Can a large private, secluded Island serve as a white ethnostate

I was just wonder if a large Island can be used as an Ethno-state for a population of a few thousand whites.

Once established, we create large underground, aquatic colonies. For traversing outside the structures, we use water-sealed exoskeletons.

By creating huge underwater, secluded cities, how much longer does the white race last?

The only hurtle I can think of is sealing the homes, corrosion resistant polymers.

Plan B includes creating cities that are floating on the ocean—kept buoyant by special foam like materials

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We're working on it. Contact @kaapman on Telegram.

Found the place too, and it's free. All we need to do is arm up and cleanse it of the few hundred savages which currently inhabit the island.

Shouldn't be a big deal if we've got firearms and they have bows and arrows. Also we would be right next door to Myanmar so we could trade with based mudslime removers.

we need to be focusing on creating a space ethnostate.

>Plan B includes creating cities that are floating on the ocean—kept buoyant by special foam like materials
Sorry dude, Waterworld was a flop. Stick with the first idea. Super White Aqua Men has a nice ring to it

im at a point in my life where I would literally be willing to head to an unclaimed or even claimed island with a bunch of other like minded people and create a new society

Antarctica is the only option.

honestly this seems doable

the sentinel islands are heavily guarded by the indian government though senpai

> create large underground, aquatic colonies
villagers with no materials, no infrastructure, no money and and no specialized skills are going to pioneer building underwater cities. what the flying fuck
you had me with the first sentence then you just went full retard. go for it though i would love to see this play out

Sounds more like bioshock 2

It's just a red herring to distract pollocks from the real deal. They do it just for the halibut. Don't take the bait. Trolling for jewfish.

The islands are Indian territory, if you try invading you'll have the embarrassment of being BTFO'd by a bunch of poos

yes. absolutely. it's perfect

Pitcairn Islands is perfect. Only 57 people live there currently and the people are starting to leave. There is internet and farmable land.

good lets charter a ferry from california
and one from sydney

This. There is nowhere left on earth that isn't claimed by somebody more powerful than you. It amazes me that a bunch of Sup Forumstards think that they are just going to go and genocide an island without the higher authorities noticing.

Worst option of the lot imho. I doubt very much that anyone here could survive a few days in Antarctica, let alone build even a small nation there. On top of that, it too is claimed. The world powers are watching their arctic territories like hawks.

The only realistic option is to create a secret state within an already existing nation.
or this Hell, they might welcome some new blood.

You gonna get Koresh'd dude. Enjoy the embargo and economic sanctions for attempting to live in a healthy happy homogenous society. They'll literally send armed navy ships full of Haitian niggers to infest the streets and rape your children

Piss off I'm going there or die trying. I know what I'm looking for.

Nah they're part of the Commonwealth.
Brits would stop us.

What exactly is that?

Actually, on second thought, with a population that small, we could just move in, have enough people to just vote them out of the Commonwealth, then establish the ethnostate by buying non-white land and raising rent until they can't pay, before offering them small plots of free land outside of the island.
No crimes, no one would have any excuse to stop us.

Cryogenic breathing apparatus.

problem with this is that the culture there for centuries has been a certain way with kids and then recently the brits decide to apply brit law to them and arrest half the islands men and allegedly their women and kids didnt even see a problem in how things have traditionally been and outraged that they where literally arresting half their men but the brits still imposed their culture on them to replace their ways so now you cant have kids there unless you get permission from the brits.

>buying land
btw the island is kinda communist in that nobody own any land but you do pay to build your house but you dont own any land

I doubt most British citizens have even heard of the islands let alone care about them. Even if they did we could still claim independence, I don't think they would really send troops to die for some tiny island in the middle of buttfuck nowhere

That's only if they survive getting slaughtered by the natives. Those guys don't fuck around.

>Cut off from the rest of the world with trade embargos once the Jew realizes what you're up to rendering amassed capital worthless. You and your people starve to death.


>send troops to die
Nigger, they would send one battleship, then we'd shit our pants and give up without firing a single shot.

There is one place, to my knowledge, that doesn't have any territorial claim to it. But tawal in the desert on Egypt's southern border is not claimed by either side. Interesting place, but not imminently habitable.

