When did you grow out of libertarianism?
When did you grow out of libertarianism?
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When did you grow out of making implications?
Why would the bar serve tainted alcohol to a patron? Is their goal to ruin their business? No bar would serve tainted alcohol as the end game is to make money.
The grand paradox suffered by statists is that humans are naturally malevolent and will kill on whim, and that the best way to preserve order is to have a large government (staffed by humans, of course).
With no incentive to check their product, the free market forces the bar to buy the cheapest alcohol which happens to be tainted
Then the bar and distributor closes down because no one wants to die and the distributor takes steps to make quality alcohol
And this is why I'm libertarian. I want other people to have as little power over me as possible.
Unfortunately this is actually true in Africa
It's funny because the government taints alcohol.
The same people have no clue how the world works and probably snub their nose at capitalism. Mankind is not inherently bad and the liberalism model compliments our capitalist system quite nicely.
>Bar kills off its consumers
What the fuck is its problem?
Bad rot gut gin was turning everyone in London unironically blind at one point and it took a religious and pro beer movement to end it.
Never underestimate the level to which people will destroy themselves if allowed, and the level to which criminals will profit off of said self destruction if allowed.
This is the most idiotic strawman I've seen
Strawman: The Meme
One, why is the cheapest alcohol tainted. Two, the free market doesn't force anyone to do anything. A bar selling normal alcohol will naturally get more customers than a bar that kills all of its regulars. So even though the cost of staying well stocked is more, it makes more money. Three, the bar is literally killing people, nobody will drink there, those that did will be dead. Four, why do you assume everyone who owns a bar is a homicidal fucking maniac? You are such an egotist that you automatically assume everyone is worse than you.
>OP walks into a gay bar
>like he does every night
>sucks 15 cocks in the backroom
>libertarians call him a diseased faggot because there are no regulations against that
>he dies of AIDS
Its cheaper.
Fuck, even with regulations an alcohol store near me was selling knockoff vodka, because of which several people had to be hospitalised.
Sup Forums needs to educate itself:
>your original argument is that libertarianism fails because humans are naturally malevolent enough to kill people
>someone accepts this then builds upon it to illustrate that a malevolent politician is worse than a malevolent bar owner
>someone else calls your original argument a strawman (because it is)
>say that everyone is strawmanning you
Maybe you should go back you retarded aspie.
Libertarianism is anarchism for people who still want cops to protect them from their slaves.
Why in the actual fuck is Paul Ryan included?
>bartenders would poison everyone if there wasn't a government to stop them!
Reminder that libertarianism doesn't work
>Atlas Mugged: How a Libertarian Paradise in Chile Fell Apart
Oh please you lolbertarians get all your info from youtube and Sup Forums memes
Because commies can't differentiate republicans from conservatives from libertarians.
part of Ryan's faggotry is Ayn Rand infatuation
You mean like that time the US government intentionally poisoned 10s of thousands of people with liquor?
Also, I've remembered a couple years back when people were dying from methanol poisoning from alcohol that supposedly was from Czechia.
Libertarians need to stop thinking people are angels, people will do anything for coin.
Because consumers are dipshits. People perceptions of products are not based on facts or logic, but advertisements they see about it. People would be thinking tobacco was good for your health if it weren't for regulators.
>The bar immediately goes out of business
>Private prosecutors sue the owner and he is forced to compensate all of his victims' families, possibly leading to years if not a life of slavery if he doesn't have enough assets
>libertarian paradise
Do they actually think Pinochet was libertarian? lol
Yeah... Because a bar is not interested in repeat customers...
I began to believe in seizing power instead of reducing it. Libertarianism is for those on the right that never dream.
That's Qin Legalism. Which says that laws created by the state can be virtuous.
Big government people also think people are angels. They are willing to put people in extreme positions of power over our lives knowing human nature. It gives humans all the more power to be destructive.
