What's the answer to the African-American question?
What's the answer to the African-American question?
The best advice I can give is to watch nojumper/adam22 for insight.
wildlife preserve
just end this charade and let them return to nature
Typical britbong
bring them back in africa
>Posts straight up african
The same answer to every detriment of western civilization
The complete eradication of the Jewish race
Give up hope on niggers and stay as far back as possible while they spiral into chaos.
complete and total annhilation
I can never understand them so I just reply with wat it do? works every time.
Significantly reduced prison time for sterilization.
Is that an MP5? At least the niggers are acquiring taste.
cut off all aid to Africa
Eliminate all forms of welfare/aid.
Grab popcorn and enjoy the next 10 years.
cut off all US welfare to citizens
I was thinking the same thing.
>where'd that nigger get an mp5?
A bullet, same goes with the other non whites.
and illegals.
(fucking sad that I have to even enumerate that).
Create AIDS 2.0
Create Crack Cocaine 2.0
Abolish welfare/section 8 housing.
You have to go back.
Look, it's racist for whites to put on black face, okay? But it's not racist for blacks to put on whiteface. That's because there's nothing shameful about being white. If you're black, imitating a white person is inoffensive. You know, like when you put a little sweater on your dog. However, if you're white, making your appearance like that of a black person could only be interpreted as mocking and derogatory. That's because blacks are unappealing at best and morally offensive at worst.
whatts this froom?
Give everyone, black, white, spic, zipperhead, a gun, training on how to shoot and clean it.
Then let them loose. Pretty quick the niggers worth a shit will figure out OP's pic will result in a quick death.
The most deadly force on the face of the planet is a white man with a gun.
send them back to africa
Become transnigger like Shaun King and lead the Black People's Liberation Army right over the edge of a fucking cliff.
Ideally they should go back to Africa, but be pragmatic, they won't go back without a fight. You'd have to kill half of them just to get the other half back, and that's being generous. We should probably just kill all of them.
Found Roy Moore.
A ticket to aushwitz.
Ideally sending them all back to africa, but that will never happen, next best bet is giving them a state like Georgia or Alabama, and going hands-off with that state, but that will most likely never happen, so possibly just allowing freedom of association as the constitution entails without jewish court meddling.
help find and promote another malcolm x, and make sure he doesnt die. Get him to rally them back to Africa again.
Remove Gibs
White female vagina.
Give them their own state, strip their citizenship to the US.
Send em to canada. Notice how I didn't capitalize your leaf wasteland. The niggers will learn to fear the cold as you have but they will not garb themselves in that pathetic leaf they will destroy you all and they along with.
Your time is coming leaf
Use their high time-preference against them - pay them to accept sterilization. You could pay them a lot and it would pay off.
send them all to israel after the jewish question is answered
Cut them loose with Georgia, Florida, and Mississippi.
Planned parenthood and required sterilization for welfare. Fixed in two generations.
Why are games waking up to this?
Isn't he a wannabe nigerian?
free lead
Nice flag
right through the eye
killing niggers is outstanding!
lil pump
mass sterilization in the water supply of black neighborhoods
End of welfare and natural selection
Extermination camps
Is this shopped or does Jagex frequent this board?
>aiming your gun at the camera man
How many die a year
How many times do I have to post this before you will stop asking a question that has already been answered?
End welfare. Wait a few years,
vg made their own runescape server and are hosting an event were you have to remove Kwanzaa
My life a movie
Kung-fu movie
If she don’t respect me
I kick that bitch like Bruce Lee
self defense
Violently execute the most rebellious male in front of all of the others. Beat the second most defiant male into a state of complete abjection. Going forward, the negro females will raise their male offspring to be mentally subservient and weak and will raise her female offspring to be independent minded. Once this is done, deal only with the new female leaders of the negro population for the males ill all have been raised to be docile but strong.
Repeat as needed.
This is the best way to keep the negro in a productive state.
Do not cross breed with your negros. A mule can not work well beside a donkey.
Genetically targeted disease in the water
Bleach baths
Like what Adolf did with Europe?
only reasonable polack in this thread, we need more serious polsters.
Execute a lot of the men, particularly the criminals and sterilize the remainder. Pair the women of sufficient quality, such as they exist, with White men for breeding while sterilizing the rest. Serena Williams, for example, is fine and her relationship with a White man should be help up as inspirational to Black women, while your average Ghetto momma who has slept with dozens of men and had six kids from them, while also being loud and obese, will be sterilized.