Also large parts of Antarctica

*Bir Tawil

not a problem m8

Technically correct but we'd need a lot of pic related.

... sex with 13, 14 year olds. huh.

So, we'd just vote in private property with our superior numbers.

Racism is the only solution to white power. The second we give that up, we are fucked.

White is Right.

Even then though would it really be worth it for them? The island is only their territory because of the British Empire days and it offers them literally nothing. Also we wouldn't have to claim Independence right away, like you said just outvote the people there then establish a strict local government. From there we could just set up a military.

why not just buy large wooded swathes of America, then just let in whites who have something to offer, or even a big white family in need who could work and be trained. like a hippie commune of the 60s and seventies but better, i imagine our types would surely have more agency than the hippies and we could make this work.

Why would we need plutonium to live in Antarctica?

Not secluded enough and way to close to the middle east.

If no one is living on it by now it's not fit for proper habitation

Bitcoin will be shoahd before it becomes a viable alternative to Jewish interests. Hell the only reason it isn't dead yet is because of the crashes scaring normies away. Once it becomes completely mainstream the powers that be will cripple it with a buyout or declare crypto illegal with lobbyists.

also keep in mind certain islands out there we could buy are usually prone to bad natural disasters, whereas in america or another country we could be safer.

Its not hard mate, you sink inflatables to sea bottom and cement your way up, silly pleb being.

Because it gives power. And melts ice.

Just create your own island.

Yes they would.
The whole point of my plan is so nobody more powerful than just (everyone) doesn't feel the need to try to stop us, because the second they do, we're fucked.
That is, if it happens before we get recognized as sovereign by the UN.

yeah pedo stuff but I do recall one of the things that happened is that the local women and the kids themselves where opposed to the outsiders coming to their island and enforcing their distant laws because this is how their culture has traditionally been. anyways the result is that you arent allowed to have kids there unless you get special permission.

there are hundreds of cryptocoins to choose from some of them are even made for jewish interests and used by banks. your claim is based purely on speculation - the kind of speculation that makes you a poorfag because you didnt buy in years ago when people thought it would be shut down for illegal activity. now that it is more legitimate, you think that indicates that it is going down? crypto isnt going anywhere

The left should have to make THEIR diverse faggot country, not vice versa

The fed would stop us for not paying taxes or something.

For a time, then those who are not tempered with effort of creation will use their white empathy to bring in the needy and dependent who are not inhibited by reservations of destroying their creation OR their heritage.

It would probably be better to go with something a little more practical. Like oil.


>create a new country
>Using land another country claims
>Or land within a country's economic exclusive zone in the ocean
Yeah, you better have an army because they still fight you. Doesn't matter if you want a white ethnostate, socialist community or anything else.

Your best hope is Antarctica, but that's very harsh and multiple countries have claims and treaties about that continent and they'll probably try and shit on you when you go there. They'll claim you violated the treaty because a plastic bottle they found supposedly came from you.

I dont recall if it was teens or whatever but I do recall that the criminal charges and the media frenzy was about "pedos".

>you violated the treaty
That's not how treaties work.
You have to sign a treaty to violate it, we didn't sign shit.

They tried that at waco and ruby ridge

Yeah, and our constitution doesn't allow the shit they do every day, but they say it does.

its just britcucks being britcucks. they'll bring birthing licenses to england soon. use some triggering motivator like that or maybe overpopulation. then they'll only give them to mohammed and everyone else will be on long lasting birth control and everyone will love it until they are older and their a nation of mongrels under sharia law

The British wouldn't send a fucking battleship or even a single troop for that matter to try to keep hold a shitty random island being claimed by a bunch of autists from Sup Forums. The Island offers them nothing, no resources, no money, nothing. If anything they would probably benefit from you taking it off their hands.

Everything in crypto and financial trading is based in speculation. Riddle me this. Why would the Rothschild's and other prominent banking families want a currency that is untraceable and decentralized to exist if they could stop it? They're making bank and soon they will kill the cash cow. Look at Trumps new law on trading crypto, tick tock tick tock.

What could that possibly mean?

If you plan this no matter how you do it the FBI and other agencies are going to infiltrate and try to shake you up
You couldn't advertise or have a strong message, it would be best to stay low key and maybe only allow families or people you've known for generations

Do you have a historical precedent for your insane claim?