Digits confirm
Finally a voice of reason in this thread
haven't ever. seeing how fearful modern left is of classic liberalism it makes me support it more.
Congratulations, you're a retard who doesn't know what a strawman is.
You're right.
People are bad, so we should centralized power to only a few of those bad people. That will fix it.
Are you fucking serious? You cant be this retarded.
In china they litterally put poison in baby food. Thats why there is a huge blackmarket for western formula.
I fucking hate how stupid and niave libertarians are. Honestly they are litterally to dumb to be allowed to vote.
The article is about the "Galt's Gulch" housing development that fell apart, not the country that Chile was under Pinochet.
China is a Communist country brainlet
Just finished reading, looks like the guys in charge were pretty incompetent. Change comes from within.
After the age of 12.
Economically I am still pretty much that way. Socially? Nope.
>In china
China, you say?
Prove it.
My friends, there is a complete moron amongst us
leftists are fascinated with killing people and would kill everyone they see if it wasn't for the government to stop them and punish them
Did you think you could post soyboy media and get away with it?
Interesting picture, but now for reality.
>saving what we say is racist
Five, state laws may be enacted to monitor and regulate alcohol quality
Because I am not up to date with the local liquor stores in Poland, I want you to monitor what happens to that liquor store closely and see what customers go to it.
Same here.
And people would have had access to medicinal and recreational marijuana for years if it weren't for regulators. If a company lies about the quality of its products, it sued and it loses. Unless of course, they have an army of lobbyists at their disposal to influence gov't and courts.
>gov't regulation fails
>so people literally break the law in order to get better food from a completely deregulated market
Wow deregulation BTFO
(fascism) is opposed to classical liberalism which arose as a reaction to absolutism and exhausted its historical function when the State became the expression of the conscience and will of the people. Liberalism denied the State in the name of the individual; Fascism reasserts the rights of the State as expressing the real essence of the individual. And if liberty is to he the attribute of living men and not of abstract dummies invented by individualistic liberalism, then Fascism stands for liberty, and for the only liberty worth having, the liberty of the State and of the individual within the State. The Fascist conception of the State is all embracing; outside of it no human or spiritual values can exist, much less have value. Thus understood, Fascism, is totalitarian, and the Fascist State - a synthesis and a unit inclusive of all values - interprets, develops, and potentates the whole life of a people.
>ug: which berry not poison
>oog: don't know
>caveman government: those, those and those no eat
>ug, oog: 'k
It is already known the US government is a Zionist puppet. Doesn't mean a true Volkish government has to be that way.
But why would anyone be buying that alcohol if it has a history of being tainted? Checkmate fag.
Should I be getting my stories from a humiliated, disheveled drunk?
>regulation will stop it
Except it doesn't and usually creates more problems than it solves as lobbying gets out of control and regulation oversteps reason. On top of that regulation is sluggish to respond, it took the gov't 30 years to respond to research in the 60's illustrating the harmful effects of tobacco. At some point you have to expect the consumer to make the right choice; and if they have spent their entire life being told "regulation stops all mistakes from happening", they never will. See America's Opioid epidemic. I also encourage you to look into the significance of goodwill as it factors into a companies value.
>the state expresses the conscience and will of the people
Please explain why we should establish fascism in any community that isn't 100% homogeneous?
Breitbart was right all along.
Literally no difference from vices shane smith lol
when i realized that even a minarchist government is still based entirely in violence and coercion
>I don't know what a syllogism is: The Post
>At some point you have to expect the consumer to make the right choice
Modern Hollywood has defied this expectation in every way to great detriment.
Because Cavemen had a government agency to teach them which berries not to eat
When I finally get to gas all the welfare-niggers
wtf is tainted alcohol?
>The Chinese government puts poison in baby food, and this disproves libertarianism.
t. retard
False. People will group with those who have a similar culture and ethnicity in a free society.
>tainted toxic poison aka alcohol
>toxic poison
Why did they go into that bar, if it had a history of serving that?
