
I feel like this is the whole show. Is it worth finishing?

For life and death situations there's not a lot of fucking going on. The high mortality rate practically encourages humping like rabbits.

Oh hey something finally happened

You aren't intelligent enough for Grimgar

Its not for those who enjoy fast paced anime. Its realistic in the sense that it trys to avoid the shounen pace of getting teleported to a mysterious world and shows the hardships to being culture-shocked.

The music and backgrounds are probably one of the best in anime recently, so I rated it pretty good.

I forgot to mention that I am indeed a bit salty on which girl the MC chooses eventually although that doesnt happen in the anime yet, but it becomes more and more obvious.

I just hate how they build up with one girl, and they have a connection that doesnt seem to be a friendly one, then all the sudden it stops for another girl. Seems unrealistic and kinda puts me off anime.

The point of this show is to look at Yume's delicious legs/feet.

Would you mind spoiling on who it is? I'm gonna guess and say is it Mary?


where is ovalload

>Implying it's isekai

No. Grimgar is boring as fuck.

The problem with slow paced anime is that characters must be able to carry the show, Grimgar characters are very vapid and one-dimensional.

It's a more realist take on what happens when you take a bunch of normal citydwellers, tell them "you are now child soldiers", and the only source of income is for them to go out there and kill things that are smarter than animals.

The problem is that they don't actually remember they're citydwellers, so it's more like watching the grimdark depictions of level one MMO characters. It's hardly even isekai

It has its moments

>i drop anime because i'm attention deficit and can't make logical decisions on how to spend my time based on the short summary of an anime coupled with my personal tastes in genre

do what you want fuccboi

merry is best girl and will win

>MMO characters

They are in a pen&paper setting, not a MMO.

The show was boring and wasnt even good if you try to see it as a realistic or more dramatic take on the isekai genre. The pace was slow as a shit river and the carachters were not interesting.


But SAO is not an Isekai and is still on that list, also Overlor it is Isekai

I liked it, but if you dislike the slow pace it's probably not for you. It did bother me at a few points.

The fights had some weight to them and the characters have trouble adapting to their new lifestyle, but make it work over time.

I hate slow paced shows but Grimgar was pretty good.

Also, Yume's sideboobs and legs in the rain for half an episode was one of the most fappable things ever.

I loved this series. The girls were excellent

>let me just one-shot this boss that we spend like 5 episodes being afraid of and planning around
The end.

It was worth the wait

I couldn't watch grimgar because I thought I'd be too distracted by Yume.