What do you think of kekistan and Sargon of Akkad? is he /our/ guy
What do you think of kekistan and Sargon of Akkad? is he /our/ guy
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Admitted paedophile
Kekistan is gay as fuck
Sargon makes entertaining videos
Yes. He has a lot of great things to say. To be quite honest, Youtube commentary, including Millennial Woes, Richard Spencer and Jared Taylor, ought to listen to him a little bit more. It's quite sad that the 'Alt Right' doesn't include more well-educated, well-thought out radical centrists in their debates. But I suppose that's what happens when you worship race and not engage in reason and argument. Sargon is definitely /ourguy/.
please be joking
I used to watch this guys videos but like a year ago he basically told trump supporters to go fuck themselves. Said something like “theyre the most stupid and obnoxious people around” and i know for a fact he said if you support trump then you should unsubscribe from his channel. Hes been a piece of shit for a while now.
I'd expect this kind of response on her. As I said, Sargon is well thought out. He is reasonable. He is intelligent. He speaks a lot better than most. And that's just the way it is. Radical centrist is actually fairly attractive when you think about it.
eats babies
Did he insult Daddy? What a dum-dum. He definitely isn't getting daddys cummies now...
Fuck off, Sargon.
We're not going to grant you shekels for stopping by
Well you can go ahead and keep worshiping this fat faggot fraud. I know where you stand.
Fuck off, Leddit.
>yo Millennial Woes, can you act like an SJW please so that my horseshoe theory doesnt embarrass me any further? Thanks brah.
no, any anyone who thinks he is are stupider than people who think trout get pregnant, like this moron here
Jared Taylor pushed this guy’s shit in. Absolutely sodomized him. Yet still Sargon persisted in being a cuck.
Millennial Woes just doesn't do well against Sargon. He doesn't. Sargon has proven himself to be the superior debater, and has demonstrated the radical centrism is the way forward for "Western civilization." The individual is supreme here. Your collectivist units, including "Americans" and "Germans," don't exist -- only the individual. You can't prove otherwise. Only the individual exists. That is why Sargon, in the end, will prevail, and that's why he is /ourguy/.
You're not clever mate
He makes videos to pay the bills and not to really cause any of the change of his ideals. He just reads books about politics and sprouts his ideals but never does shit to change anything.
Good bait 10/10
Fuck off.
The altright are shit because they are demoralized faggots a second away from devolving into autistic conversations about cock
Not because race is real or that white societies are objectively better
>alt-right are rightwing sjws
>they're exactly the same and agree on everything
Race ultimately isn't a big deal and white societies aren't better. Plus, the individual exists. That'sit.
>Only individuals exist
Nah my family exists.
>I'd expect this kind of response on her
Go back to where you came from, because clearly you are not from here.
FBI stormer doesn't like him so we don't either.
Sorry bucko but western society is the only society that values the individual. If you also value the individual you need to acknowledge the superiority of western culture.
No, you can not win that argument, you can't do it
my redpill folder is a gig...and it is all science and facts.
sort youself out
Yes, it exists -- a bunch of individuals who agree upon things.
Um. I've been here for, like, 8 years, new faggot. Fuck off. What are you -- a cool guy National Socialist? What a fucking meme. You have fun in your make believe work. Radical centrism is making way.
You're wrong. There are many documented societies that value the individual, both primitive and advanced. Even Jews and Muslims, to a degree, value individualism -- in particular Jews. Yeah, I said it: JEWS. Are you triggered? Snowflake.
I think he agrees with us a lot more than he lets on
Yeah, I'm so red pilled I don't need to follow the Sup Forums hivemind. I'm an individual, and I will spread individualism here on Sup Forums
>You need to agree on things to be a family
Nigger you’re done. The family unit destroys all your individualism rhetoric.
Further more...They are like MGTOW, they took facts and evidence and then started a pathetic little club around it.
It isn't enough to be against immigration or against antiwhite people. Because they are faggots
>Jews value individualism
>Have an ethnostate
You need to clean your room.
The family is a bunch of individuals. What the fuck is hard to understand?
They can win against retarded SJWs, but not Sargon, which is why Millennial Woes gets BTFO all the time. Sad.
Israel is 30% non-Jewish. That's not an ethno-state LOL
I think Sargon is a fat pseudo-intellectual who makes 40-minute videos to talk about what a smart person would sum up in 5 minutes.
>Um. I've been here for, like, 8 years, new faggot. Fuck off. What are you -- a cool guy National Socialist? What a fucking meme. You have fun in your make believe work. Radical centrism is making way.