Unless we're suggesting it was new, and that business like that wouldn't last long.
>tfw your hypothetical bar owner fears small fines due to regulations more then murder charges.
kys faggot
>Thanks to the government, bitter shit is added to rubbing alcohol so you won't get drunk for cheap
When I realized that Libertarianism naturally leads to multiculturalism and the deconstruction of culture in favor of hyper-individualism and hyper-capitalism.
...And when I realized that a homogeneous society should take care of its volk... at least to an extent which wouldn't pamper the mass and harm the reproduction rate or the development of the character of the nation's men and women (as we are seeing in the modern West).
They wouldnt know its tainted because there's no regulation
>Libertarianism naturally leads to multiculturalism and the deconstruction of culture in favor of hyper-individualism and hyper-capitalism.
This didn't happen in early America which had the closest thing to pure libertarianism in the modern world. Keynesianism and Marxism are the causes of consumerism, multiculturalism, and the deconstruction of culture; not libertarianism.
Yeah, it's basically career suicide. And last I checked, libertarians weren't opposed to all government/and or regulations.
Oh, a LARPer!
Yes they would because they don't want to be get in legal trouble for killing people with shitty alcohol. How hard is this to fucking understand.
so youre saying that a strictly regulated economy fails, and this makes people move to an illegal unregulated free market that has better results, and this reflects badly on the free markets?
>This didn't happen in early America
Because the social attitudes isolated opposing races and cultures.
Eventually, the same laissez-faire capitalism which raised slums in your cities finds a way to taint your culture and import the minorities that will outbreed the population that was once dominant.
volk, folk, racial/cultural community, etc.
Go back to your vodka, nobody cares.
Honestly I don't think that libertarianism will lead to rampant multiculturalism. For the most part, immigration in the US is stimulated by jobs or some sort of desire for safety. For example, in the US, a majority of migrants from Mexico come to work in the agriculture. Now even since Adam Smith we have known that countries like Mexico are more competitive when it comes to agriculture. So instead of asking how can we prevent immigrants from working these jobs, we should ask why these jobs are here in the first place? And that is the result of extreme subsidization and tariffs.
I am pretty sure the hospitalizations that occur immediately after visiting the bar would be a dead giveaway
Was that when we imported blacks, asians or mexicans to work the shitty jobs?
Additionally, the gov't would only know the bar was selling tainted alcohol because consumers were aware of it and brought it up to the gov't.
When i found out that not every resource is infinite and abundant and ((people)) do shady shit to control it all
When the USA was something like 95% white and non-whites deported themselves due to lack of gibs.
You are under the presumption that migrants come specifically for those agricultural jobs.
Migrants are escaping economic and social conditions as well as joining with family and/or familiar culture. Whatever job may be found in the US is not necessarily their objective, but a means to their objective of enhanced economic prosperity, social safety, cultural change, etc.
The difference is that Libertarianism encourages this behavior rather than averts it.
So you found out that we need economics to allocate resources and then you decided to ignore modern economics.
>paul ryan
>early America which had the closest thing to pure libertarianism in the modern world
When people were born into slavery and there were massive tariffs on everything?
>US going through industrialization
>White population growth booms
>Asians only moving because of jobs and violence at home
They are coming specifically for those jobs or they are coming for safety. That, or they are coming to live with another immigrant that did the former. Their objective is that job, because that job provides the economic prosperity and social safety. If that job was in Mexico, they would live in Mexico. Alternatively they immigrated because of the cartels, which is the result of prohibition by gov't. In both cases, the root cause of both is gov't interference. Immigrants don't give a shit about "the local culture", which is why they don't integrate. So cultural change has nothing to do with why they immigrate. Also libertarianism neither encourages nor averts any behavior at least insofar as the gov't enouraging or averting it. At most it encourages regionalism and self reliance. What encourages immigration is corporatist subsidies, something that the fascists, not the libertarians, support.
wtf is Paul Ryan /ourguy/ now?