Why are millennials on their phones 24/7...

Why are millennials on their phones 24/7? What’s gonna happen to their kids who will be given phones right out of the womb? How do we solve this problem?

upvoted great thread op you are NOT a faggot

Destroy the system that facilitates this behavior

Because we like to play phone games since most video games suck now

Social media.

Because it's a Skinner box right in your pocket

Posted from my Redmeme using Clover™

you are so retarded people with downs feel like intellectuals around you

Daddy's lil 12 year old gets to suck Tyrees' cock quicker and easier thanks to social media.

>boss pays exactly the amount of value that my work has created
>no longer any profits
>zero incentive to continue running business because he's not making any fucking money
>business closes & I have no job now
>Hey, thanks commie faggots!

Those kids will probably develop some sort of social etiquette regarding phone use, you'll be a loser if you're on your phone too much sort of thing, even amongst millenials I've noticed an increased effort to not be on their phones around other people, I find gen X people to be the worst with phone addiction since all this technology is so new to them and they don't know how to manage it

>you were adopted by the darkness, i was born in it, molded by it. i only saw the light when i was a man and by then it was merely blinding!

>Not coming to the conclusion that the workers run the factory and only shaving off what is needed to keep the place running.

>economic incentive is even stronger due to a more direct relation of successful of plentiful production, rather than waiting for bourgeois senpai to notice you, or risk getting fired by haggling.

>boss pays exactly the amount of value that my work has created
>no longer any profits
>workers kick the boss out of the company
>business is now operating in true democracy
>business continues to operate successfully
>workers are happier than ever
>Hey, thanks socialism!

Fucking capitalist brainlets, I tell ya.

>business is now operating in true democracy
>business continues to operate successfully

What do you mean? Almost every child I see has a phone now and is occupied by it 24/7 and so are the parents. I was at breakfast today and walked passed a six year old boy that was unwrapping an Apple Watch. EVERYONE is consumed by their phone.

Dumbphones my nigga, all these smartphones sending data n shiet everywhere is soaking into our brain matter, social media botnets literally decoding and morphing with our electromagnetic pulses we generate from our brains naturally. We dont need 5g and higher and higher g's, they just push it so they can make more complicated scripts and push larger blocks of data over time. Its like some exponential decay. People losing concentration and developing mental diseases, only nature will generate a large enough chaotic shift to counter this manmade chaos. The collision will be endtimes with cannibalism on the streets like some zombie movie. Smartphones are straight out of alternate dimensional demons workings.

Nothing is stopping the workers from pooling their money, buying their own machines and owning the means of production, faggot.
Think they're magically going to let new comers in? hahaha. They're going to be the new bosses and will do the exact same as before.
Cant pool money you say? well, shit I guess you'll have to steal the factory -- communism -> theft of production methods.
central planning invariably leads to failure and starvation.

Are you 12? because that's how a 12 year old would respond to this as well.

>Nothing is stopping the workers from pooling their money, buying their own machines and owning the means of production, faggot

Expect, you know, FUCKING MONEY, the thing that only capitalists have enough of to start a business.

> They're going to be the new bosses and will do the exact same as before.

Unless we create laws that will prevent that kind of thing from occurring, just like we have private property laws right now for the exact same reasons (except they are there to protect the capitalists)

> Cant pool money you say? well, shit I guess you'll have to steal the factory -- communism -> theft of production methods.

Can't steal something that shouldn't belong to somebody in the first place, and it's only used to systemically subjugate everyone.

> central planning invariably leads to failure and starvation.

Central planning is so bad, every country switches to it when a war starts in order to efficiently allocate and produce reasons.

>How do we solve this problem?
Go backwards and get rid of phones. Soon our kids, kids will have microchips instead of phones anyway.

Posted from phone...

I'd bet money that there will be an undercurrent of kids who absolutely despise smart phones. as well as an uptick in attention-seeking behavior.

we can't solve it without authoritarianism that violates our rights. but we might be able to create a better future via memewars to help people understand how to use technology.

it's all part of the plan...
force-feed globalist propaganda 24/7

I’m going to solve this in three words
>feminize phone use

Fuck you commie scum.

You see something wrong with the system and say "oh we have not progressed far enough", no, all these problems are because of "progress" and technology in the first place, the way to fix it is going backwards not forwards.

kinda sad, all i ever did was play video games my entire childhood and it was an extremely miserable existence.

this is seriously a potentially society destroying problem, smart phones have only been around for a decade and already the toll on development and social interaction is staggering. There needs to be more research on the effects of these devices on us. Although its just as possible that this was the (((intention))) when smart phones were rolled out in the first place.

t. couldn't produce a peanut butter sandwich without moms help

tfw still never had a cell phone

>I’m going to solve this in three words
>>feminize phone use
convince them its a symbol of the white patriarchy.


>workers kick the boss out of the company
>workers are then promptly arrested
>spend time in jail and end up with a criminal record
>boss now has to waste time rehiring people because his previous employees thought mutiny was an actually thing

Why am I even responding to a canadian?

>Why are millennials on their phones 24/7
its how i buy and sell crypto