I don't know where those faggots come from. You know as well as I that is newfag 101 behavior. I think it's some of the low rent douchebags the media attracted to this place during the Trump campaign.
Slide thread
>Race ultimately isn't a big deal
Do you live in an American city? The differences in races is apparent IMMEDIATELY.
The family is a unit
The dna inside you is part of a constantly reproducing set of instructions that hasn't stopped doing it's thing over billions of years and millions of generations
Your ancestors are biologically an irrevocable part of you
Sargon doesn't care because its not his problem, He lives in a country that is 85-90% white, all he needs is to stop immigration
/r/the_donald tier faggot gamer larping as intellectual
Literally the movement started by Sup Forums. If we disavow it we are no better than degenerate blacks who abandoned their kids.
>Sargon of Akkad
Eceleb. You can watch his video but that's it. Shilling him from both side should be banned from Sup Forums. In fact, all ecelebs are off topic and should be banned from Sup Forums.
Yeah Jared Taylor the Yale phd who has traveled the world should take pointers from a neet gamer
Yeah. I'm a new fag. You're a fucking bullshit queer who has been here since, what, 2015? GTFO.
I lived in an American city for 3 years. It told me race is whatever, and that we must treat everyone as individuals.
You don’t even understand what an ethnostate is. Goddamn you’re a fucking retard it’s sad. And no a family is not a group of individuals. My kids certainly aren’t individuals and society doesn’t treat them or my family that way.
sargon said he will never take responsibility for his fans actions
>apologizes to laci green for what fans did
he has some good points but i think he is a cuck
so... i guess he is not ok... yeah pic unrelated
A unit comprised of individuals, regardless of their 'genetics.'
Sargon understands where Britain is going, and also understand Britain is fine so long as the individual prevails. Immigration is irrelevant. We simply must be individuals. As Sargon said, the Alt Right holds the same beliefs as Mike Isaacson. Woes and Isaacson are basically the same.
Jared Taylor doesn't have a Ph.D LOL
>Sup Forums fag
>my kids
Yeah he's our guy.
Except for all those facts and evidence that I can just shit up this thread with
you cant win this argument
His "Cenk Uygur Did Nothing Wrong" video could have just been 5 mins of laughing.
He doesn't have kids. He is just a LARPer like the rest of ethno-nationalists.
I can. Race isn't important. SJWs/Alt Right love identity politics, not the individual. The individual will win. This is why Sargon is winning the internet and the hearts and minds of an entire generation.
Exactly. LOL
Not an argument.
You can keep saying its not important and I can keep doing it...Because its a goddamn gig
Ok Sargon its time to get off of Sup Forums.
Jargon of Assad
>dude, Millenial VOES and this antifag professor agreed on Israel
Carl of Swindon and his little Gypsy buttbuddy are disingenuous little shits that can fuck off
That's all fine. The individual ought to be and is superior.
Yeah he’s forming his own little collective. Going to be like the punks or goths or any other tweenage movement for individuals.
oh course the burger watchs a fat face retard. lol
You misunderstand.
Sargon has admitted time and time again that his grandfather was African
That makes Sargon a BLACK MAN
And by not breeding, Sargon is ensuring that he does not spread any more black children into British society
While simultaneously cucking himself and raising his White British wife's White British child
Gotta keep those bloodlines pure
Think of the White Race.
>That's all fine. The individual ought to be and is superior.
Science denial is going to get you nowhere.
>If we disavow it we are no better than degenerate blacks who abandoned their kids.
agreed. kekistan is the venusberg
Thanks for the input
>Race isn't important.
Objectively false
Racial diversity causes lower social trust amongst all groups towards all groups, including itself.
>inb4 'long run successful immigrant societies'
Notice how said societies are almost entirely racially homogenous and the only difference is between ethnicity
The question is
What do you do with people who are objectively right but ruin everything they touch
Because they are objectively right about immigration and genetics but that's not what they really care about
Sargon's content goes way above the heads of most people on Sup Forums. Therefore, they hate him. I guess being reasonable, rational, and not hating Jews makes you a terrible person.
Im not trying to be clever you dumbfuck. Im sick of this fucking conspiracy mentality you fucking schizo dipshits have.
They don't hate him. They love him but can't say it out loud.
The fact that those kids watch every Sargon's video he put out everyday means that they are interested in him.
Sup Forums is just tsundere about Sargon.
Go away forum slider.
Was it that they promoted him 32k times a hint
e-celeb thread
hide all e-celeb threads
Not that faggot but keep posting those, i'm saving them