds me of the Utopian society from "The Giver"


NatSoc doesn't involve state-enforced handouts.

Here you go:

It's a pamphlet straight from the NSDAP itself (in English)

same here or that utopia with the gras turns into blades, zepelins with genetic material stored in it and stuff, the main actrice was lilo from 5th element i think.
not state enforced but

Actually the whole national socialist society's main bae line was " the needs of the many preceeds the needs of one" and that reflected in every aspect of life and society.
that's what my grandparents and their same age peers told me

I'll keep an eye out if you post it in the future. Are they all from the third reich?

According to Hoppe, initially he supported more decentralization than other leaders at the time, but was hardly Milton Friedman. Market forces and competition are inline with survival of the fittest, master race type thinking. But when the war started to pick up, he didn’t hesitate to nationalize industries and do other terrible economic things. The economy, like everything else, is subservient to the state, what ever that is.

this is a great source
might check radiofunken too while you're at it and front radio stations
i initialy found this in their library and downloaded it a few years back, as a supprise for my austrian grandpapa and played it exactly the same hour when it was broadcasted when we where about to sing. it was emotional ..

yes with the exception of my coffee and chicoree pots, these are from early 1900, the golden age

>not state enforced
the state doesn't have to force you to contribute to those you care about

i have the big dipper on my wright upper leg and i was born under it
some people noticed

>from early 1900, the golden age
This wasn't the golden age

This was the golden age

no but they told me that sometimes the people around you looked akward and ofcourse the rumours if you didn't slip some coins or a note in the box

cool you know the swastika is formed from the big dipper right? You will find what you are looking for on that Yt channel start with the playlists


yes it was, technology, economy, medical, sience, degeneracy, fashion
it peaked at 1900 depending on the cities but in general it was. like vienna or the battle for everything between paris and berlin. which was picked up again after the war
1890 - 1918

Do you of the Vedas?

sorry I meant know of the Vedas

good vidya I wrote this article

I didn't read the whole thing but work on your presentation, don't start sentence with 'let me explain', a well spoken right winger is the biggest fear of our enemies, so be one


thank annon

vagely with alot of dust on what i know and i will have a look at it, thanks for sharing
i picked up the vegas while i was watching that ancient austronaut show (not taken so seriously, funny presentator though haha ) to see what it is about, i knew it was old hindu, my mom is more into these, i on the other hand was busy with other things besides too much work.

Pro tip : don't start with the Vedas

lol nigger when you have your work published let me know and we can exchange tips

yep that's it :)

Pls stop lying on the internet


It's almost like socialism works when it's combined with:
>An ethnostate
>Low unemployment rate
>Not wasting taxes

aw awesome well when you get a chance look into them I have a copy of the arctic Vedas let me know if you want a copy on pdf

>heil hydra ... hydra is great... heil hydra .. hydra is great ....

this should be the floor of an incomehall, shower maybe, but i see this patern as the floor of a pool too.. hmm..
the day i build my pool

>arctic Vedas
like in artic german city stories?

Even back then you disgusting fucking burgers couldn't help but bring your children into politics. Guess you were always shit.

lol wtf are you talking about poo in loo
try this

hey goeiemorgen
and yes it would, immagine all the funds going to schooling, art, the wellbeing of our elderly, propulsion green and other energy, spaceprograms, enviromental programs, windmills everywhere on the high see lol
and that greenenergy project with that atrificial island conecting england the dutch and belgium. that would long been build by now example

>>An ethnostate
>>Low unemployment rate
>>Not wasting taxes
that's a great party name wright there

What a fucking faggot list of things. Why do the elderly matter? Their ability to contribute is even less than that of a drug addict generally.
You nazis are just another bunch of arbitrary faggots. Real fascism will return someday and put you in your place.

>ENG/BEL/NED polder
Might work aslong it doesn't fuck with our harbor which is the largest harbor of Europe.

We're wasting way too much taxmoney with stupid shit
>EU membership
>EU gibs for poor countries we never get back
>Climate shit
>Asylum seekers and refugees
>Welfare for lazy fucks who never want to work

And we're also missing out on massive economic growth due to European union protectionist trade deals.

>Just kill the elderly
Inhuman cunt. 1 day you will be a old fart aswell.

