Why did the Iraqi people reject Western Democracy after all we did for them?
Why did the Iraqi people reject Western Democracy after all we did for them?
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>why do animals behave like animals
you abandoned them retard. Obama pulled out like the cucks you are.
Democracy requires an adequate civil society exist beforehand, which is completely lacking outside of the West and to a lesser degree East Asia
Because Iraq was a multicultural and multi religious hell hole. They either needed their King back or to be split into three separate states.
the same people in this thread that are championing democracy are the same people that would unironically want Trump to become King, Emperor or any other version of an autocrate
Sadam actaully wasnt bad and only gassed people who needed gas
unironically this. The burger knows what he is talking about.
>americans think they actually help anyone
democracy is incompatible with islam
Maybe that 85 IQ has something to do w/it?
>all we did for them.
Destroying infrastructure.
Letting Iran take over.
Installing dysfunctional government.
Nah for democracy you need urbanised population that you can easily brainwash through the media, academia and mass culture. The ME can have good old despots.
t. regime functionary looting his own people
Because democracy is a shit system designed to give all the power in your country to the Jews.
>Letting Iran take over.
Wtf I love America now.
Why would they embrace Western Democracy? Their only experience with it is as an enemy/installed puppet regime.
Also if you were looking at USA/European social trends as an outsider today would you say "wow we need to adopt all their systems".
Among all the world’s peoples, Arabs are the least suited to democratic self-government. They are fit only for the dictator’s lash on their backs. We should support secular tyrants along the lines of Saddam and Ghaddafi who will whip their worthless subjects into cowering submission.
Simply, if IQ is too low, you can't use police to maintain order. You need to use the military. A democracy cannot exist in those circumstances no matter how hard you wish it.
Their IQ is low because of Islam-driven inbreeding.
>Why did the Iraqi people reject Western Democracy after all we did for them?
I mean gee OP why couldn't those primitive sand people just accept the gay and tranny loving democracy? I mean what the fucks wrong with them really? Look at the greatness of our democratic art pic related those primitive sand people are literally missing out the greatness of our artistic expressions. Ho dare they deny out democratic jihad? Pathetic
Meanwhile in high IQ democratic countries pic related .
Yes...yes user those primitive low IQ sand niggers are missing out all the greatness the western high IQ democracy has to offer. You are definitely right you pathetic loser your women don't even fuck you anymore because of all your faggotry
Low IQ
The same reason Africans will stand next to a river and complain about not having clean drinking water.
These people are trash, letting them into our countries is like letting animals out of our zoo's
Not saying we are fag free but it's not the norm and that pictures from Brazil you fucking idiot.
It amuses me that there actually are Americans who are mystified as to why the world hates them.
Functional Democracy requires liberal institutions that are safeguarding the rights of minorities.
In Iraq... Sunni minorities were totally shit on by Kurd/Shia unity. Sunni became ISIS and fucked up the world order.
Bush was a duck up. Didn't study Yugoslavia.
>after all we did for them
And what exactly West and USA did to them?
>destroy country
>demolish infrastructure
>loot museums
>abolish law and order
>wreak stability
>rape maim and torture
>put corrupted cronies in power
Then leave that mess behind.
Whole endeavor was to wreak shit and bring instability.
Failures were abundant. Our goals:
1. Destroy oppressive regimes
2. Built Iraq into a stable democracy based on mutually beneficial trade with the west.
What we did instead:
1.We took it too far in not allowing former baathist members to participate in the new governments (the only ones with experience in dealing with extremist.)
2. We fucked up on training. Imagine if any country had their entire defense department taken away. Hundred of years of institutional knowledge and problem solving techniques were never implemented. We overestimated the appeal to a democratic system, when alls these people have ever known is tribal.
3. Our soldiers didn't give a fuck. Well, they gave a fuck like a soccer mom gives a fuck about refugees, they just want to do whatever they can to make it someone else problem
4. We didn't allow americans to manage any of the industries that we conquered. It was given away and squandered by the iraqi shieks at the expense of the american taxpayer, which I've come to beleive as the main culprit. We should have philippined them.
Gen Petraeus did a fantastic job of implementing a new strategy that actually worked, but by that time the political situation back home had deteriorated.
Lessons that I've taken away from the whole experience. Don't invade anything you're not willing to keep. Syria/ northern Iraq is a beautiful place with high yield farming acreages and a surprisingly robust infrastructure. Had we had the mentality of busting in there and usurping the authority of dictators, it would have solved the problems from the get go.
We are now faced with two options: redo the whole fucking thing and just take it for ourselves, or keep a few thousand men in the region continuously fucking up everyone who goes against the interests of the American people. Burying the hatchet is never going to be on the table, unfortunately.