Reminder that lolicon is the ultimate redpill
Reminder that lolicon is the ultimate redpill
Reminder that the FBI (Fuck Babies Institution) have open recruitment for new members during this christmas (usually paid membership), don't miss this opportunity user!
I can see you glowing from here
2D or 3D?
reminder that I am unfit for state employment due to posting on this board and so are you
3D is for faggots
Funny how lolis piss off all the faggots from Q threads. They really are just a bunch of larping boomers struggling to figure out imageboards.
Is this a serious question?
Based. Normals need to learn their place around here.
Masturbate to 2D, tenderly love 3D
A loli thread a day keeps the newfags away.
What kind of question even is that?
Yes grandpa, you're going to stop all those ebil child aboosers from harming 2d characters that don't exist.
Redpill me more Sup Forums
Good tastes
I have a question for you 3d diddlers. If you were allowed to marry a girl of your preferred young age, would you still want to be with her when she gets old or would you trade her in for some new young girl?
saved desu
need the sauce tho famalamadingdong
You're on your own, pal
Until death do us part
Lolicon is degeneracy.
only if youre into gross 3d girls
This fucking guy.
>there's anime, there's bondage uh imagery, there's gay porn
>I'm so offended I'm telling the RCMP
Is this a joke? Is he joking? I can't tell.
Does a man who marries an OLD HAG leave her when she gets old and busted? Yuse your brain moran.
>trade her in for some new young girl?
That's what daughters are for, amyne. Wife get old and gross you got daughters to play with instead.
its ok i already got it. thanks though senpai for not giving me a crutch to rely on
why the fuck is this on Sup Forums, sage
because pol is full of disgusting trap-loving pedophile btards
>It's working
I honestly feel like the fundamental plight of the western world has been our restrictions around violence and sexuality. Keeping our societies pure and moral is very important, but we need an outlet, ideally through warfare.
Does anyone actually like guro or is it just a shock thing?
>loli thread
degenerate as fuck
I hope you die
Pretty much a shock thing I think. It never really scratches my itch I feel like just because my completely depraved fantasies aren't that specific or based around torture. Unfortunately there isn't a lot of loli that's about taking the gloves off and going full nanking on some village.
I would imagine this is most people's experience of it: they have violent fantasies but most guro is a joke in a way.
Pedophiles like traps less than normal people. Children don’t have secondary sex characteristics, so the focus is on the primary one (i.e. the cunny). A loli without a cunny is just a boy.
>men killing each other is good
no fuck that
you're just a loser who can't get women so you make up all these weirdo fantasies in your head
It's always 2d only at first, until a year or two of dedicated 2d, then it inevitably moves to 2d/3d and finally after a long time of that it will become dedicated 3d
I would never drink anything else
Checked and no, normal women are boring. Normal sex is fucking boring. I got into domination for a bit which was fun, but me and the girl split before I could actually cut loose.
2D girls are superior to 3D girls in every way aside from physical interaction. VR waifus hooked up to robo-fappers or waifu-bots when?
>gateway drawings
Boomer logic
listen to the whole thing, this man tells the truth
if you run the numbers half of homosexuals are also pedophiles
homosexuality, traps, pedophilia, all that shit is co-morbid. sick brains tend to have more than one disorder
>is ignored by women all his life
>tells himself they're 'boring' to not fell so bad about it
no fapping on jesus' birthday user. that makes him sad.
This one is pretty cute though senpai
I’ve liked little girls since I was a little boy. The doujins I masturbate to now aren’t much different from the wet dreams I had when I was 12. Some pedophiles get off to the taboo, but for me it’s always been about the innocence.
>Not giving Jesus suggestions for top-tier loli artists on his birthday
It's like you hate your lord and savior, user.
CIA nigger detected
Yo ain't that some faggot.
>assumes and insults rather than making a point
'Nother mexican troll.
Nope, only a valid cause for extrajudicial execution.