Hey Bodhi, off topic riffing. German word "Kennen" (to be familiar with, or know a thing), and the Kenites who were enemies of the Jews. Connected?
Atlantis Mystery Unraveled by Jurgen Spanuth

A lot like modern China; but without foreign owned companies and probably with significantly less foreign trade. By that I mean private companies working in close allegiance with the state, limited property rights by private citizens, and lots of infrastructure and social spending.

Without other fascist countries to trade with this would likely occur under trade sanctions which would limit economic growth.

How well this would work depends on how much faith you have in centrally planned economies. I tend to think the state hinders economic growth so I don't think it would be very efficient and you'd probably rack up a lot of debt paying for all those social programs and infrastructure before the economy evolved into something else as the Chinese economy is currently doing.

>Just kill the elderly
Indeed, they're the ones that sold out western civilization. You want to reward them for that?
Chances are if they didn't turn society into such shit, we'd have far fewer people on welfare.

>They're the ones that sould out western civilization
Brainlet. It's not like those people had a say in the matter , they were just born in their place in history just like us. We need to be killed aswell?

These people work their entire lifes , get all their money stolen and you want them just to die after they finally get to actually live? Shame on you fucking faggot.

nice get, everything is connected my friend, etymology is a great tool to find out how. Have you ever heard of the language crystal?

I've seen some YouTube videos.

>Why do the elderly matter
with a mentality like your place would be upsidedown dangling around from a cord. Even Mussolini would come out his grave and pull you over his knees for a good old fashion spanking.

you are your forefathers, you are your children
you are a larper or a "fascist for your own bankaccount.

with nobody's harbour
climate isn't shit
all the rest yes, that's waste that makes us poor day by day
and welfare should be possible, but i see public work in exchange if beeing unimployed taking too long. streets and parks need to remain cleaned and groomed, beaches too, nichtwatch maybe too to assist police for example.

>Just kill the elderly
we could make him climb in a tree and wiggle the tree untill he falls out, great physical exercise for the youth and his wish is granted.
there are tribes in Africa doing this, so they must be doing something wright

It is very expensive and rare book I can give you a copy if you want

They had far more say and far less excuse than anyone living today does.
Frankly any post-millennial generation should be nearly exterminated in an ideal world. They all share responsibility afaic.
If they were decent people, they would've protested and used their labor to leverage change at some point.
Instead they turned society into shit, and now sit around judging people that don't want to work for said shit society.

well.. i take care of my father now and he lives with me in his own room, because he took care of me untill i was standingon my own feet, he was always there for me with his wisdom, his bankaccount (not that i needed that) and when i needed support. And that was always in both dirrection.
It's your plight to take care of your elderly.
you on the other had are just a egocentrical asshole mister "fascist"

The elderly might matter in a few generations, but the elderly we have today are just worn-out degenerates.
Mussolini was a fucking poser like all pastaniggers. Italy's military record alone proves they've absolutely no relation to Rome beyond geography.

great site I like this ty

and i'm worn out bu people like you and any other parasite.
your discussion is futile, you have your view and it will not change by the looks of your posts, go trow your scheisse somewhere else


Medical technology keeps people alive far past their time in order to milk families of their time and money. There needs to be a balance.

you are talking about posers, hyienas, opportunists, bankers and globalists, each generation have these

wow another sick get

summon the ancestors

Have you been studying any magic?


Hey man currently on my path to enlightenment. Currently watching this video:

Any further direction you could perhaps suggest to become more invested in this topic?

>Any further direction you could perhaps suggest to become more invested in this topic?

This is a tricky question I have no idea what your understanding is. The channel has everything you need on it, when you are ready to progress past that then we can talk. You realize this shit is nothing to play around with? You have to be prepared mentally and spiritually prepared if you want to start fucking around with the forces of the universe know what I mean?

I understand and okay I'll go through everything on the channel first. I'm just looking into Electric Universe Theory at the moment and it seems to be extremely convincing as it blows a lot of conventional knowledge out of the water by picking holes in the mainstream view.

You are disgusting

download the book I linked for the other user, that is a 1200 dollar book. We can talk when you are ready, we need people studying demonology honestly but we need more advanced people on it, we don't tend to fuck with it for obvious reasons, not even sure we want too but the kikes have demons so we like to cover our bases.

Oh there is no question the Universe is electric, this can be proven conclusively mathematically, you will see when you are further along and learn how to do the math, how to bend the matrix