Oh, please.
"Pirates take over Island - Holding Residents Hostage"
All over the news.
They'd send one to help the poor pedo islanders.


>Look at Trumps new law on trading crypto

Keep in mind Pitcairn would be even less valuable than anything already on this list.

Stop being a nigger please, thank you.

So we outvote the Government, take power, then do it. Let anyone who doesn't want to be independent leave on their own free will.

speculation by people who know what they're doing. top bankers would LOVE to have untraceable instruments, are you kidding? for others they can institute a crypto that is traceable, like bitcoin. and yeah, as if the irs is going to demand and be able to interpret logs of every crypto trade. it's madness. its like saying the dmca kills piracy. you cannot regulate the processing of information with a finger snap. the push for regulation may boost coins that take that into account, but the technology isnt there yet, they are milking a bull

Yeah, (most of) those countries did it peacefully, they wouldn't accept us just storming in with guns and taking over. That was the point of my plan.

Yeah that's what I said.

It's not sustainable.
The next generation will want to go to school, to college, see the world
They won't want to live on the island
Thus effectively ripping away at the island's fertility rate.

My vote is Greenland after the ice melts off and the Danish crown relocates survivors there after Europe is flooded by water and inundated by shitskins.

No, if you read that article some of the girls didn't have a good time, being harassed / raped at 10. The guys accused (by others) were relatives, so to deal with it would have decimated the population.

Hahahah, oh I am laffin. They don't care about the money my friend. They care about CONTROL. That's what money segways into. That's why the Roths and Rockefeller's amass so much capital even though they know their families will never spend it in a million years. If they allow a decentralized currency to exist, their control of governments and world affairs crumbles.

Our ethnostate is the Amish, and they're growing. But they're not 'us'.

That's not a very good plan.

Your faggy clickbait doesn't mean shit
Kys retard

Wut? Did you read the article? It details how Trumps new tax plan will eliminate cryptotrading tax loopholes. You're just calling me a retard for the sake of it. Sad!

Ah, I see. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I do think trying to do it peacefully first would be a better idea.

so they are just going to shut down the biggest advance in money since banking was invented? aint gonna happen, the moose is loose. the best they can do is co-opt the technology for their own purposes. banks are already decentralized but they dont care. the banks are like miners, small time players doing the legwork. if jews can control the protocol then they could achieve what you are saying. issuance of coins, traceability, market stability, one world currency, whatever they want

Unironically this.

What maybe could work is start an all white island resort
Being unique in its kind globally, this could actually be a hit
You would of course have to strictly define what is white, so that there's no confusion afterwards. (is 1/16 mixed already white? etc)

So the resort could become the heart of the economy, and then expand with the usual suspects: restaurants, diving school, boat trips

This would be the backbone of the local economy and driver of new immigrants. Yes, this time actually want them, and badly ;)

yeah, i really want to live in complete darkness. oh wait i live in a basement

Just take the western sahara. It's the least populated place in the world, has coastline, and is quite livable with modern technology.

Better than your trailer Cletus.

how do the amish exist?

They're too comfortable with the FED and other deep state currency controls to convert BTC into a one world currency. Even so, a one world currency would hurt fiat trading unnecessarily removing a tried and true way of making money. How else do they keep China enslaved and making western products if their money is worth the same as the currency of Jew HQ.

>Settle a white ethnostate in africa
Yeah that'll fly well with the african union

There's a giant desert between them and us, or as I like to refer to it, "Nature's Wall".

Man, this is starting to sound like the plot to Metal Gear. Except for an island they had an oil platform.

You can buy an island.

>Let's all move to an island so we don't bother the niggers.


Why the fuck should we step aside? Conquest is our heritage. Our history. Our culture. We do not give our lands to the weak and stupid. We TAKE it. When we walked or sailed to new lands and found people already there, we moved THEM. Why the fuck do you have a white supremacist flag? Supreme to who? You're a fucking liberal cuck. Too scared to stand up for YOUR birthright.

How do you get there? With your SUV?

dude i wish i had a trailer
its not happening overnight dingus. you have no foresight or understanding of crypto