Saw this today when I was watching tv with the family. It was on one of those satellite cable channels that plays classic tv shows. Just about revealed my power level
Peak Kike?
Lol I used to always see these commercials in NJ. I used to burst out laughing even when I was younger.
By the way
As the Wall Street Journal reported, Eckstein's pension package will be worth $4.4 million in 2022. His 2014 base salary from the Fellowship was $512,000, plus a $544,000 contribution to his retirement plan.
yeah it's obviously a scam. I'm sure he saw all the african donation scams before and thought how he could jewishly get in on it. If you look at the youtube videos on the channel they're all singuarly about israel even when they call themselves the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews
kek i saw one of these the other day and i'm really glad i was alone because i just about died laughing
they've been playing this commercial for years if not decades
its a total shekel grab
Silly goy the Christians are the ones who give all the shekels.
Damn I feel bad. If I was rich, I would donate 6 million dollars right now.
I want you to see their faces. Look into their eyes that are haunted by memories of the past. Oy very.
The scammer is a rabbi. I am shocked.
>Just about revealed my power level
No need to out yourself. Just point out how the majority of billionaires are jewish and they could help their own w/o a significant effect on their own finances.
What do you guys watch where they're constantly showing this?
Can't remember but I know they always shill in the evening and around Christmas. Fox news might even show it sometimes. But since I moved to Florida I never see it. I saw it all the time in new Jewsey
why dont rich jews help out poor jews
In the aaaaaaarms oooooof the aaaaaaangels...
>commie kikes turn russia into an absolute hell on earth
>now people are giving these rats money
if only these goyim donators knew
Oy vey goyim 3 billion per year isn't enough we need more!
>this holocaust survivor managed to get alive from the genocide that took the lives of 33 million Jews
>International Fellowship of Christians and Jews
Well at least we know which way the money is flowing...
When the granny in OP pic opened her peepers, I chuckled.
charity organizations by large are scams. though few good people are to be heard of.
few years back, i have seen reports on jew camp survivors couple living like shit in israel. go figure that one out.
Holy shit somebody forgot to check the last camp.