What's the point in living anymore Sup Forums ?
> Society has gone down to shit
> I want companionship but every woman seems to be a slut or untrustworthy
> The white race will become a minority soon in the US
> The family unit has been destroyed
Suicide seems like the best option at this point. What's a good way to have a painless suicide Sup Forums ?
What's the point in living anymore Sup Forums ?
Other urls found in this thread:
Elevate your mental state OP
Do it. Bring them pain and sorrow
Don't come to school tomorrow
transfer your life force to me
Schools out for the summer...
Schools out forever..
>your children can't be negged, if they're pozzed
>tfw cityfag kids are "toxic" & "charged"
You could get over all that and just live life.
Go MGTOW, nigger. Its literally 2018 soon, where have you even been?
The creator of "Santa's Husband" book is a Jew.
Santa's Husband
by Daniel Kibblesmith
"I have a Jewish mother"
"'Santa's Husband' Is War-on-Christmas Trolling at Its Finest"
Need more context, what is MGTOW exactly? I know it's something about male Independence. Is there anything more, user?
kill jews faggot
Send me a list, user
Don't feel bad because white women are worthless roasties and society is fucked. Feel great that you no longer have to be burdened by them and society.
Let your anger be your motivation.
Isn't this considered sexist from removing Mrs Clause from existence?
This, user. We need every man we can get. Do you want the beauty of the white race to disappear from the planet? Use your anger as drive, become ubermensch for the race. If all else fails, fighting your life away for what you believe in is a much greater cause than a short-thought out murder suicide or worse. Start reading and lifting user. Find something you love to do and make money from it. It takes time to find the woman best fit for you, and trust me when I tell you it will take much pain in this world before you are bound to find one. That being said, once you find someone and move them to your side, you will have become someone that will look at your current self and scoff. We believe in you user.
wow if that shit makes you want to commit sudoku maybe you should, you're a very shallow person
>Hasn't taken the SIEGEpill
Such beautiful words
Enlighten me laddo
Highly interesting